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We will move to GitHub (Wiki (English)). This site (and repository) on OSDN will be kept as much as possible, but it may not be updated.
LuaTeX-ja is a macro package to typeset Japanese texts using Lua(La)TeX. A goal of this project is to provide an equal or superior typesetting system to ASCII pTeX, which is a traditional standard Japanese TeX engine.
At this moment, there is no stable version. You can download the latest versions from the Git repository.
LuaTeX-ja is also available from the following archive and distributions:
Recent version of LuaTeX-ja requires the followings:
The development is done in latest TeX Live (TeX Live 2023).
Also, three CMap files UniJIS2004-UTF32-{H,V} and Adobe-Japan1-UCS2 must be found by Kpathsea. You can check this by kpsewhich command:
$ kpsewhich -format=cmap UniJIS2004-UTF32-H /opt/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/fonts/cmap/adobemapping/Adobe-Japan1-7/CMap/UniJIS2004-UTF32-H $ kpsewhich -format=cmap Adobe-Japan1-UCS2 /opt/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/fonts/cmap/adobemapping/mapping-resources-pdf/pdf2unicode/Adobe-Japan1-UCS2
See Documentation page.
From LuaTeX-ja 20190926.0, Unicode block "General Punctuation" (U+2000--U+206F) are divided into character classes 4 and 9. Hence, if your old document contains a line
\ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-3,...}}this should be changed to
If you have questions or recognize bugs/have feature requests, we would like you to create an issue.