Would attached patch work as emergency fix for this in beta2?
Ah yes, the dylib path issue strikes again. Was this generated by running "/Applications/Freeciv.app/Contents/bin/freeciv-qt" directly? It's meant to be run thru the app bundle, which uses the info.plist file to set the environment var LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "Applications/Freeciv.app/Contents/lib", which tells the OS to look for dylibs there instead of '/usr/local/lib/'. If it was run thru the app bundle and got this error, then maybe things have changed for macOS 13.x and then we've got a bigger problem.
I didn't know they were past 12.x already.
That patch should work, would take more disk space. I haven't tested it yet.
There's the MacAppREADME.txt file that gets put in the release zip file along with the freeciv.app. Double clicking on an "app" in the /Applications folder is the standard way of running apps on the Mac. Normal non-technical Mac users would not know to look inside the app bundle (which is why that's explained in the MacAppREADME.txt file) nor use the terminal app to get to a command line.
This not solve the issue. After copy to applications this error message still exist.
Patches to build static libfreeciv instead attached. At least this didn't break building when I run build on github runner.
Launching the new mac build results in an exception. Copying 'libfreeciv.dylib' file to '/usr/local/lib/' resolves the issue.
An excerpt from the generated report: