Show page source of FeaturePlan #47883

= Design

== Problems
Possibility to use an external tools (for me it's an external make target) that will execute gcov.
== Solutions
Coverage builder and the coverage result extraction should be separated using Builder for gcov execution and Error parser to retrieve result of coverage.
Error parser can start retrieve result of coverage by external tools' gcov execution, like external make target or lcov(
Gcov execution of Builder should be switch between enable and disable.
Error parser can retrieve result of coverage alone,when Builder is set to disable.
= Performance

== Problems
In a Project with a lot of files, coverage calculation can takes a lot of time.
Eclipse cannot be used until gcov builder is finished.
== Solutions
* Add a stop operation that can stop Builder and Error parser.
* Add a mode that enable to start Builder and Error parser only by manually.
* Builder and Error parser should be background task not to effect GUI.
* To save gcov execution time, parsing *.gcno and *.gcda files directory.

== Problems
The Builder file search is too slow, an other method should be used.
== Solutions
* Find source file's path from *.gcno or *.gcda file

= Others
* support branch coverage
* coverage history