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mingw-org-wsl: List of commits

The MinGW.OSDN Windows System Libraries. Formerly designated as "MinGW.org Windows System Libraries", this encapsulates the "mingwrt" C runtime library extensions, and the "w32api" 32-bit MS-Windows API libraries.

Please note that this project no longer owns the "MinGW.org" domain name; any software which may be distributed from that domain is NOT supported by this project.

Rev. Time Author
122caf4 6.0-exp 2019-04-08 18:03:40 Keith Marshall

Correct typographic error; fix bug #39117

03ded19 2019-04-02 00:16:17 Keith Marshall

Merge post 2017-11-09 changes from 5.2-trunk.

rename : w32api/ChangeLog => wslapi/ChangeLog
rename : w32api/include/commctrl.h => wslapi/include/commctrl.h
rename : w32api/include/iptypes.h => wslapi/include/iptypes.h
rename : w32api/include/nspapi.h => wslapi/include/nspapi.h
rename : w32api/include/prsht.h => wslapi/include/prsht.h
rename : w32api/include/sdkddkver.h => wslapi/include/sdkddkver.h
rename : w32api/include/wincon.h => wslapi/include/wincon.h
rename : w32api/include/wincrypt.h => wslapi/include/wincrypt.h
rename : w32api/include/windows.h => wslapi/include/windows.h
rename : w32api/include/winerror.h => wslapi/include/winerror.h
rename : w32api/include/winreg.h => wslapi/include/winreg.h
rename : w32api/include/winsock.h => wslapi/include/winsock.h
rename : w32api/include/winsock2.h => wslapi/include/winsock2.h
rename : w32api/include/winver.h => wslapi/include/winver.h
rename : w32api/include/ws2spi.h => wslapi/include/ws2spi.h
rename : w32api/include/wsnetbs.h => wslapi/include/wsnetbs.h
rename : w32api/lib/advapi32.def => wslapi/lib/advapi32.def
rename : w32api/lib/kernel32.def => wslapi/lib/kernel32.def
rename : w32api/tests/Makefile.in => wslapi/tests/Makefile.in
rename : w32api/tests/headers.at => wslapi/tests/headers.at

b6cf78e 2019-02-04 00:47:20 Keith Marshall

Clean up winsock default version selection stratagem.

db8ea99 2019-02-03 08:50:04 Keith Marshall

Add build option for <features.h> sample distribution.

0e0a05b 2019-01-23 05:21:59 Keith Marshall

Adjust repository version following WSL-5.2.1 release.

44fc56c 2019-01-22 20:59:40 Keith Marshall

Added tag wsl-5.2.1-release for changeset 40ebea91874e

4a69caf wsl-5.2.1-release 2019-01-22 20:58:15 Keith Marshall

Prepare and publish MinGW.org WSL-5.2.1 release.

c357758 2019-01-22 20:36:30 Keith Marshall

Incorporate user-customized <features.h> configuration.

240ef8c 2019-01-21 19:50:29 Keith Marshall

Handle another GCC compile-time warning.

f77cb99 2019-01-12 05:03:49 Keith Marshall

Fix a mkstemp() file name generator defect.

ac33f57 2019-01-12 03:01:52 Keith Marshall

Fix a <stdio.h> typedef omission.

42e2fbe 2018-12-24 00:52:23 Keith Marshall

Adjust repository version following WSL-5.2 release.

ed5c2c8 2018-12-23 19:29:47 Keith Marshall

Added tag wsl-5.2-release for changeset c11b4f97069d

267f287 wsl-5.2-release 2018-12-23 19:28:55 Keith Marshall

Prepare and publish MinGW.org WSL-5.2 release.

2dd5dbb 2018-12-23 08:20:49 Keith Marshall

Correct an optional DLL installation and packaging defect.

36fae3c 2018-12-23 01:52:51 Keith Marshall

Update ANSI stdio feature test to accommodate ISO-C11.

68d0570 2018-12-21 04:43:18 Keith Marshall

Implement test suite for aligned heap management API.

33a73a6 2018-12-21 04:30:25 Keith Marshall

Reimplement aligned heap management API.

3330387 2018-12-19 06:24:43 Keith Marshall

Make <winver.h> header effectively self-contained.

2c98d6a 2018-12-05 04:00:29 Keith Marshall

Reimplement Win9x specific fseek()/fwrite() redirector.

c27255f 2018-12-05 03:06:30 Keith Marshall

Implement POSIX.1-1996 linked-list queue management API.

09fb4c4 2018-11-26 02:51:48 Keith Marshall

Emulate _fseeki64()/_ftelli64() API on legacy platforms.

2dcc587 2018-11-24 06:06:43 Keith Marshall

Fix MinGW-Bug #2248 (SF ticket).

b85bd37 2018-11-24 03:07:58 Keith Marshall

Apply some more cosmetic layout adjustments.

955a4fc 2018-11-19 06:25:35 Jelle Geerts

Fix MinGW-Bug #38736 (OSDN ticket).

4e112ae 2018-11-19 03:48:03 Keith Marshall

Make <commctrl.h> header effectively self-contained.

dc13681 2018-11-17 05:03:22 Keith Marshall

Make <prsht.h> header effectively self-contained.

6479346 2018-10-30 08:36:08 Keith Marshall

Clean up <wincon.h>; consolidate its version dependencies.

0efa612 2018-10-25 05:41:19 Keith Marshall

Make <wincon.h> header effectively self-contained.

91d876b 2018-10-25 03:17:28 David Gressett

Improve WinXP/Vista console I/O support.

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