Release notes

Galatea Toolkit for Linux (2010-05)

by Takuya Nishimoto (nishimoto atmark

The important changes from Galatea for Linux IPA final version (galatea-linux-ipa) released in August, 2003 are as follows.


  • The target platform is Ubuntu Linux 8.10 or later versions (32bit Desktop).
  • The installer of .deb format for the Ubuntu Linux was made.
    • package : galatea-ja-chaone, galatea-ja-unidic, galatea-engine, galatea-dialog
    • installed files
      • /usr/local/(package names)
      • /usr/local/bin/galatea-{runner,generate}
  • The Java environment that Galatea Dialog Studio uses is OpenJDK 6.
    • This uses /usr/share/java/js.jar as a JavaScript engine. This is changeable.


Runner and Project

  • The conventional galatea command became galatea-runner.
  • Temporary files are written in at the .galatea directory of the home directory.
  • The galatea-runner generates the configuration files of each engines from skeleton files dynamically.
  • A galatea-generate command to generate a project was introduced.
    • It is going to be expanded in future.
  • The skeleton files of the 'skel' directory are in ERB format, and embedding of the Ruby language is enabled.
    • The configuration files are generated using assigned values in system configuration (galatea.yml) and project setting (project.yml) dynamically. In other words the correspondency of configuration files / skeleton files / runner is Model-View-Controller.
    • galatea.yml and project.yml are written in ERB, and embedding of the ruby language is possible. With the values evaluated in ERB, the generation of the configuration files from a skeleton file is performed.
  • runner and generate use only a standard library of ruby1.8.
    • We finished confirmation with ruby1.9, but ruby1.8 is used as the default.

Galatea Dialog Studio

  • The malfunction in the IPA final version that a work load of the CPU became very high was revised.
    • Modified version is galatea-linux-v3.0a / gdm-src-1.0.1 of galatea-linux-ipa in
  • DS was implemented as a submodule controlled by AgentManager.
    • DialogManager starts AgentManager (written in Perl) in the IPA-final version. The current DS is one of the Galatea submodules communicating by a Galatea protocol by standard input/output. The module name is DM. AgentManager starts DS.
    • The major version of DialogManager was changed in 2.x from 1.x with this change.
  • DialogManager for Linux changed a name in Galatea Dialog Studio (DS) from version 2.2.
    • We confirmed the execution with Windows XP unofficially.
  • The system configuration can be changed easily. DS can communicate with each submodule in standard input/output. A process can be started from DS.
    • In the unofficial Windows mode, DS starts the processes of all submodules.
  • The cookie was supported in HTTP protocol to acquire a document.
    • Functions of Java 6 are used.
    • Compatibility with PHP or Ruby on Rails which managed the session in cookie became higher.
  • The DS introduced the GUI which was many functions.
    • The status confirmation of the system, the selective display of the internal processing log are possible.
  • The current DS does not use the Perl wrapper of the SRM. The julius is started directly by DS, and DS and julius communicate with a socket. The XML grammar of the speech recognition is converted into a Julius (Julian) format inside, and it is processed in mkdfa. These functions work equally in the Windows environment. The modules other than the SRM are started by AgentManager.
  • The support of the XML speech recognition grammar is improved.
    • In the IPA final version, the description corresponding to the Julius grammar was possible. Support such as one-of elements is improved now. Attributes such as slot or value can be used with the item tag.
    • The functions related to the Julius grammar are available alone. There is a sample in istc-galatea-dialog/files/tests/grammar/.
  • The audio output corresponding to the audio tag of VoiceXML uses JavaSound.


  • AM-MCL was implemented in Ruby.
    • Control functions related to the output are added.
  • The following modules were added to realize a natural head and facial movement.
    • FS-MCL : It is a submodule managing the information such as the face of the agent of several kinds and the kind of the background, continuous movement (implemented in Java).
      • The facial autonomic movement functions that FSM provides are not used.
    • PAR : It is a submodule carrying out several commands in synchronization with an output start of the voice synthesis (implemented in Ruby).
      • It is available with an all-of tag from VoiceXML.
    • DIM : It is a submodule to control a blink and the eye contact depending on the utterance status of a user and the agent (implemented in Ruby).

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