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Project Description

SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying, and load balancing system. It supports many database systems and programming languages. There are drop-in replacement libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL, command line clients, a GUI configuration tool, and extensive documentation. The APIs support advanced database operations such as binding variables, multi-row fetches, client-side result set caching, suspended transactions, query routing, and query filtering. It can be used for speeding up database-driven Web-based applications, accessing databases from unsupported platforms, migrating between databases, distributing access to replicated databases, and throttling database access.

System Requirements

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2011-07-01 06:26 Back to release list

The configure script was updated to detect modern versions of many languages and databases. The Java API should work on 64-bit machines now. The address="" bug is fixed. Oracle cursor bind and CLOB bugs were fixed. The maxsession parameter defaults to 0 (disabled) now. Patches were applied to improve stability under high load, manage race conditions, improve status reporting, and to address specific, unusual situations. Many obscure bugs, memory leaks, and border cases were addressed.

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