• R/O
  • SSH

metasearch: Commit

Commit MetaInfo

Revision553 (tree)
Time2013-09-09 19:41:43

Log Message

initial revision.

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hdfs-site.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hdfs-site.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
2+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4+<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
7+ <property>
8+ <name>this.secondary.namenode.fqdn</name>
9+ <value>localhost</value>
10+ <!-- <value>${this.cluster.name}-cn.${this.domain}</value> -->
11+ </property>
13+ <property>
14+ <name>dfs.name.dir</name>
15+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/name</value>
16+ <!-- <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/name,/export/home/${user.name}/var/lib/name</value> -->
17+ </property>
18+ <property>
19+ <name>dfs.data.dir</name>
20+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/data</value>
21+ <!-- <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/data,/grid/vol/1/var/lib/${user.name}/data</value> -->
22+ </property>
23+ <property>
24+ <name>dfs.replication</name>
25+ <value>1</value>
26+ <!-- <value>3</value> -->
27+ </property>
29+ <property>
30+ <name>dfs.hosts</name>
31+ <value>/grid/usr/hadoop/conf/hosts.include</value>
32+ <description>
33+ Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are permitted to connect to the namenode.
34+ The full pathname of the file must be specified. If the value is empty, all hosts are permitted.
35+ </description>
36+ </property>
37+ <property>
38+ <name>dfs.hosts.exclude</name>
39+ <value>/grid/usr/hadoop/conf/hosts.exclude</value>
40+ <description>
41+ Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are not permitted to connect to the namenode.
42+ The full pathname of the file must be specified. If the value is empty, no hosts are excluded.
43+ </description>
44+ </property>
46+ <property>
47+ <name>dfs.cluster.administrators</name>
48+ <value> hdfs</value>
49+ </property>
50+ <property>
51+ <name>dfs.http.port</name>
52+ <value>50070</value>
53+ <description>The http port where namenode binds</description>
54+ </property>
55+ <property>
56+ <name>dfs.http.address</name>
57+ <value>${this.namenode.fqdn}:${dfs.http.port}</value>
58+ <description>The http address where namenode binds</description>
59+ </property>
60+ <!-- for KSSL (NOT RECOMMENDED) -->
61+ <property>
62+ <name>hadoop.security.use-weak-http-crypto</name>
63+ <value>false</value>
64+ </property>
65+ <property>
66+ <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal</name>
67+ <value>hdfs/_HOST@${this.realm}</value>
68+ <!-- _HOST is replaced with the fs.default.name's host name -->
69+ <!-- <value>hdfs/${this.namenode.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value> -->
70+ <description>Kerberos principal name for the NameNode</description>
71+ </property>
72+ <property>
73+ <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.https.principal</name>
74+ <value>host/${this.namenode.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
75+ <!-- <value>host/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> v1.0.4: NG! -->
76+ <description>
77+ The Kerberos principal for the host that the NameNode runs on.
78+ </description>
79+ </property>
80+ <property>
81+ <name>dfs.namenode.keytab.file</name>
82+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/nn.keytab</value>
83+ <description>
84+ Combined keytab file containing the namenode service and host
85+ principals.
86+ </description>
87+ </property>
88+ <property>
89+ <name>dfs.secondary.http.port</name>
90+ <value>50090</value>
91+ <description>The http port where secondary namenode binds</description>
92+ </property>
93+ <property>
94+ <name>dfs.secondary.http.address</name>
95+ <value>${this.secondary.namenode.fqdn}:${dfs.secondary.http.port}</value>
96+ <description>The http address where secondary namenode binds</description>
97+ </property>
98+ <property>
99+ <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal</name>
100+ <value>hdfs/${this.secondary.namenode.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
101+ <!-- <value>hdfs/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> v1.0.4: NG! -->
102+ <description>
103+ Kerberos principal name for the secondary NameNode.
104+ </description>
105+ </property>
106+ <property>
107+ <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.https.principal</name>
108+ <value>host/${this.secondary.namenode.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
109+ <!-- <value>host/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> v1.0.4: NG! -->
110+ <description>
111+ The Kerberos principal for the host that the secondary NameNode
112+ runs on.
113+ </description>
114+ </property>
115+ <property>
116+ <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file</name>
117+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/cn.keytab</value>
118+ <description>
119+ Combined keytab file containing the namenode service and host
120+ principals.
121+ </description>
122+ </property>
123+ <property>
124+ <name>dfs.block.access.token.enable</name>
125+ <value>true</value>
126+ <description>
127+ If "true", access tokens are used as capabilities for accessing
128+ datanodes.
129+ If "false", no access tokens are checked on accessing datanodes.
130+ </description>
131+ </property>
132+ <property>
133+ <name>dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal</name>
134+ <value>hdfs/localhost@${this.realm}</value>
135+ <!-- <value>hdfs/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> -->
136+ <description>
137+ The Kerberos principal that the DataNode runs as. "_HOST" is
138+ replaced by the real host name.
139+ </description>
140+ </property>
141+ <property>
142+ <name>dfs.datanode.keytab.file</name>
143+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/dn.keytab</value>
144+ <description>
145+ The filename of the keytab file for the DataNode.
146+ </description>
147+ </property>
149+ <property>
150+ <name>dfs.datanode.address</name>
151+ <value></value>
152+ </property>
153+ <property>
154+ <name>dfs.datanode.http.address</name>
155+ <value></value>
156+ </property>
158+ <property>
159+ <name>dfs.namenode.http-address</name>
160+ <value>${this.namenode.fqdn}:50070</value>
161+ </property>
162+ <property>
163+ <name>dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address</name>
164+ <value>${this.secondary.namenode.fqdn}:50090</value>
165+ </property>
166+ <property>
167+ <name>dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal</name>
168+ <value>HTTP/_HOST@${this.realm}</value>
169+ </property>
170+ <property>
171+ <name>dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab</name>
172+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/HTTP.keytab</value>
173+ </property>
174+ <property>
175+ <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal</name>
176+ <value>${dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}</value>
177+ <!-- <value>HTTP/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> -->
178+ <!-- _HOST is replaced with dfs.namenode.http-address's host name. -->
179+ </property>
180+ <property>
181+ <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal</name>
182+ <value>HTTP/${this.secondary.namenode.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
183+ <!-- <value>${dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal}</value> -->
184+ <!-- <value>HTTP/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> -->
185+ <!-- _HOST is NOT replaced with dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address's host name?! -->
186+ </property>
187+ <property>
188+ <name>dfs.support.append</name>
189+ <value>true</value>
190+ </property>
191+ <property>
192+ <name>dfs.datanode.max.xcievers</name>
193+ <value>4096</value>
194+ </property>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/core-site.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/core-site.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
2+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4+<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
7+ <property>
8+ <name>this.cluster.name</name>
9+ <value>localhost</value>
10+ <!-- <value>pleiades</value> -->
11+ </property>
12+ <property>
13+ <name>this.domain</name>
14+ <value>localhost</value>
15+ <!-- <value>grid.example.com</value> -->
16+ </property>
17+ <property>
18+ <name>this.realm</name>
19+ <value>LOCALDOMAIN</value>
20+ <!-- <value>GRID.EXAMPLE.COM</value> -->
21+ </property>
22+ <property>
23+ <name>this.keytab.dir</name>
24+ <value>/grid/etc/keytabs/localhost</value>
25+ </property>
26+ <property>
27+ <name>this.namenode.fqdn</name>
28+ <value>localhost</value>
29+ <!-- <value>${this.cluster.name}-nn.${this.domain}</value> -->
30+ </property>
32+ <property>
33+ <name>fs.default.name</name>
34+ <value>hdfs://${this.namenode.fqdn}:9000</value>
35+ </property>
36+ <property>
37+ <name>hadoop.tmp.dir</name>
38+ <value>/tmp/hadoop-${user.name}</value>
39+ </property>
40+ <property>
41+ <name>fs.checkpoint.dir</name>
42+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/checkpoint</value>
43+ <!-- <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/checkpoint,/export/home/${user.name}/var/lib/checkpoint</value> -->
44+ </property>
46+ <property>
47+ <name>hadoop.security.authentication</name>
48+ <value>kerberos</value>
49+ <description>
50+ Set the authentication for the cluster. Valid values are: simple or
51+ kerberos.
52+ </description>
53+ </property>
54+ <property>
55+ <name>hadoop.security.authorization</name>
56+ <value>true</value>
57+ <description>
58+ Enable authorization for different protocols.
59+ </description>
60+ </property>
61+ <property>
62+ <name>hadoop.security.auth_to_local</name>
63+ <value>
64+ RULE:[2:$1@$0](.*@${this.realm})s/@.*//
65+ RULE:[1:$1@$0](.*@${this.realm})s/@.*//
66+ RULE:[2:$1@$0](hdfs@.*${this.realm})s/.*/hdfs/
67+ RULE:[2:$1@$0](mapred@.*${this.realm})s/.*/mapred/
68+ DEFAULT</value>
69+ </property>
70+ <property>
71+ <name>hadoop.security.group.mapping</name>
72+ <value>org.apache.hadoop.security.JniBasedUnixGroupsMapping</value>
73+ </property>
74+ <property>
75+ <name>hadoop.security.groups.cache.secs</name>
76+ <value>14400</value>
77+ </property>
78+ <property>
79+ <name>hadoop.kerberos.kinit.command</name>
80+ <value>/usr/bin/kinit</value>
81+ </property>
83+ <property>
84+ <name>hadoop.http.filter.initializers</name>
85+ <value>org.apache.hadoop.security.AuthenticationFilterInitializer</value>
86+ <!-- <value>org.apache.hadoop.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter</value> -->
87+ <description>The name of a class that initializes an input filter for Jetty.
88+ This filter will always return Dr.Who as the web user when the servlets
89+ query for the authenticated user </description>
90+ </property>
91+ <property>
92+ <name>hadoop.http.authentication.signature.secret.file</name>
93+ <value>/grid/etc/hadoop-http-auth-signature-secret</value>
94+ </property>
95+ <property>
96+ <name>hadoop.http.authentication.cookie.domain</name>
97+ <value>${this.domain}</value>
98+ </property>
99+ <property>
100+ <name>hadoop.http.authentication.type</name>
101+ <value>simple</value>
102+ <description>Defines authentication used for the HTTP web-consoles.
103+ The supported values are: simple | kerberos | #AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_CLASSNAME#.
104+ The dfeault value is simple.</description>
105+ </property>
106+ <property>
107+ <name>hadoop.http.authentication.kerberos.principal</name>
108+ <value>HTTP/localhost@${this.realm}</value>
109+ <!-- <value>HTTP/_HOST@${this.realm}</value>
110+ _HOST N/A!: v1.0, v1.1, HDP1.2; OK: v2.0, CDH3, CDH4 -->
111+ <!-- for v1.0, v1.1, HDP1.2
112+ <value>HTTP/${this.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
113+ "this".fqdn must be set in the conf/hadoop-env.sh
114+ or each setting
115+ <value>HTTP/${this.cluster.name}-nn.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
116+ <value>HTTP/${this.cluster.name}-cn.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
117+ <value>HTTP/${this.cluster.name}-jt.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
118+ <value>HTTP/${this.cluster.name}-jh.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
119+ <value>HTTP/dn00000.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
120+ <value>HTTP/dn00001.${this.domain}@${this.realm}</value>
121+ -->
122+ </property>
123+ <property>
124+ <name>hadoop.http.authentication.kerberos.keytab</name>
125+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/HTTP.keytab</value>
126+ </property>
128+ <property>
129+ <name>hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.hosts</name>
130+ <value>localhost</value>
131+ </property>
132+ <property>
133+ <name>hadoop.proxyuser.oozie.groups</name>
134+ <value>hadoopers</value>
135+ </property>
136+ <property>
137+ <name>hadoop.proxyuser.httpfs.hosts</name>
138+ <value>localhost</value>
139+ </property>
140+ <property>
141+ <name>hadoop.proxyuser.httpfs.groups</name>
142+ <value>hadoopers</value>
143+ </property>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/fair-scheduler.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/fair-scheduler.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
4+ This file contains pool and user allocations for the Fair Scheduler.
5+ Its format is explained in the Fair Scheduler documentation at
6+ http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.20.205.0/fair_scheduler.html.
7+ The documentation also includes a sample config file.
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hadoop-policy.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hadoop-policy.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
2+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4+<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
7+ <property>
8+ <name>security.client.protocol.acl</name>
9+ <value>*</value>
10+ <description>ACL for ClientProtocol, which is used by user code
11+ via the DistributedFileSystem.
12+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
13+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
14+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
15+ </property>
17+ <property>
18+ <name>security.client.datanode.protocol.acl</name>
19+ <value>*</value>
20+ <description>ACL for ClientDatanodeProtocol, the client-to-datanode protocol
21+ for block recovery.
22+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
23+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
24+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
25+ </property>
27+ <property>
28+ <name>security.datanode.protocol.acl</name>
29+ <value>*</value>
30+ <description>ACL for DatanodeProtocol, which is used by datanodes to
31+ communicate with the namenode.
32+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
33+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
34+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
35+ </property>
37+ <property>
38+ <name>security.inter.datanode.protocol.acl</name>
39+ <value>*</value>
40+ <description>ACL for InterDatanodeProtocol, the inter-datanode protocol
41+ for updating generation timestamp.
42+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
43+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
44+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
45+ </property>
47+ <property>
48+ <name>security.namenode.protocol.acl</name>
49+ <value>*</value>
50+ <description>ACL for NamenodeProtocol, the protocol used by the secondary
51+ namenode to communicate with the namenode.
52+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
53+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
54+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
55+ </property>
57+ <property>
58+ <name>security.inter.tracker.protocol.acl</name>
59+ <value>*</value>
60+ <description>ACL for InterTrackerProtocol, used by the tasktrackers to
61+ communicate with the jobtracker.
62+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
63+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
64+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
65+ </property>
67+ <property>
68+ <name>security.job.submission.protocol.acl</name>
69+ <value>*</value>
70+ <description>ACL for JobSubmissionProtocol, used by job clients to
71+ communciate with the jobtracker for job submission, querying job status etc.
72+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
73+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
74+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
75+ </property>
77+ <property>
78+ <name>security.task.umbilical.protocol.acl</name>
79+ <value>*</value>
80+ <description>ACL for TaskUmbilicalProtocol, used by the map and reduce
81+ tasks to communicate with the parent tasktracker.
82+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
83+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
84+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
85+ </property>
87+ <property>
88+ <name>security.refresh.policy.protocol.acl</name>
89+ <value>hdfs,mapred hadoop</value>
90+ <description>ACL for RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol, used by the
91+ dfsadmin and mradmin commands to refresh the security policy in-effect.
92+ The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and
93+ group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel".
94+ A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.</description>
95+ </property>
97+ <property>
98+ <name>security.admin.operations.protocol.acl</name>
99+ <value>hdfs,mapred hadoop</value>
100+ <description>ACL for AdminOperationsProtocol, used by the mradmins commands
101+ to refresh queues and nodes at JobTracker. The ACL is a comma-separated list of
102+ user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank.
103+ For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are
104+ allowed.</description>
105+ </property>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
3+<!-- This is the configuration file for the resource manager in Hadoop. -->
4+<!-- You can configure various scheduling parameters related to queues. -->
5+<!-- The properties for a queue follow a naming convention,such as, -->
6+<!-- mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.<queue-name>.property-name. -->
10+ <property>
11+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.maximum-system-jobs</name>
12+ <value>3000</value>
13+ <description>Maximum number of jobs in the system which can be initialized,
14+ concurrently, by the CapacityScheduler.
15+ </description>
16+ </property>
18+ <property>
19+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.capacity</name>
20+ <value>100</value>
21+ <description>Percentage of the number of slots in the cluster that are
22+ to be available for jobs in this queue.
23+ </description>
24+ </property>
26+ <property>
27+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.maximum-capacity</name>
28+ <value>-1</value>
29+ <description>
30+ maximum-capacity defines a limit beyond which a queue cannot use the capacity of the cluster.
31+ This provides a means to limit how much excess capacity a queue can use. By default, there is no limit.
32+ The maximum-capacity of a queue can only be greater than or equal to its minimum capacity.
33+ Default value of -1 implies a queue can use complete capacity of the cluster.
35+ This property could be to curtail certain jobs which are long running in nature from occupying more than a
36+ certain percentage of the cluster, which in the absence of pre-emption, could lead to capacity guarantees of
37+ other queues being affected.
39+ One important thing to note is that maximum-capacity is a percentage , so based on the cluster's capacity
40+ the max capacity would change. So if large no of nodes or racks get added to the cluster , max Capacity in
41+ absolute terms would increase accordingly.
42+ </description>
43+ </property>
45+ <property>
46+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.supports-priority</name>
47+ <value>false</value>
48+ <description>If true, priorities of jobs will be taken into
49+ account in scheduling decisions.
50+ </description>
51+ </property>
53+ <property>
54+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.minimum-user-limit-percent</name>
55+ <value>100</value>
56+ <description> Each queue enforces a limit on the percentage of resources
57+ allocated to a user at any given time, if there is competition for them.
58+ This user limit can vary between a minimum and maximum value. The former
59+ depends on the number of users who have submitted jobs, and the latter is
60+ set to this property value. For example, suppose the value of this
61+ property is 25. If two users have submitted jobs to a queue, no single
62+ user can use more than 50% of the queue resources. If a third user submits
63+ a job, no single user can use more than 33% of the queue resources. With 4
64+ or more users, no user can use more than 25% of the queue's resources. A
65+ value of 100 implies no user limits are imposed.
66+ </description>
67+ </property>
69+ <property>
70+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.user-limit-factor</name>
71+ <value>1</value>
72+ <description>The multiple of the queue capacity which can be configured to
73+ allow a single user to acquire more slots.
74+ </description>
75+ </property>
77+ <property>
78+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.maximum-initialized-active-tasks</name>
79+ <value>200000</value>
80+ <description>The maximum number of tasks, across all jobs in the queue,
81+ which can be initialized concurrently. Once the queue's jobs exceed this
82+ limit they will be queued on disk.
83+ </description>
84+ </property>
86+ <property>
87+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.maximum-initialized-active-tasks-per-user</name>
88+ <value>100000</value>
89+ <description>The maximum number of tasks per-user, across all the of the
90+ user's jobs in the queue, which can be initialized concurrently. Once the
91+ user's jobs exceed this limit they will be queued on disk.
92+ </description>
93+ </property>
95+ <property>
96+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.queue.default.init-accept-jobs-factor</name>
97+ <value>10</value>
98+ <description>The multipe of (maximum-system-jobs * queue-capacity) used to
99+ determine the number of jobs which are accepted by the scheduler.
100+ </description>
101+ </property>
103+ <!-- The default configuration settings for the capacity task scheduler -->
104+ <!-- The default values would be applied to all the queues which don't have -->
105+ <!-- the appropriate property for the particular queue -->
106+ <property>
107+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-supports-priority</name>
108+ <value>false</value>
109+ <description>If true, priorities of jobs will be taken into
110+ account in scheduling decisions by default in a job queue.
111+ </description>
112+ </property>
114+ <property>
115+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-minimum-user-limit-percent</name>
116+ <value>100</value>
117+ <description>The percentage of the resources limited to a particular user
118+ for the job queue at any given point of time by default.
119+ </description>
120+ </property>
123+ <property>
124+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-user-limit-factor</name>
125+ <value>1</value>
126+ <description>The default multiple of queue-capacity which is used to
127+ determine the amount of slots a single user can consume concurrently.
128+ </description>
129+ </property>
131+ <property>
132+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-maximum-active-tasks-per-queue</name>
133+ <value>200000</value>
134+ <description>The default maximum number of tasks, across all jobs in the
135+ queue, which can be initialized concurrently. Once the queue's jobs exceed
136+ this limit they will be queued on disk.
137+ </description>
138+ </property>
140+ <property>
141+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-maximum-active-tasks-per-user</name>
142+ <value>100000</value>
143+ <description>The default maximum number of tasks per-user, across all the of
144+ the user's jobs in the queue, which can be initialized concurrently. Once
145+ the user's jobs exceed this limit they will be queued on disk.
146+ </description>
147+ </property>
149+ <property>
150+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.default-init-accept-jobs-factor</name>
151+ <value>10</value>
152+ <description>The default multipe of (maximum-system-jobs * queue-capacity)
153+ used to determine the number of jobs which are accepted by the scheduler.
154+ </description>
155+ </property>
157+ <!-- Capacity scheduler Job Initialization configuration parameters -->
158+ <property>
159+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.init-poll-interval</name>
160+ <value>5000</value>
161+ <description>The amount of time in miliseconds which is used to poll
162+ the job queues for jobs to initialize.
163+ </description>
164+ </property>
165+ <property>
166+ <name>mapred.capacity-scheduler.init-worker-threads</name>
167+ <value>5</value>
168+ <description>Number of worker threads which would be used by
169+ Initialization poller to initialize jobs in a set of queue.
170+ If number mentioned in property is equal to number of job queues
171+ then a single thread would initialize jobs in a queue. If lesser
172+ then a thread would get a set of queues assigned. If the number
173+ is greater then number of threads would be equal to number of
174+ job queues.
175+ </description>
176+ </property>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hadoop-env.sh (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/hadoop-env.sh (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
1+# Set Hadoop-specific environment variables here.
4+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jvm/java-6-ora
5+# The directory where pid files are stored. /tmp by default.
6+export HADOOP_PID_DIR=/grid/vol/0/var/run/${USER}
7+# Where log files are stored. $HADOOP_HOME/logs by default.
8+export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/grid/vol/0/var/log/${USER}
10+export HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER=hdfs
11+export HADOOP_SECURE_DN_PID_DIR=/grid/vol/0/var/run/${HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER}
12+export HADOOP_SECURE_DN_LOG_DIR=/grid/vol/0/var/log/${HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER}
14+# Extra Java CLASSPATH elements. Optional.
15+if [ x"$HADOOP_CLASSPATH" = x ]; then
16+ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH="/usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar"
18+ # for Hive and HCatalog
19+ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH="${HADOOP_CLASSPATH}:/usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar"
25+# The only required environment variable is JAVA_HOME. All others are
26+# optional. When running a distributed configuration it is best to
27+# set JAVA_HOME in this file, so that it is correctly defined on
28+# remote nodes.
30+# The java implementation to use. Required.
31+# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun
33+# Extra Java CLASSPATH elements. Optional.
36+# The maximum amount of heap to use, in MB. Default is 1000.
37+# export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=2000
39+# Extra Java runtime options. Empty by default.
40+# if [ "$HADOOP_OPTS" == "" ]; then export HADOOP_OPTS=-server; else HADOOP_OPTS+=" -server"; fi
42+# Command specific options appended to HADOOP_OPTS when specified
43+export HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS"
45+export HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS"
46+export HADOOP_BALANCER_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_BALANCER_OPTS"
47+export HADOOP_JOBTRACKER_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote $HADOOP_JOBTRACKER_OPTS"
49+# The following applies to multiple commands (fs, dfs, fsck, distcp etc)
52+# Extra ssh options. Empty by default.
53+# export HADOOP_SSH_OPTS="-o ConnectTimeout=1 -o SendEnv=HADOOP_CONF_DIR"
55+# Where log files are stored. $HADOOP_HOME/logs by default.
56+# export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=${HADOOP_HOME}/logs
58+# File naming remote slave hosts. $HADOOP_HOME/conf/slaves by default.
59+# export HADOOP_SLAVES=${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/slaves
61+# host:path where hadoop code should be rsync'd from. Unset by default.
62+# export HADOOP_MASTER=master:/home/$USER/src/hadoop
64+# Seconds to sleep between slave commands. Unset by default. This
65+# can be useful in large clusters, where, e.g., slave rsyncs can
66+# otherwise arrive faster than the master can service them.
67+# export HADOOP_SLAVE_SLEEP=0.1
69+# The directory where pid files are stored. /tmp by default.
70+# NOTE: this should be set to a directory that can only be written to by
71+# the users that are going to run the hadoop daemons. Otherwise there is
72+# the potential for a symlink attack.
73+# export HADOOP_PID_DIR=/var/hadoop/pids
75+# A string representing this instance of hadoop. $USER by default.
78+# The scheduling priority for daemon processes. See 'man nice'.
79+# export HADOOP_NICENESS=10
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/mapred-queue-acls.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/mapred-queue-acls.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
2+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4+<!-- This is a template file for queue acls configuration properties -->
9+ <name>mapred.queue.default.acl-submit-job</name>
10+ <value>*</value>
11+ <description> Comma separated list of user and group names that are allowed
12+ to submit jobs to the 'default' queue. The user list and the group list
13+ are separated by a blank. For e.g. user1,user2 group1,group2.
14+ If set to the special value '*', it means all users are allowed to
15+ submit jobs. If set to ' '(i.e. space), no user will be allowed to submit
16+ jobs.
18+ It is only used if authorization is enabled in Map/Reduce by setting the
19+ configuration property mapred.acls.enabled to true.
21+ Irrespective of this ACL configuration, the user who started the cluster and
22+ cluster administrators configured via
23+ mapreduce.cluster.administrators can submit jobs.
24+ </description>
28+ <name>mapred.queue.default.acl-administer-jobs</name>
29+ <value> hadoop,gridops</value>
30+ <description> Comma separated list of user and group names that are allowed
31+ to view job details, kill jobs or modify job's priority for all the jobs
32+ in the 'default' queue. The user list and the group list
33+ are separated by a blank. For e.g. user1,user2 group1,group2.
34+ If set to the special value '*', it means all users are allowed to do
35+ this operation. If set to ' '(i.e. space), no user will be allowed to do
36+ this operation.
38+ It is only used if authorization is enabled in Map/Reduce by setting the
39+ configuration property mapred.acls.enabled to true.
41+ Irrespective of this ACL configuration, the user who started the cluster and
42+ cluster administrators configured via
43+ mapreduce.cluster.administrators can do the above operations on all the jobs
44+ in all the queues. The job owner can do all the above operations on his/her
45+ job irrespective of this ACL configuration.
46+ </description>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/mapred-site.xml (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/mapred-site.xml (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
2+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
4+<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
7+ <property>
8+ <name>this.jobtracker.fqdn</name>
9+ <value>localhost</value>
10+ <!-- <value>${this.cluster.name}-jt.${this.domain}</value> -->
11+ </property>
12+ <property>
13+ <name>this.jobhistory.fqdn</name>
14+ <value>localhost</value>
15+ <!-- <value>${this.cluster.name}-jt.${this.domain}</value> -->
16+ <!-- <value>${this.cluster.name}-jh.${this.domain}</value> -->
17+ </property>
19+ <property>
20+ <name>mapred.job.tracker</name>
21+ <value>${this.jobtracker.fqdn}:9001</value>
22+ </property>
23+ <property>
24+ <name>mapred.system.dir</name>
25+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/${user.name}/system</value>
26+ </property>
27+ <property>
28+ <name>mapreduce.jobtracker.staging.root.dir</name>
29+ <value>/user</value>
30+ </property>
32+ <property>
33+ <name>mapred.job.tracker.persist.jobstatus.active</name>
34+ <value>true</value>
35+ <description>Indicates if persistency of job status information is
36+ active or not. (default: false)
37+ </description>
38+ </property>
39+ <property>
40+ <name>mapred.job.tracker.persist.jobstatus.hours</name>
41+ <value>3</value>
42+ <description>The number of hours job status information is persisted in DFS.
43+ The job status information will be available after it drops of the memory
44+ queue and between jobtracker restarts. With a zero value the job status
45+ information is not persisted at all in DFS. (default: 0)
46+ </description>
47+ </property>
48+ <property>
49+ <name>mapred.job.tracker.persist.jobstatus.dir</name>
50+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/mapred/jobstatus</value>
51+ <description>The directory where the job status information is persisted
52+ in a file system to be available after it drops of the memory queue and
53+ between jobtracker restarts. (default: /jobtracker/jobsInfo)
54+ </description>
55+ </property>
57+ <property>
58+ <name>hadoop.job.history.location</name>
59+ <value>file:///grid/vol/0/var/lib/mapred/history</value>
60+ <description>hdfs:// is UNusable.</description>
61+ </property>
62+ <property>
63+ <name>mapred.job.tracker.history.completed.location</name>
64+ <value>hdfs:///grid/vol/0/var/lib/mapred/history/done</value>
65+ </property>
67+ <property>
68+ <name>mapred.local.dir</name>
69+ <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/mapred/local</value>
70+ <!-- <value>/grid/vol/0/var/lib/mapred/local,/grid/vol/1/var/lib/mapred/local</value> -->
71+ <description>
72+ The local directory where MapReduce stores intermediate data files.
73+ May be a comma-separated list of directories on different devices in order to spread disk i/o.
74+ Directories that do not exist are ignored.
75+ </description>
76+ </property>
77+ <property>
78+ <name>mapred.temp.dir</name>
79+ <value>/grid/vol/0/tmp/${user.name}/mapred</value>
80+ <!-- <value>/grid/vol/0/tmp/${user.name}/mapred,/grid/vol/1/tmp/${user.name}/mapred</value> -->
81+ <description>
82+ A shared directory for temporary files.
83+ </description>
84+ </property>
86+ <property>
87+ <name>mapred.hosts</name>
88+ <value>/grid/usr/hadoop/conf/hosts.include</value>
89+ <description>
90+ Names a file that contains the list of nodes that may connect to the jobtracker.
91+ If the value is empty, all hosts are permitted.
92+ </description>
93+ </property>
94+ <property>
95+ <name>mapred.hosts.exclude</name>
96+ <value>/grid/usr/hadoop/conf/hosts.exclude</value>
97+ <description>
98+ Names a file that contains the list of hosts that should be excluded by the jobtracker.
99+ If the value is empty, no hosts are excluded.
100+ </description>
101+ </property>
103+ <property>
104+ <name>mapred.jobtracker.taskScheduler</name>
105+ <value>org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobQueueTaskScheduler</value>
106+ </property>
108+ <property>
109+ <name>mapred.acls.enabled</name>
110+ <value>true</value>
111+ </property>
112+ <property>
113+ <name>mapreduce.cluster.administrators</name>
114+ <value> mapred</value>
115+ </property>
116+ <property>
117+ <name>mapreduce.jobtracker.kerberos.principal</name>
118+ <value>mapred/_HOST@${this.realm}</value>
119+ <!-- _HOST is replaced with the mapred.job.tracker's host name -->
120+ <!-- <value>mapred/${this.jobtracker.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value> -->
121+ </property>
122+ <property>
123+ <name>mapreduce.jobtracker.keytab.file</name>
124+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/jt.keytab</value>
125+ </property>
126+ <property>
127+ <name>mapreduce.tasktracker.kerberos.principal</name>
128+ <value>mapred/localhost@${this.realm}</value>
129+ <!-- <value>mapred/_HOST@${this.realm}</value> -->
130+ </property>
131+ <property>
132+ <name>mapreduce.tasktracker.keytab.file</name>
133+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/tt.keytab</value>
134+ </property>
136+ <property>
137+ <name>mapred.task.tracker.task-controller</name>
138+ <value>org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController</value>
139+ </property>
140+ <property>
141+ <name>mapreduce.tasktracker.group</name>
142+ <value>mapred</value>
143+ </property>
145+ <property>
146+ <name>mapreduce.history.server.embedded</name>
147+ <value>true</value>
148+ <!-- <value>false</value> -->
149+ </property>
150+ <property>
151+ <name>mapreduce.history.server.http.address</name>
152+ <value>${this.jobhistory.fqdn}:19888</value>
153+ </property>
154+ <property>
155+ <name>mapreduce.jobhistory.kerberos.principal</name>
156+ <value>mapred/${this.jobhistory.fqdn}@${this.realm}</value>
157+ </property>
158+ <property>
159+ <name>mapreduce.jobhistory.keytab.file</name>
160+ <value>${this.keytab.dir}/jh.keytab</value>
161+ </property>
--- hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/configuration.xsl (nonexistent)
+++ hadoop_conf/branches/localhost-1.2/conf/configuration.xsl (revision 553)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1+<?xml version="1.0"?>
3+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
7+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11+ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13+ limitations under the License.
15+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
16+<xsl:output method="html"/>
17+<xsl:template match="configuration">
20+<table border="1">
22+ <td>name</td>
23+ <td>value</td>
24+ <td>description</td>
26+<xsl:for-each select="property">
28+ <td><a name="{name}"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a></td>
29+ <td><xsl:value-of select="value"/></td>
30+ <td><xsl:value-of select="description"/></td>
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