ESCUELAS LINUX 7.1 (64-bit) and 6.15 (32-bit)
The best Linux educational distribution is back!
Since its inception, Escuelas Linux always strives to provide teachers and students with the best free and open-source tools and offer them a lot of custom details to be better suited to educational environments. Are you not associated with an academic setting? Try Escuelas Linux; you will find a rich OS for general purpose use.
We provide an operating system suitable to be used for online use, but we are also at the same time a powerful option for offline environments.
We offer a 64-bit edition to run on powerful computers. However, we still provide a 32-bit edition to run in old machines, precisely those that would be considered "obsolete" in the proprietary paradigm.
Want to use Escuelas Linux on a virtual machine? no problem, Escuelas Linux even comes ready to be used with full integration on VMware Player, VMware Fusion, VirtualBox 5.2.42 (for our 32-bit edition), and 6.1.22 (for our 64-bit edition).
Our 64-bit edition comes with Linux kernel 5.11 as default, but you can easily upgrade to 5.13 if you require it. Please take a look at our Installation Manual to know how to do it with ease.
What's new on Escuelas Linux? These are our updated apps.
* Audacity 3.0.2
The best audio editor in its most recent release to date
* Balena Etcher 1.5.121
To burn ISO images into USB sticks
* Blender 2.93.3
Ready to work on 3D
* Chromium/Google Chrome 92
Browse your favorite web pages
* eXe Learning 2.6
Creation of learning resources
* Firefox 91.0.1
Browse your favorite web pages
* Geogebra 5.0.650
Combine Algebra and Geometry concepts in one single nifty app
* Inkscape 1.1.1
Draw with this superb app
* GIMP 2.10.24
Wonderful image editor
* IBM Java 8.0.35
The JDK and JRE to develop and view Java-based apps
* Kdenlive 21.04
Our favorite video editor
* LibreOffice 7.2
Yes, this new release is also available on 32-bit, courtesy of the Escuelas Linux compilation
* LiveCode 9.6.3
Develop apps with ease
* Mintstick 1.4-6
Format USB sticks
* Mixxx 2.3.0
Be a Digital DJ
* Moksha 0.3.3-13
Our graphical desktop environment
* ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors 6.3.1 (64-bit only)
Superb word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation app
* Scratch Desktop 3.25
Learn to program in a friendly environment
* Veyon 4.5.6
Handle computer monitoring and classroom management
* VLC 3.0.16
The best multimedia player
* Wine 6.15
Do you still need to run some Windows programs? Maybe the Wine emulator can help you to do that!
* Zoom 5.7
Video conferencing and virtual reunions
Escuelas Linux 7.1 64-bit and 6.15 32-bit are available for download right now at:
Once there, download the .z01 and .zip files for the architecture and language that you'd like to use:
* 32-bit for relatively old computers with more than 700 MB of RAM and less than 3 GB, or 64-bit for computers equal to or more than 3 GB of RAM and/or UEFI-based ones.
* Your preferred language (English or Spanish).
* On Windows and Escuelas Linux systems, uncompress with the file manager ONLY the .zip file to generate the ISO image.
* On macOS (Intel), you should install The Unarchiver app and uncompress ONLY the .z01 file to generate the ISO image.
* On Linux distributions that cannot handle the uncompression of split zip files in their file manager, open a terminal and type the following commands:
cd {path and folder name where the zip and z01 files are} (enter)
zip -s- escuelaslinux*zip -O (enter)
unzip (enter)
If you have computers between 512 and 700 MB of RAM, then download Escuelas Linux 6.15 LowMem! Check the Installation Manual to know how to install it.
The 7.1 and 6.15 Installation Manual is available in English and Spanish languages:
* installationManualEscuelasLinux-osdn-7.1-and-6.15-english.pdf
* manualDeInstalacionEscuelasLinux-osdn-7.1-y-6.15-espanol.pdf