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Project Description

Txt2man converts flat ASCII text into the man page format. This allows man
pages to be authored without knowledge of nroff macros. It is a shell script
that uses GNU awk, and it should run on any Unix-like system.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-03-17 10:36

This is a bugfix release. Among corrections, txt2man now better generates comment and parses correctly some corner cases. src2man now supports multi-line C function prototypes.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes

2007-03-21 14:23

The ability to layout C structures correctly in
SYNOPSIS sections has been added to txt2man.
Src2man is now able to generate man pages
describing C types and structures from C source
files. Parsing is now more robust.
Tags: Major feature enhancements

2007-03-16 17:36

Copyright has been added to Bookman and Src2man. Cover page handling has been fixed. This release adds an origin comment in generated man pages.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2007-03-15 18:40

Bookman has better handling of headers and footers on the cover page. The date can now be set in Src2man and Txt2man. There is better handling of C function prototypes.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

2006-10-25 22:59

Man page extraction in C code has been improved in the src2man command. An installation bug has been fixed. The Bookman command has been slightly improved.
Tags: Minor bugfixes

Project Resources