AI Error Calculating Connectedness to the Ocean (civ2civ3, 3.0.0-beta1+ f6c5720099)
...and the bug is? Do you mean that one should not be able to build ships to lakes?
Reply To cazfi
...and the bug is? Do you mean that one should not be able to build ships to lakes?
Seems like the AI just tries to send caravans somewhere by transports when there is no place they can actually sanely go by it. A city should not build transport without a good reason (not "should not be able", just "should not consider worthy"). May it be a misplanning by "amphibious goto" - the caravans want to go to another continent, so they arrive into a port on this continent and a ship is built for them there, but the algorithm does not see one small nuance?
Reply To cazfi
...and the bug is? Do you mean that one should not be able to build ships to lakes?
Yeah, :-)
The reason, I think, that I was so unable to express what the problem is, is because I don't know. I can imagine maps on which it would be very useful to ship troop and caravans across lakes, but I don't ever see them on real maps. Maybe a sane heuristic might be - if a single player owns all the land surrounding a lake, then don't consider any of the cities on that lake to be ports.
My problem report should have said: "Look here. Something seems wrong."
Don't care about my question. I somehow missed the "AI" in the beginning of the subject, and thought that you are reporting that you've been able to build transports next to a Lake.
i had a game with one opponent boat inside my lake , with no river linked to it. (inside may land, which i got since the beginning)
The tile was at distance=2 from ocean (just one land tile between lake and ocean)
i did not save the game, but i am 100%sure of this.
Several turn later the enemy boat has disapeared from my lake
Have a look at Plzeň [l tgt="city" id=202 name="Plzeň" /] in the (soon to be) attached savegame.
It's contains 4 Transports and 2 of them are loaded with Caravans, but those lakes around it don't connect to the sea.