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LuaTeX-ja wiki

LuaTeX-ja is a macro package to typeset Japanese texts using Lua(La)TeX. A goal of this project is to provide an equal or superior typesetting system to ASCII pTeX, which is a traditional standard Japanese TeX engine.


At this moment, there is no stable version. You can download the latest versions from the ,#4Git repository.

LuaTeX-ja is also available from the following archive and distributions:

Recent version of LuaTeX-ja (20150420.0 or later) requires the followings:

  • LuaTeX beta-0.80.0 or later
  • luaotfload package (v2.5 or later)
  • luatexbase package (v0.6 or later)

Also, three CMap files UniJIS2004-UTF32-{H,V} and Adobe-Japan1-UCS2 must be found by Kpathsea. You can check this by kpsewhich command:

$ kpsewhich -format=cmap  UniJIS2004-UTF32-H
$ kpsewhich -format=cmap  Adobe-Japan1-UCS2

Bug information

With new luatexbase package (2015-10-01), LuaTeX-ja with the fontspec package causes an error like

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \xetex_suppressfontnotfounderror:D 
An example source is the following:
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes}

We guess that this error is caused by loading the expl3 package after the luatexbase package (LuaTeX-ja reads luatexbase, and fontspec reads expl3 internally). So, please insert \RequirePackage{expl3} just before \RequirePackage{luatexja-core}[...] in luatexja.sty.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Documentation and talks

See Documentation page.


If you have questions or recognize bugs/have feature requests, we would like you to create a thread in the forum or a ticket in the way which SourceForge.JP supplies: