Forums: 公開討議/質問 (Thread #38784)

Can anyone provide a minimal example of ltj-warichu by latex mode? (2017-07-20 17:02 by bashee_wang #80088)


I am very interested in the ltj-warichu, but unfortunately, there is only a plain tex example in the source. Is there anyone can provide a minimal workable example by using "\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\end{document}" example?

I have tried but there is always error when I compile it.

Here is my code:

\jfont\Song={name:NSimSun:jfm=ujis} at 16pt
\jfont\smallSong={name:NSimSun:jfm=ujis} at 7pt




"ERROR: Missing number, treated as zero."

Thank you so much!

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Re: Can anyone provide a minimal example of ltj-warichu by latex mode? (2017-07-24 20:42 by h7k #80109)

[メッセージ #80088 への返信]
Sorry for late reply.
I commited an example in LaTeX (commit 8376cba).
Note that I changed the font, since I don't have NSimSun.

ltj-warichu.sty and warichu-test_ltx.tex in that commit should work
without an error, but the result is not good.
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Re: Can anyone provide a minimal example of ltj-warichu by latex mode? (2017-07-25 15:49 by bashee_wang #80117)

[Reply To Message #80109]
> [メッセージ #80088 への返信]
> Sorry for late reply.
> I commited an example in LaTeX (commit 8376cba).
> Note that I changed the font, since I don't have NSimSun.
> ltj-warichu.sty and warichu-test_ltx.tex in that commit should work
> without an error, but the result is not good.

Thank you so much! This helps a lot. I will check it, and if there is any issues found, I will ask for help again. :)
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