[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-command [improve-config] Move class methods of Config to instance method

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Sat Feb 18 11:06:10 JST 2012

SHIMADA Koji	2012-02-18 11:06:10 +0900 (Sat, 18 Feb 2012)

  New Revision: b79d0b561817ec000f0aa2a9097e318f28a5eca8

    Move class methods of Config to instance method

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/logaling/command/application.rb (+10 -6)
--- lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-02-17 22:18:48 +0900 (b6e6b54)
+++ lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-02-18 11:06:10 +0900 (1511c94)
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@ module Logaling::Command
       @logaling_home = options["logaling-home"] ? options["logaling-home"] : LOGALING_HOME
       @repository = Logaling::Repository.new(@logaling_home)
+      @config = Logaling::Config.load(@repository.config_path)
       @dotfile_path = options["logaling-config"] ? options["logaling-config"] : find_dotfile
       @project_config_path = File.join(@dotfile_path, 'config')
-      @config = Logaling::Config.load_config_and_merge_options(@project_config_path, @repository.config_path, options)
-    rescue Logaling::CommandFailed
-      @config = Logaling::Config.load_config_and_merge_options(nil, @repository.config_path, options)
+      @config.load(@project_config_path)
+    ensure
+      @config.merge(options)
     map '-a' => :add,
@@ -61,7 +63,8 @@ module Logaling::Command
       unless File.exist?(logaling_config_path)
         FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(logaling_config_path, "glossary"))
-        config = Logaling::Config.setup(project_name, source_language, target_language)
+        config = Logaling::Config.new("glossary" => project_name, "source-language" => source_language)
+        config.merge("target-language" => target_language) if target_language
         config.save(File.join(logaling_config_path, "config"))
         register unless options["no-register"]
@@ -118,8 +121,9 @@ module Logaling::Command
     method_option "global", type: :boolean, default: false
     def config(key, value)
       config_path = options["global"] ? File.join(@logaling_home, "config") : @project_config_path
-      FileUtils.touch(config_path) unless File.exist?(config_path)
-      Logaling::Config.add(config_path, key, value)
+      config = Logaling::Config.load(config_path)
+      config.add(key, value)
+      config.save(config_path)
       say "Successfully set config."
     rescue Logaling::CommandFailed => e
       say e.message

  Modified: lib/logaling/config.rb (+28 -46)
--- lib/logaling/config.rb    2012-02-17 22:18:48 +0900 (abd45d0)
+++ lib/logaling/config.rb    2012-02-18 11:06:10 +0900 (953127d)
@@ -16,52 +16,9 @@
 module Logaling
   class Config
     class << self
-      def setup(project_name, source_language, target_language)
-        config = {"glossary" => project_name, "source-language" => source_language}
-        config["target-language"] = target_language if target_language
-        new(config)
-      end
-      def add(config_path, key, value)
-        raise Logaling::CommandFailed, "#{key} is unsupported option" unless support?(key)
-        config = load_config_and_merge_options(nil, config_path, {key => value})
-        config.save(config_path)
-      end
-      def load_config_and_merge_options(project_config_path, global_config_path, options)
-        project_config = project_config_path ? load_config(project_config_path) : load_config(global_config_path)
-        global_config = load_config(global_config_path)
-        config = merge_options(project_config, global_config)
-        config = merge_options(options, config)
-        new(config)
-      end
-      private
-      def support?(key)
-        support_keys = %w(glossary source-language target-language)
-        support_keys.include?(key)
-      end
-      def merge_options(options, secondary_options)
-        config ||={}
-        config["glossary"] = options["glossary"] ? options["glossary"] : secondary_options["glossary"]
-        config["source-language"] = options["source-language"] ? options["source-language"] : secondary_options["source-language"]
-        config["target-language"] = options["target-language"] ? options["target-language"] : secondary_options["target-language"]
-        config
-      end
-      def load_config(config_path=nil)
-        config ||= {}
-        if config_path && File.exist?(config_path)
-          File.readlines(config_path).map{|l| l.chomp.split " "}.each do |option|
-            key = option[0].sub(/^[\-]{2}/, "")
-            value = option[1]
-            config[key] = value
-          end
-        end
+      def load(config_path)
+        config = new
+        config.load(config_path)
@@ -76,6 +33,27 @@ module Logaling
+    def merge(config)
+      keys.each do |key|
+        @config[key] = config[key] if config[key]
+      end
+    end
+    def load(config_path=nil)
+      if config_path && File.exist?(config_path)
+        File.readlines(config_path).map{|l| l.chomp.split " "}.each do |option|
+          key = option[0].sub(/^[\-]{2}/, "")
+          value = option[1]
+          @config[key] = value
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def add(key, value)
+      raise Logaling::CommandFailed, "#{key} is unsupported option" unless support?(key)
+      merge(key => value)
+    end
     def save(config_path)
       File.open(config_path, 'w') do |fp|
         keys.each do |key|
@@ -100,5 +78,9 @@ module Logaling
     def keys
       %w(glossary source-language target-language)
+    def support?(key)
+      keys.include?(key)
+    end

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