Viewing Meshes


The Mesh View allows you to preview your textures in real-time in a 3D environment. left mouse button Double-click on a mesh operator on the Operator Page or use the keyboard shortcut s to display its output in the View Window. You can use the Tab key to toggle full window mode for this view.


Navigating the Mesh View


Use the WASD keys to move the camera in the local XYZ space:

w: forward (local Z+)

s: back (local Z-)

a: left (local Y-)

d: right (local Y+)

q: up (local X+)

e: down (local X-)


left mouse button Click and drag to change the camera view angle.


middle mouse button Middle-click and drag to pan the camera position (in the local XY plane). This resets the camera angle to point at the Orbit Center.


right mouse button Right-click and drag to orbit around the Orbit Point (defaults to 0,0,0).


Use the mouse wheel to move the Orbit Center:

Mouse wheel up: Moves the Orbit Center away from the camera.

Mouse wheel down: Moves the Orbit Center toward the camera.


With the Alt key pressed, left mouse button click and drag to move the Orbit Center away from and toward the camera.


With the Ctrl key pressed, left mouse button click and drag to zoom in and out.


With the Ctrl key pressed, right mouse button right-click and drag to dolly in and out (changes the focus length/FOV).


Context menu


The 3D View Window has a context menu that is accessible through the triangle icon in its title bar or via a middle mouse button middle mouse button double-click inside the window.


Background Color

Pops up a color selector for the background (R, G, B). Keyboard shortcut: c.



Returns the view to its initial parameters. Keyboard shortcut: r.



Toggles orthogonal mode (2D projection). Keyboard shortcut: o.



Toggles a ground grid (global XZ plane). Keyboard shortcut: p.


align to grid normal

Aligns the camera view angle normal to the ground plane. Keyboard shortcut: i.



Toggles wireframe mode. Keyboard shortcut: ^. You can also right mouse button Double-right-click in the view to toggle wireframe mode.


Show normals

Toggles the vertex information markers. If you turn this option on, three lines will be drawn emanating from every vertex. All red lines have the same V value. All blue lines have the same U value. The green lines denote point normals.



Opens this page.