Forums: 公開討議 (Thread #37121)

Large space before and after single quotation marks (2015-09-09 20:02 by Pekka #76848)

Why is there so large space before "left single quotation mark" (U+2018) and after "right single quotation mark" (U+2019) in Migu 1M?

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Re: Large space before and after single quotation marks (2015-09-10 14:26 by itouhiro #76852)

Because of 'East Asian Ambiguous Width'.
ref. search 'Unicode East Asian Width'.

‘ U+2018
’ U+2019
are full-width(double width) in many Japanese conventional fonts.
The author will apply Migu 1M to Japanese conventional font.

List of East Asian Ambiguous Width in Migu 1M:

Alternatively, you can use MigMix 1M.

diff sample image in MigMix 1M against Migu 1M
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Re: Large space before and after single quotation marks (2015-09-10 16:02 by Pekka #76853)

Thank you for your answer. It makes all clear to me now.
Also thank you for the recommendation of the MigMix font. I wish I had taken closer look at it earlier.
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