Forums: Open Discussion (Thread #29037)

universal binary (2011-04-08 17:51 by gikku #56706)

Mac OS X Lion will not support rosetta or PowerPC apps.
A universal/intel binery will be required to continue using.

How can we get this moving forward into a intel binery for Lion?


RE: universal binary (2011-07-01 09:47 by skiptraj #58309)

[Follow up Message #56706]

> Mac OS X Lion will not support rosetta or PowerPC apps.
> A universal/intel binery will be required to continue using.
> How can we get this moving forward into a intel binery for Lion?
> cheers

I'd love to know how we can help make CABOS ready for OS X Lion!!!
thanks! skiptraj
Reply to #56706

RE: universal binary (2011-07-29 01:12 by buildid #58811)

lets hope we get one soon ...
Reply to #56706