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vapor: List of commits

Golang implemented sidechain for Bytom

Rev. Time Author
892ea3f dex_database_logic_implementation 2019-09-26 17:32:24 wz

Add logic implementation

33473e3 2019-09-25 17:46:09 wz

add logic

3f89eeb 2019-09-25 11:23:28 wz

database struct (#401)

* database struct

* modify filename

* modify dir

* fix rebiew

* fix

* add error for return

* fix

* fix

3f53de9 1.0.3 v1.0.3 2019-09-20 23:43:46 Paladz

fix the regular sync dust block problem (#400)

* fix the regular sync dust block problem

* fix the crazy log

* fix ci test

* change the version

* fix bug on handle orphan block

27106c4 v1.0.2 2019-09-19 19:48:12 Paladz

fix the bug (#399)

* fix the bug

* modify soft point height

* modify

9642338 2019-09-11 14:53:28 Poseidon

fix mainchain keeper (#398)

* fix mainchain keeper

* opt code

* opt code

* remove config

dbf16d3 2019-09-06 17:36:02 wyjDoraemon

test case (#397)

* add database utxo test

* add database utxo_view test case

* db close

* entry_test

b2a6e90 2019-09-05 17:10:18 wyjDoraemon

uxto view test (#396)

* add database utxo test

* add database utxo_view test case

* db close

001e399 2019-09-03 19:56:05 HAOYUatHZ

feat: add node discovery and status check (#374)

* clean up

* fix

* add

* wip

* Revert "wip"

This reverts commit 83076e5f7fb08a396786de89d073d0469c72f7ae.

* dododo

* do

* fk

* clean up

* fix netID

* rename

* clean up

* update config

* fix typos

* don't stop

* change

* fix

* add

* fix

* config networkID

* can dial peer

* add comments

* doing

* collect discv

* clean

* add

* host to ip

* clean

* more clean

* refactor

* clean

* for test

* skip

* add best_height for liveness

* minor

* clean

* Revert "clean"

This reverts commit 676391a8b3411ba66fa50841825650bb147199cb.

* clean

* add back seeds

* add

* clean

* clean

* update seeds

* rename

* rename

* rename

* dd

* fix

* refactor

* ??

* fix

* update todo

* ???

* add peers for reactors

* update

* update

* add mock

* more mock

* mock

* add

* disconnect

* refactor

* ....

* why disconnect?

* fk

* not panic anymore

* fix

* fix

* clean up

* fk

* fk

* clean up

* clean up

* clean

* rename

* clean

* rename

* clean

* clean yo

* rename

* add todo

* fk

* ???

* clean up

* fix

* clean

* fix

* fix

* fk

* fix deadlock

* add

* clean

* folder

* fix

* add comments

* clean

* add

* clean up

* rename

* add moniker

* update

* update todo

* fk

* fix

* fix

* add ping

* fix

* move around

* fk

* remove locks

* fk

* fk

* Revert "fk"

This reverts commit a24d9d6d08105f3db232c0a1c54e2a466ce779fd.

* dododo

* beter

* fk

* try_err....

* fix AvgLantencyMS

* try

* ???

* fl

* fix

* ???

* clean up

* clean

* clean up

* ???

* use dbTX

* clean

* rename

* add

* init gin

* wip

* fix config

* add todos

* add

* add locks

* init discvWg

* add locks for conn

* clean up

* init processDialResult

* mv nodeMap

* rollback upsert

* clean

* fix deadlock

* clean

* fix join

* dododo

* wip

* fix

* add avgLatency

* fix height

* fix

* fix dir

* clean up

* fix rm

* clean

* clean up

* refactot

* fix itme

* fox

* fix order

* LatestDailyUptimeMinutes

* clean

* fix CI

* fix ci

* clean up

* minor

* change check_frequency

* init s.ListNodes

* rename node.host to node.ip

* mv bestHeight

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318683697

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318680795

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318674582

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318677500

* fix log.Debug

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318669877

* fix for log

* fix log

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318673448

* fix

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r318681813

* fix

* refactor

* clean up

* clean up

* ix

* clean

* update

* clean up

* fix ListNodes

* update

* update

* updare

* add status

* fix status

* clean up

* add offset

* clean up

* init rm NodeLiveness

* fix for status

* minor fix for status

* fix

* clean

* fix

* clean up

* check

* fix

* fix

* clean up

* ???

* ip&port

* clean

* fk

* updare

* fk

* fix

* ...

* clean

* peerLisr

* clean

* clean

* fix

* minro

* fix

* fix bestHeight?

* fix nanoseconds

* fix rtt

* rename policy config

* fix status

* fix

* add RequiredRttMS

* clean

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r319836748

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r319840951

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r319840078

* fix for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/374#discussion_r319835254

* fix

* fix

* rename

* mv timestamp type def

* fix for timestamp

* rollback

91c664e 2019-09-03 12:05:46 wyjDoraemon

api add createAccount and createKey (#393)

* api add createAccount and createKey

* skip ci test and reuse data structure

* add api ...

* fix

* fix

* fix createAccount alias

* fix apinode

de1c66c 2019-08-30 13:15:27 wz

fix no table (#394)

* fix no table

* fix update status

* fix

bf344d1 v1.0.1 2019-08-29 15:26:41 yahtoo

v1.0.1 (#392)

e881514 2019-08-29 14:31:20 yahtoo

fix fast sync skeleton limit error when chain fork (#391)

d762991 2019-08-29 01:51:02 HAOYUatHZ

refactor toolbar/server (#390)

* migrate

* rename

2d31faa 2019-08-21 18:02:24 iczc

add list chains api (#389)

* add list chains api

* adding json tag to chain struct

b12c7b5 test_protocol 2019-08-13 16:42:59 wz

fix log (#388)

78fda61 2019-08-13 16:25:31 wz

Merger utxo (#383)

* add merger utxo

* add chain tx

* delete code

* Function implementation

* modify param

* modify readme

* fix review and fix tet

* fix test

c5dcab5 2019-08-12 15:50:51 Paladz

Add vote reward memo (#381)

* add vote reward memo

* fix small issue

39b01cd 2019-08-12 14:19:02 yahtoo

Add protocol state module test case (#380)

* Add consensus result test case

* Revert "Add consensus result test case"

This reverts commit e2c1a2332391eb4111e3158127f87d6f5f249d3c.

* Add protocol status test case

45e1245 2019-08-10 23:46:30 wz

modify readme (#379)

1ccb426 2019-08-05 20:46:40 yahtoo

Peer add announces new block message num limit (#378)

a5ca0c0 2019-08-02 17:10:16 HAOYUatHZ

mv dockerfiles (#377)

4adf3b9 2019-08-02 15:58:17 yahtoo

improve net sync test cases (#375)

* Add netsync test case

* Add netsync test case

* Opz code format

df9deca 2019-08-01 16:06:00 wz

add log (#373)

* add log

* fix

31f8f7c 2019-08-01 12:08:49 Paladz

fix the bug (#372)

22033be 2019-07-31 21:02:54 Paladz

add logs (#371)

e44b947 2019-07-31 17:14:13 wz

modify readme for voterewatd (#370)

* modify readme for voterewatd

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

* Update README.md

4b8c1d5 2019-07-30 17:27:12 wyjDoraemon

fix dir is not exist (#368)

* fix dir is not exist

* fix

56e550c 2019-07-30 13:01:27 iczc

add missing parenthese (#366)

4c30652 2019-07-30 12:17:38 wyjDoraemon

add clear lock file (#364)

* add clear lock file

* log.Fatal

* fix

* fix1

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