Forums: Announcements (Thread #48282)

Escuelas Linux Service Pack 1 for 8.0 (2023-02-12 02:40 by escuelaslinux #93851)

Continuing with our proposal to offer mini packages as an agile mechanism to fix errors or omissions, we offer the first Service Pack for Escuelas Linux 8.0 64-bit and 32-bit.

The Service Pack for 8.0 64-bit fixes the following issues:

-The omission of the software-properties-gtk app. This caused that “Additional Drivers” and “Software & Updates” in Preferences menu did not open.

-Firefox ESR appearing in English language in our Spanish edition.

-libcupsimage2 is added to ease the setup of certain printers. Without that package certain printers do not work and, worse yet, no warning about situation is given by the configure printer app.

-Support for the exFAT format, that could be in certain storage devices.

The Service Pack for 8.0 32-bit addresses the following issues:

-Fixes the creation of big log files because evbug was active.

-Adds a working default samba configuration.

-Adds support for the exFAT format, that could be in certain storage devices.

To install this Service Pack, you should:

1. Download the file from the link:

For 64-bit:

For 32-bit:

2. Open the File Manager, go to the Downloads folder.

3. Decompress the downloaded file by pressing your right/alternate mouse button, and choose "Extract here."

4. Double-click in "EscuelasLinux-8.0-xx-ServicePack-1," which will be inside the folder of the same name created when decompressing.

(Last Update: 2023-02-16 10:58 by escuelaslinux)