[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 8cc22c0 [master] doc select: describe about summary of dynamic column

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Thu Mar 23 18:06:33 JST 2017

Kouhei Sutou	2017-03-23 18:06:33 +0900 (Thu, 23 Mar 2017)

  New Revision: 8cc22c0ed64427d9f393bc530809765ef85c63a6

    doc select: describe about summary of dynamic column

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log    2017-03-22 10:13:05 +0900 (519799f)
+++ doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/table_nonexistent.log    2017-03-23 18:06:33 +0900 (36717c5)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Execution example::
   #       [
   #         "grn_select", 
   #         "proc_select.c", 
-  #         2973
+  #         3006
   #       ]
   #     ]
   #   ]

  Added: doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/usage_dynamic_column.log (+79 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/example/reference/commands/select/usage_dynamic_column.log    2017-03-23 18:06:33 +0900 (1167cc1)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Execution example::
+  plugin_register functions/number
+  # [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
+  select \
+    --table Entries \
+    --columns[n_likes_class].stage initial \
+    --columns[n_likes_class].type UInt32 \
+    --columns[n_likes_class].value 'number_classify(n_likes, 10)' \
+    --drilldown n_likes_class \
+    --drilldown_sort_keys _nsubrecs \
+    --output_columns n_likes,n_likes_class
+  # [
+  #   [
+  #     0, 
+  #     1337566253.89858, 
+  #     0.000355720520019531
+  #   ], 
+  #   [
+  #     [
+  #       [
+  #         5
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         [
+  #           "n_likes", 
+  #           "UInt32"
+  #         ], 
+  #         [
+  #           "n_likes_class", 
+  #           "UInt32"
+  #         ]
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         5, 
+  #         0
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         10, 
+  #         10
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         15, 
+  #         10
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         3, 
+  #         0
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         3, 
+  #         0
+  #       ]
+  #     ], 
+  #     [
+  #       [
+  #         2
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         [
+  #           "_key", 
+  #           "UInt32"
+  #         ], 
+  #         [
+  #           "_nsubrecs", 
+  #           "Int32"
+  #         ]
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         10, 
+  #         2
+  #       ], 
+  #       [
+  #         0, 
+  #         3
+  #       ]
+  #     ]
+  #   ]
+  # ]

  Modified: doc/source/reference/commands/select.rst (+167 -7)
--- doc/source/reference/commands/select.rst    2017-03-22 10:13:05 +0900 (a2a268e)
+++ doc/source/reference/commands/select.rst    2017-03-23 18:06:33 +0900 (f4f33af)
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ optional::
    ``select`` has the following named parameters for dynamic columns:
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].stage=null``
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].flags=COLUMN_SCALAR``
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].type=null``
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].value=null``
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].window.sort_keys=null``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].stage=null``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].flags=COLUMN_SCALAR``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].type=null``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].value=null``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].window.sort_keys=null``
 .. versionadded:: 7.0.0
    ``select`` supports grouped window function by the following named
-     * ``columns[${LABEL}].window.group_keys=null``
+     * ``columns[${NAME}].window.group_keys=null``
 ``select`` has the following named parameters for advanced drilldown:
@@ -77,6 +77,24 @@ optional::
   * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].calc_types=NONE``
   * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].calc_target=null``
+.. versionadded:: 6.0.6
+   Dynamic columns can be used in ``drilldown[${LABEL}]`` with the
+   following named parameters:
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].stage=null``
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].flags=COLUMN_SCALAR``
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].type=null``
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].value=null``
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].window.sort_keys=null``
+.. versionadded:: 7.0.0
+   Grouped windows function can be used in ``drilldown[${LABEL}]``
+   with the following named parameters:
+     * ``drilldowns[${LABEL}].columns[${NAME}].window.group_keys=null``
 .. deprecated:: 6.0.3
   ``drilldown[...]`` syntax is deprecated, Use ``drilldowns[...]`` instead.
@@ -262,7 +280,7 @@ Drilldown
 You can get additional grouped results against the search result in
-one ``select``. You need to use two or more ``SELECT``s in SQL but
+one ``select``. You need to use two or more ``SELECT`` s in SQL but
 ``select`` in Groonga can do it in one ``select``.
 This feature is called as `drilldown
@@ -308,6 +326,148 @@ the maximum and/or minimum value from grouped records, summing values
 in grouped records and so on. See
 :ref:`select-drilldown-related-parameters` for details.
+Dynamic column
+You can create zero or more columns and fill values into these columns
+while a ``select`` execution. These columns are called as "dynamic
+columns". You can use dynamic columns as same as normal columns after
+dynamic columns are created.
+Dynamic column has performance merit because its values are computed
+at once and reused computed values.
+Dynamic column increases memory usage because its values are kept
+while the ``select`` execution.
+You need to use dynamic column in the following cases:
+  * You want to name values like ``AS`` in SQL.
+  * You want to use computed values for drilldown. Groonga doesn't not
+    support drilldown target value computation in drilldown.
+  * You want to use window function.
+There are some points to create dynamic columns. You must specify
+``stage`` to each dynamic column to control dynamic columns creation
+points. It's important that you choose proper point to get better
+For example, it's not a good idea that you create a dynamic column
+that is only used for output for all records. The number of output
+records will be a little even if there are many records in a
+table. Because you will filter, sort and limit all records and output
+only the limited records in many cases.
+Here is the ``select`` process flow with dynamic column creation
+points. You should choose stage as late as possible:
+  1. Creates dynamic columns for ``initial`` stage. All records have
+     these dynamic columns.
+  2. Evaluates :ref:`select-query` and :ref:`select-filter`. You can
+     use dynamic columns created in ``initial`` stage.
+  3. Creates dynamic columns for ``filtered`` stage. Only filtered
+     records have these dynamic columns.
+  4. Evaluates :ref:`select-adjuster`. You can use dynamic columns
+     created in ``initial`` stage and ``filtered`` stage.
+  5. Evaluates :ref:`select-scorer`. You can use dynamic columns
+     created in ``initial`` stage and ``filtered`` stage.
+  6. Evaluates :ref:`select-sort-keys`, :ref:`select-offset` and
+     :ref:`select-limit`. You can use dynamic columns created in
+     ``initial`` stage and ``filtered`` stage.
+  7. Creates dynamic columns for ``output`` stage. Only
+     :ref:`select-limit` records have these dynamic columns.
+  8. Evaluates :ref:`select-slices`. You can use dynamic columns
+     created in ``initial`` stage, ``filtered`` stage and ``output``
+     stage.
+  9. Evaluates :ref:`select-drilldowns`. You can use dynamic columns
+     created in ``initial`` stage, ``filtered`` stage and ``output``
+     stage. Note that you can use dynamic columns in each drilldown.
+  10. Evaluates :ref:`select-output-columns`. You can use dynamic
+      columns created in ``initial`` stage, ``filtered`` stage and
+     ``output`` stage.
+Here are parameters for dynamic column:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Name
+     - Default value
+     - Required
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].stage``
+     - ``null``
+     - Required
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].flags``
+     - ``COLUMN_SCALAR``
+     - Optional
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].type``
+     - ``null``
+     - Required
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].value``
+     - ``null``
+     - Required
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].window.sort_keys``
+     - ``null``
+     - Optional
+   * - ``--columns[${NAME}].window.group_keys``
+     - ``=null``
+     - Optional
+You need to specify multiple parameters for a dynamic
+column. ``${NAME}`` is the identifier for each dynamic
+column. Parameters that use the same ``${NAME}`` are treated as
+parameters for the same dynamic column. Here is an example to specify
+parameters for 2 dynamic columns (``name1`` and ``name2``)::
+    --column[name1].stage initial
+    --column[name1].type UInt32
+    --column[name1].value 29
+    --column[name2].stage filtered
+    --column[name2].type ShortText
+    --column[name2].value "29"
+Here is a dynamic column usage example. It classifies
+``Entry.n_likes`` column values and stores the classified values to
+``n_likes_class`` column. This example classifies ``Entry.n_likes``
+column value ``10`` step and the lowest number in the class is the
+classified value. If a ``Entry.n_likes`` value is between ``0`` and
+``9`` such as ``3`` and ``5``, ``n_likes_class`` value (classified
+value) is ``0``. If ``Entry.n_likes`` value is between ``10`` and
+``20`` such as ``10`` and ``15``, ``n_likes_class`` value (classified
+value) is ``10``.
+You can use doc:`/reference/functions/number_classify` function for
+the classification. You need to register ``functions/number`` plugin
+by :doc:`plugin_register` command to use
+doc:`/reference/functions/number_classify` function.
+This example does drilldown by ``n_likes_class`` value. The drilldown
+result will help you to know data trend.
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/select/usage_dynamic_column.log
+.. plugin_register functions/number
+.. select \
+..   --table Entries \
+..   --columns[n_likes_class].stage initial \
+..   --columns[n_likes_class].type UInt32 \
+..   --columns[n_likes_class].value 'number_classify(n_likes, 10)' \
+..   --drilldown n_likes_class \
+..   --drilldown_sort_keys _nsubrecs \
+..   --output_columns n_likes,n_likes_class
-------------- next part --------------

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