Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 Released

January 30, Hyperledger, a Linux Foundation project, announced Hyperledger Fabric 2.0, an open-source decentralized ledger platform.

Hyperledger was started by Linux Foundation in 2015, and they run not only Hyperledger Fabric, but also several other projects, one of which is Java-based Ethereum client Hyperledger BESU.

Hyperledger Fabric is a decentralized ledger platform for open source enterprises, with permission-based framework and modular architecture. As decentralized ledger technology (DLT) is used more and more often by finance sector and supply chains, they aim to turn it into a practical DLT framework by adding advanced technologies like database, networking, decentralized consensus, and encryption technologies. It is adopted by cloud services such as Amazon Web Services, Alibaba, Google, IBM and SAP.

Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 is a major release following Fabric 1.0, which was released in July 2017.

Chaincode lifecycle management is updated. It introduces decentralized governance for smart contract, along with a new process for installing chaincode on peers. It allows multiple organizations to come to agreement on chaincode endorsement policy and chaincode parameters in advance. This new decentralized method for chaincode lifecycle management can be used for collaborations and consensus.

Another new feature is the external chaincode launcher. Now it allows operators to build and launch chaincode by using their own technology, which makes it unnecessary to give the Docker daemon access to peer.

The Raft decentralized technology for ordering service implementation was introduced in version 1.4.1, and by 2.0, it has become the recommended consensus service. Because it is unnecessary to use external Kafka cluster, they can adopt the decentralized governance model offered by multiple organizations.

Private data collection feature has been added to enhance data privacy. You can share some data with other organizations in a private manner by selecting members on the channel, without having to create a separate channel.

With improved performance and new cache technology, the performance, when CouchDB is used as the state database, improves.

Hyperledger Fabric