Switching Qt-client theme in S3_0 (via the options button available from the main menu) from NightStalker (that I have in my settings -> which the client launched with) to Classic produces number of "Could not create pixmap from ... themes/gui-qt/Classic/pattern-game.jpg" -messages to the console. There's no "pattern-game" image in Classic ruleset, but there is in the NightStalker.
Seems like it's trying to load files matching the file list of the old theme from the new theme at some point.
Switching Qt-client theme in S3_0 (via the options button available from the main menu) from NightStalker (that I have in my settings -> which the client launched with) to Classic produces number of "Could not create pixmap from ... themes/gui-qt/Classic/pattern-game.jpg" -messages to the console. There's no "pattern-game" image in Classic ruleset, but there is in the NightStalker.
Seems like it's trying to load files matching the file list of the old theme from the new theme at some point.