Ticket #42710

civ2civ3: Nuclear weapons can move from city with Airport

Open Date: 2021-08-14 09:58 Last Update: 2024-02-23 08:08

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


With this patch, Nuclear weapons have to start the turn in a city with an Airport in order to move (with range 8), instead of needing the tech Advanced Flight. The discovery of Rocketry increases the range by additional 8, same as the old version.

This way, you need the tech Rocketry in order to launch nuclear missiles from submarines, and the max range will be 8, making them a bit less powerful. Until then, nukes can only be launched from a city with Airport.

There is a corner case where the nuke starts in a city with airport, with range 16, then it is loaded to a submarine/carrier, and moved to get an effective range of 16 + 5 (carrier mp) = 21. I'd like the range to be 8 + 5 in that case, in order to reduce micromanagement (need to load/move/unload in order to get max range), but I don't see an easy way to achieve it.

Ticket History (3/8 Histories)

2021-08-14 09:58 Updated by: bard
  • New Ticket "civ2civ3: Nuclear weapons can move from city with Airport" created
2021-08-14 10:15 Updated by: bard
  • Details Updated
2021-08-14 22:20 Updated by: kvilhaugsvik

Reply To bard

There is a corner case where the nuke starts in a city with airport, with range 16, then it is loaded to a submarine/carrier, and moved to get an effective range of 16 + 5 (carrier mp) = 21. I'd like the range to be 8 + 5 in that case, in order to reduce micromanagement (need to load/move/unload in order to get max range), but I don't see an easy way to achieve it.

In 3.1 you can use Action_Success_Actor_Move_Cost for loading the Nuclear.

2021-08-14 22:49 Updated by: bard

I'll leave this patch for now, until I can implement it in a better way. I have been playing with this patch for long time thinking that it reduced the micromanagement until I properly tested it yesterday and I realized it actually doesn't.

In 3.1 you can use Action_Success_Actor_Move_Cost for loading the Nuclear.

That sounds like a good solution, thanks.

2021-09-04 18:27 Updated by: cazfi

Is there supposed to be a patch attached already? (perfectly fine if it's still only in development. Just that your other tickets had a patch).

2021-09-05 02:30 Updated by: bard

Still in development. I had a patch compatible to 3.0, but it was not working as I expected, and I did not attach it.

I plan to use the suggestion by kvilhaugsvik, but it requires features from 3.1 that I have not yet tested, so I prefer to leave this patch for now.

2021-09-26 11:11 Updated by: cazfi
2024-02-23 08:08 Updated by: cazfi

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