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shuttle: Repository summary

Recent Commits RSS

Rev. Time Author Message
806ca85 2019-10-09 21:48:51 Chengcheng Zhang blockcenter master refine add docs
fca2b68 2019-10-09 21:40:24 Chengcheng Zhang rm codes
ceb5ad3 2019-10-09 21:32:16 Chengcheng Zhang rm transaction_test.go
cc55c40 2019-10-09 21:30:51 Chengcheng Zhang refine canceltradeoff
e8d9f0d 2019-10-09 18:29:30 Chengcheng Zhang refine calltradeoff
84f5efb 2019-10-09 16:00:31 Chengcheng Zhang refine deploytradeoff
bf529fe 2019-10-09 14:21:57 Chengcheng Zhang refine submit
6bd9a90 2019-10-09 14:16:52 Chengcheng Zhang refine cancelhtlc
e33079f 2019-10-09 10:54:23 Chengcheng Zhang refine callhtlc
ad8c1bb 2019-10-08 23:14:07 Chengcheng Zhang refine deployhtlc


Name Rev. Time Author Message
blockcenter 806ca85 2019-10-09 21:48:51 Chengcheng Zhang add docs
master 806ca85 2019-10-09 21:48:51 Chengcheng Zhang add docs
refine 806ca85 2019-10-09 21:48:51 Chengcheng Zhang add docs
cli e0d58f1 2019-09-30 16:48:44 Chengcheng Zhang update
equity 886c420 2019-09-18 21:49:42 Chengcheng Zhang add equity




1 Background

Shuttle is designed to help swap different assets in bytom.

2 Install

2.1 Requirements

  • Go version 1.12 or higher, with $GOPATH set to your preferred directory

2.2 Install bytom node

Firstly, you should install and configure bytom node, see also: Bytom repository.

2.3 Build from source code

Shuttle is still in beta, so repository code will be changed frequently. You can build tool from source code directly.

$ git clone https://github.com/Bytom/shuttle.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/shuttle
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/shuttle
$ make install

Shuttle help information:

$ swap -h
swap is a commond line client for bytom contract

  swap [flags]
  swap [command]

Available Commands:
  callHTLC       call HTLC contract for asset swapping
  callTradeoff   call tradeoff contract for asset swapping
  cancelHTLC     cancel HTLC contract for asset swapping
  cancelTradeoff cancel tradeoff contract for asset swapping
  deployHTLC     deploy HTLC contract
  deployTradeoff deploy tradeoff contract
  help           Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for swap

Use "swap [command] --help" for more information about a command.

or remove shuttle:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/shuttle
$ make clean

3 Usage

3.1 Swap assets in bytom or vapor

You can swap assets in bytom or vapor:


3.1.1 Launch bytom node

For testing, you can launch bytom solonet node.

$ bytomd init --chain_id=solonet --home $HOME/bytom/solonet # init bytom solonet node
$ bytomd node --home $HOME/bytom/solonet --mining           # launch bytom solonet node and start mining

3.1.2 Create account and issue your asset

You should create several accounts and issue your asset for testing, more details:

For example, in bytom blockchain, account a1 has 200 BTC, account a2 has 10 BTM, they can swap their assets using shuttle.

3.1.3 Deploy tradeoff contract

$ swap deployTradeoff -h
deploy tradeoff contract

  swap deployTradeoff <accountID> <password> [contract flags(paramenters and locked value)] [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

      --amountLocked uint       tradeoff contract locked value with amount
      --amountRequested uint    tradeoff contract paramenter with requested amount
      --assetLocked string      tradeoff contract locked value with assetID
      --assetRequested string   tradeoff contract paramenter with requested assetID
      --cancelKey string        tradeoff contract paramenter with seller pubkey for cancelling the contract
  -h, --help                    help for deployTradeoff
      --ip string               network address (default "")
      --port string             network port (default "9888")
      --seller string           tradeoff contract paramenter with seller control-program
      --txFee uint              contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap deployTradeoff 10CJPO1HG0A02 12345 --amountLocked 20000000000 --amountRequested 1000000000 --assetLocked bae7e17bb8f5d0cfbfd87a92f3204da082d388d4c9b10e8dcd36b3d0a18ceb3a --assetRequested ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff --cancelKey 3e5d7d52d334964eef173021ef6a04dc0807ac8c41700fe718f5a80c2109f79e --seller 00145dd7b82556226d563b6e7d573fe61d23bd461c1f --txFee 40000000
--> contractUTXOID: 34996b0838108de8c614bc018e8fdbbfc08a47ffbe0fd6d7f41892b90de3999f

Then, wait about 2.5 minutes, and a new block will be mined, the contract will be confirmed.

3.1.4 Call tradeoff contract

$ swap callTradeoff -h
call tradeoff contract for asset swapping

  swap callTradeoff <accountID> <password> <buyer-program> <contractUTXOID> [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for callTradeoff
      --ip string     network address (default "")
      --port string   network port (default "9888")
      --txFee uint    contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap callTradeoff 10CKAD3000A02 12345 00140fdee108543d305308097019ceb5aec3da60ec66 34996b0838108de8c614bc018e8fdbbfc08a47ffbe0fd6d7f41892b90de3999f
--> txID: 55e43274d2d92504a903a13e3f6517d63434fc19a2fa0e1fc0a9a5c8c75e8f6c

When the transaction will be confirmed in a new block, the whole swap is successful.


Now, account a1 get 10 BTM, and account a2 get 200 BTC.

3.1.5 Cancel tradeoff contract

If someone want to cancel this tradeoff transaction, he can call cancelTradeoff.

$ swap cancelTradeoff -h
cancel tradeoff contract for asset swapping

  swap cancelTradeoff <accountID> <password> <redeem-program> <contractUTXOID> [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for cancelTradeoff
      --ip string     network address (default "")
      --port string   network port (default "9888")
      --txFee uint    contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap deployTradeoff 10CJPO1HG0A02 12345 --amountLocked 20000000000 --amountRequested 1000000000 --assetLocked bae7e17bb8f5d0cfbfd87a92f3204da082d388d4c9b10e8dcd36b3d0a18ceb3a --assetRequested ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff --cancelKey 3e5d7d52d334964eef173021ef6a04dc0807ac8c41700fe718f5a80c2109f79e --seller 00145dd7b82556226d563b6e7d573fe61d23bd461c1f --txFee 40000000
--> contractUTXOID: e898ea907f8586b3211a46b69d0cddd363f8a850f559656570eb6afc6ac382c5
$ swap cancelTradeoff 10CJPO1HG0A02 12345 00145b0a81adc5c2d68a9967082a09c96e82d62aa058  e898ea907f8586b3211a46b69d0cddd363f8a850f559656570eb6afc6ac382c5
--> txID: 0f75db743196b8b2e514c49d6483dfba9bd5ab8e913a7559ecaea0324977313f


Now, account a1 cancel tradeoff transaction, and 200 BTC come back.

3.2 Swap assets between bytom and vapor

You can swap assets between bytom and vapor:


3.2.1 Launch bytom and vapor node

For testing, you can launch bytom and vapor solonet node.

Launch bytom solonet node:

$ bytomd init --chain_id=solonet --home $HOME/bytom/solonet # init bytom solonet node
$ bytomd node --home $HOME/bytom/solonet --mining           # launch bytom solonet node and start mining

Launch vapor solonet node:

$ vapord init --chain_id=solonet --home $HOME/bytom/vapor-solonet # init vapor solonet node
$ vapord node --home $HOME/bytom/vapor-solonet --mining           # launch vapor solonet node and start mining

3.2.2 Deploy HTLC contract

$ swap deployHTLC -h
deploy HTLC contract

  swap deployHTLC <accountID> <password> [contract flags(paramenters and locked value)] [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

      --amountLocked uint    HTLC contract locked value with amount
      --assetLocked string   HTLC contract locked value with assetID
      --blockHeight uint     HTLC contract locked value with blockHeight
      --hash string          HTLC contract locked value with hash
  -h, --help                 help for deployHTLC
      --ip string            network address (default "")
      --port string          network port (default "9888")
      --recipient string     HTLC contract paramenter with recipientPublicKey
      --sender string        HTLC contract paramenter with sender PublicKey
      --txFee uint           contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap deployHTLC 11BB7TC8G0A02 12345 --sender 7262584844d4c14f512d1b6c9838e62c320e1d7887e7185bfea920c72a944e44 --recipient 562013c2f9082f1db52a2571034428921dd6eec8c010c2b2387f5b6125ff4aa7 --blockHeight 1200 --hash 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 --assetLocked bae7e17bb8f5d0cfbfd87a92f3204da082d388d4c9b10e8dcd36b3d0a18ceb3a --amountLocked 20000000000
--> contractUTXOID: e1b104a03f4135b45d1c4c5fabbdca4dd0555653a588b71d790d45c4ffb2c50e

3.2.3 Call HTLC contract

$ swap callHTLC -h
call HTLC contract for asset swapping

  swap callHTLC <accountID> <password> <buyer-program> <preimage> <contractUTXOID> [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for callHTLC
      --ip string     network address (default "")
      --port string   network port (default "9888")
      --txFee uint    contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap callHTLC 11BB86V300A04 12345 0014230cb75fcfcc70c580ce7f1d21c1e374d27334a8 68656c6c6f e1b104a03f4135b45d1c4c5fabbdca4dd0555653a588b71d790d45c4ffb2c50e
--> txID: df57b7906684e3d85adf59073ccbc0a3c5114b165626e9791f3269e9e57c319e


The account a5 in vapor has same steps.

3.2.4 Cancel HTLC contract

$ swap cancelHTLC -h
cancel HTLC contract for asset swapping

  swap cancelHTLC <accountID> <password> <redeem-program> <contractUTXOID> [txFee flag] [URL flags(ip and port)] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for cancelHTLC
      --ip string     network address (default "")
      --port string   network port (default "9888")
      --txFee uint    contract transaction fee (default 40000000)
$ swap deployHTLC 11BB7TC8G0A02 12345 --sender 7262584844d4c14f512d1b6c9838e62c320e1d7887e7185bfea920c72a944e44 --recipient 562013c2f9082f1db52a2571034428921dd6eec8c010c2b2387f5b6125ff4aa7 --blockHeight 1200 --hash 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 --assetLocked bae7e17bb8f5d0cfbfd87a92f3204da082d388d4c9b10e8dcd36b3d0a18ceb3a --amountLocked 20000000000
--> contractUTXOID: 68ed6b948b93544ea135482f1acd93d6b10cdc88f52d44133d264a5ee86b1ebd
$ swap cancelHTLC 11BB7TC8G0A02 12345 001434fec270871c1f3420db85831f59511b2dd2a026 68ed6b948b93544ea135482f1acd93d6b10cdc88f52d44133d264a5ee86b1ebd
--> txID: c70a467e94b287d29c6d91a2cb6f8ef3c7ef4dba315d99acf2dc9ff698996270


Now, account a4 cancel HTLC transaction, and 200 BTC come back.

The account a5 in vapor has same steps.

4 Contributing

Welcome to open an issue or submit PRs. This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

5 License

MIT © 2019 Bytom

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