Required file not available
The file mingwrt-5.2.3-mingw32-dev.tar.xz definitely is available, on our FRS download site; mingw-get should download it, on demand, if it isn't already in your package cache. The message: "required package file is not available" suggests that the package file is not in your cache, and cannot be downloaded; did you, perhaps, have a previously failed download? Is there a corrupt, unreadable download in your package cache, at $MINGW_ROOT/var/cache/mingw-get/packages/mingwrt-5.2.3-mingw32-dev.tar.xz? If there is, you should delete it, so that mingw-get can download a fresh copy.
Hi Keith, Thanks for the help and quick response. I cleaned out the cache and did a fresh install and it now works. Your explanation of the folder structure was most helpful. I am a relative newbie to Visual Studio and how you import various packages (Apps) as you need them like minGW. Kindest Regards, Dale.
I'm pleased that you were able to resolve this.
I'm going to leave the ticket open, so others may be able to find it more readily, but I'm marking it with a "Works for Me" resolution; thus, it may be considered as effectively closed, with a "Self-Service" solution.
I have tried several times to install minGW on my Win10 machine.
Each time the file:
fails to load. The error:
required package file is not available.
Thanks for looking into this.