Forums: Announcements (Thread #44015)

Escuelas Linux 6.13 and Developer Pack 2.5. (2021-04-17 22:01 by escuelaslinux #87354)

Escuelas Linux 6.13 and Developer Pack 2.5.

We serve the interests of education even better.

Escuelas Linux won a Recognition prize at the u-GOB Awards 2021 for "Innovation in Education."

u-GOB is a prestigious organization that, among other things, publishes a monthly magazine about the use of technology in public and governmental environments. It has also organized an award ceremony of Iberoamerican scope for six consecutive years.

As stated in the announcement of the u-GOB call:

"Because innovating by collaborating allows the profound transformation of public institutions, u-GOB Lab invites to participate in the nomination and delivery of the u-GOB 2021 Awards."

"For the sixth consecutive year, we are going to recognize the best public innovation projects at the federal, state, and municipal levels in Ibero-America. We will recognize projects that are capable of transforming the lives of citizens for the better."

"In the Laboratory for Innovation and Digital Transformation for Better Governments in Latin America, we provoke, facilitate and highlight the Digital Transformation of public institutions. We focus on Innovation and Open Government."

For Escuelas Linux, it was an honor to receive this Recognition prize, which validates the efforts we made in the difficult conditions generated by the pandemic. We made it despite the sabotage that certain local bureaucrats orchestrated against our program.

It is a source of pride that our proposal, created initially to serve schools with the most significant economic limitations in our local environment, has grown to help thousands of teachers and students in 121 countries. Our successes are also the successes of many people and organizations worldwide.

By documenting our educational practices, we hope to encourage other organizations that love the service in education. Let us build a better future in the only way to erase the digital divide and achieve unrestricted access to knowledge, that is, the way of Free and Open Source Software.

Let's now talk about what's new on Escuelas Linux 6.13 ;-)



The offline app for universal education is now included in Escuelas Linux!

Kolibri makes high-quality education technology available in low-resource communities such as rural schools, refugee camps, orphanages, non-formal school systems, and prison systems.

Kolibri contents can be downloaded once to a device in an area that has an Internet connection. Then, that "seeded" device can then share new content and updates with other devices over an offline local network.

Remember to check docs and how-to at To start Kolibri services on Escuelas Linux, open menu → Applications → Education → Miscellaneous → Kolibri

-OBS Studio

OBS is an excellent video recording and live streaming tool that provides real-time source and device capture, scene composition, encoding, recording, and broadcasting. It is an ideal solution for teachers and students to share ideas and productions! To use it, open menu → Applications → Audio/Video Edition → OBS Studio


The following applications, in alphabetical order, had been updated to their latest versions to date:

-Balena Etcher 1.5.117

-Blender 2.92 (only 64-bit)

-Chrome 90 (64-bit), Chromium 89 (32-bit)

-eXe Learning 2.5.1

-Firefox 87

-GCompris 1.1

-Geogebra 5.0.634

-IBM Java 8.6.26

-Inkscape 1.0.2

-Kernel 5.11 (optional installation available only for 64-bit in the kernel5.11 directory located on the ISO image)

-Krita 4.4.2


-LibreOffice 7.1.2

-Minetest 5.4.1

-Moksha 20210326

-OnlyOffice Desktop Editors 6.2 (only 64-bit)

-Teamviewer 15.16.8

-Telegram Desktop 2.7.1

-Terminology 1.9

-wxMaxima 21.01.0-27

-Veyon 4.5.4

-VLC 3.0.12

-Zoom 5.6.1


The Developer Pack is an add-on that can be optionally installed in our distribution. It lets students and teachers have easy access to apps for the learning and development of Java, C, C++, and PHP. In this way, the students and teachers have now available a beautiful development and learning environment, ready to be used, as usual in all the apps included in Escuelas Linux.

The updated apps on the Developer Pack are:

-Android Studio 4.1.3

-Eclipse IDE 2021-03


-It was not possible to update the Telegram Desktop app due to a wrong file ownership issue. Bug fixed.

-The touchpad did not register tap-to-click actions on some laptops. Bug fixed.

-On specific displays, the Open/Save dialog boxes (such as the ones used in LibreOffice) appeared too big and had to move/resize them to be usable. From version 6.13, those dialog boxes are now suitable even for small displays.

-On English language systems, the esudo dialog box appeared very plain-looking. Now it looks gorgeous, as it uses the default theme.


Escuelas Linux 6.13 is available for download right now at:

Once there, download the .z01 and .zip files for the architecture and language that you'd like to use:

-32-bit for relatively old computers with more than 700 MB of RAM and less than 3 GB, or 64-bit for computers equal or more than 3 GB of RAM and/or UEFI based ones.

-Your preferred language (English or Spanish).


-On Windows and Escuelas Linux systems, uncompress with the file manager ONLY the .zip file to generate the ISO image.

-On macOS (Intel), you should install The Unarchiver app and uncompress ONLY the .z01 file to generate the ISO image.

-On Linux distributions that cannot handle the uncompression of split zip files in their file manager, open a terminal and type the following commands:

cd {path and folder name where the zip and z01 files are} (enter)

zip -s- escuelaslinux*zip -O (enter)

unzip (enter)

If you have computers between 512 and 700 MB of RAM, then download Escuelas Linux 6.13 LowMem!


You can update Escuelas Linux 6.12 to version 6.13 with the packages:

EscuelasLinux6.12-to-6.13-32bits.tar.gz, or


Download the package suitable for your architecture.

The Installation Manual is available in English and Spanish languages:



You can try Escuelas Linux before downloading by using DistroTest services:

(Last Update: 2021-08-28 03:56 by escuelaslinux)