[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 42bc71f [master] doc: move grn_geo documents from groonga.h to Sphinx text

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whombx null+****@clear*****
Sat Aug 10 08:47:54 JST 2013

whombx	2013-08-10 08:47:54 +0900 (Sat, 10 Aug 2013)

  New Revision: 42bc71f2ec55ae931fba1753cc7b5d9e3977fc86

  Merged 6285b55: Merge branch 'grn-geo' of https://github.com/whombx/groonga into whombx-grn-geo

    doc: move grn_geo documents from groonga.h to Sphinx text

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/files.am (+4 -0)
--- doc/files.am    2013-08-09 23:39:17 +0900 (b1a688b)
+++ doc/files.am    2013-08-10 08:47:54 +0900 (e79b026)
@@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ absolute_source_files = \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_db.txt \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_encoding.txt \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_expr.txt \
+	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_geo.txt \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_index_cursor.txt \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_info.txt \
 	$(top_srcdir)/doc/source/reference/api/grn_obj.txt \
@@ -823,6 +824,7 @@ source_files_relative_from_doc_dir = \
 	source/reference/api/grn_db.txt \
 	source/reference/api/grn_encoding.txt \
 	source/reference/api/grn_expr.txt \
+	source/reference/api/grn_geo.txt \
 	source/reference/api/grn_index_cursor.txt \
 	source/reference/api/grn_info.txt \
 	source/reference/api/grn_obj.txt \
@@ -1061,6 +1063,7 @@ html_files_relative_from_locale_dir = \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_db.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_encoding.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_expr.txt \
+	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_geo.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_index_cursor.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_info.txt \
 	html/_sources/reference/api/grn_obj.txt \
@@ -1232,6 +1235,7 @@ html_files_relative_from_locale_dir = \
 	html/reference/api/grn_db.html \
 	html/reference/api/grn_encoding.html \
 	html/reference/api/grn_expr.html \
+	html/reference/api/grn_geo.html \
 	html/reference/api/grn_index_cursor.html \
 	html/reference/api/grn_info.html \
 	html/reference/api/grn_obj.html \

  Added: doc/source/reference/api/grn_geo.txt (+55 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/reference/api/grn_geo.txt    2013-08-10 08:47:54 +0900 (99d3a98)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.. -*- rst -*-
+.. highlightlang:: none
+.. c:type:: grn_geo_point
+.. c:function:: grn_rc grn_geo_select_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *index, grn_obj *top_left_point, grn_obj *bottom_right_point, grn_obj *res, grn_operator op)
+   It selects records that are in the rectangle specified by top_left_point parameter and bottom_right_point parameter. Records are searched by index parameter. Found records are added to res parameter table with op parameter operation.
+   :param index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
+   :param top_left_point: the top left point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or  WGS84GeoPoint)
+   :param bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPoint)
+   :param res: the table to store found record IDs. It must be ``GRN_TABLE_HASH_KEY`` type table.
+   :param op: the operator for matched records.
+.. c:function:: int grn_geo_estimate_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *index, grn_obj *top_left_point, grn_obj *bottom_right_point)
+   It estimates number of records in the rectangle specified by top_left_point parameter and bottom_right_point parameter. Number of records is estimated by index parameter. If an error is occurred, -1 is returned.
+   :param index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
+   :param top_left_point: the top left point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPoint)
+   :param bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPoint)
+.. c:function:: grn_obj *grn_geo_cursor_open_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *index, grn_obj *top_left_point, grn_obj *bottom_right_point, int offset, int limit)
+   It opens a cursor to get records in the rectangle specfied by top_left_point parameter and bottom_right_point parameter.
+   :param index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
+   :param top_left_point: the top left point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPoint)
+   :param bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPoint)
+   :param offset: the cursor returns records from offset parameter position. offset parameter is based on 0.
+   :param limit: the cursor returns at most limit parameter records. -1 means no limit.
+.. c:function:: grn_posting *grn_geo_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *cursor)
+   It returns the next posting that has record ID. It returns NULL after all records are returned.
+   :param cursor: the geo cursor.

  Modified: include/groonga.h (+0 -61)
--- include/groonga.h    2013-08-09 23:39:17 +0900 (d99e79d)
+++ include/groonga.h    2013-08-10 08:47:54 +0900 (84355fd)
@@ -1175,83 +1175,22 @@ typedef struct {
   int longitude;
 } grn_geo_point;
- * grn_geo_select_in_rectangle:
- * @index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
- * @top_left_point: the top left point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- * @bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- * @res: the table to store found record IDs. It must be
- * GRN_TABLE_HASH_KEY type table.
- * @op: the operator for matched records.
- *
- * It selects records that are in the rectangle specified by
- * @top_left_point and @bottom_right_point. Records are
- * searched by @index. Found records are added to @res table
- * with @op operation.
- **/
 GRN_API grn_rc grn_geo_select_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx,
                                            grn_obj *index,
                                            grn_obj *top_left_point,
                                            grn_obj *bottom_right_point,
                                            grn_obj *res,
                                            grn_operator op);
- * grn_geo_estimate_in_rectangle:
- * @index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
- * @top_left_point: the top left point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- * @bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- *
- * It estimates number of records in the rectangle specified
- * by @top_left_point and @bottom_right_point. Number of
- * records is estimated by @index. If an error is occurred,
- * -1 is returned.
- **/
 GRN_API int grn_geo_estimate_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx,
                                           grn_obj *index,
                                           grn_obj *top_left_point,
                                           grn_obj *bottom_right_point);
- * grn_geo_cursor_open_in_rectangle:
- * @index: the index column for TokyoGeoPoint or WGS84GeoPpoint type.
- * @top_left_point: the top left point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- * @bottom_right_point: the bottom right point of the target
- * rectangle. (ShortText, Text, LongText, TokyoGeoPoint or
- * WGS84GeoPoint)
- * @offset: the cursor returns records from @offset
- * position. @offset is based on 0.
- * @limit: the cursor returns at most @limit records. -1
- * means no limit.
- *
- * It opens a cursor to get records in the rectangle
- * specfied by @top_left_point and @bottom_right_point.
- **/
 GRN_API grn_obj *grn_geo_cursor_open_in_rectangle(grn_ctx *ctx,
                                                   grn_obj *index,
                                                   grn_obj *top_left_point,
                                                   grn_obj *bottom_right_point,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int limit);
- * grn_geo_cursor_next:
- * @cursor: the geo cursor.
- *
- * It returns the next posting that has record ID. It
- * returns NULL after all records are returned.
- **/
 GRN_API grn_posting *grn_geo_cursor_next(grn_ctx *ctx, grn_obj *cursor);
-------------- next part --------------

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