Forums: 公開討議 (Thread #17170)

--help, --version の出力先を切り替えるパッチ (2007-12-22 17:58 by Anonymous #34150)

2ch の某スレッドでお世話になってます。
個人的に欲しかったので--help, --version の出力先を切り替えるパッチを作ってみました。
diff の量が多かったのでこっちに投稿します。

- usage(), show_configuration(), version() の出力先を stderr から HELP_OUTPUT に変更
- HELP_OUTPUT は HELP_OUTPUT_STDOUT が定義されていれば stdout, されていなければ stderr になる
- config.h で HELP_OUTPUT_STDOUT を設定出来るように変更
- show_configuration() に HELP_OUTPUT_STDOUT の情報を表示するようにした

== config.h Revision 1.11
> /* --help, --version の出力先を STDOUT に変更する */
> /* #define HELP_OUTPUT_STDOUT */

== nkf.c Revision 1.157
> #define HELP_OUTPUT stdout
> #else
> #define HELP_OUTPUT stderr
> #endif
< fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: nkf(nkf32,wnkf,nkf2) -[flags] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"Flags:\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"b,u Output is buffered (DEFAULT),Output is unbuffered\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"USAGE: nkf(nkf32,wnkf,nkf2) -[flags] [in file] .. [out file for -O flag]\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"Flags:\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"b,u Output is buffered (DEFAULT),Output is unbuffered\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift_JIS (DEFAULT), EUC-JP, UTF-8N\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift_JIS (DEFAULT), EUC-JP, UTF-8N\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit (DEFAULT), Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8N\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit (DEFAULT), Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8N\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS, EUC-JP (DEFAULT), UTF-8N\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS, EUC-JP (DEFAULT), UTF-8N\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8N (DEFAULT)\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"j,s,e,w Output code is JIS 7 bit, Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8N (DEFAULT)\n");
< fprintf(stderr," After 'w' you can add more options. -w[ 8 [0], 16 [[BL] [0]] ]\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," After 'w' you can add more options. -w[ 8 [0], 16 [[BL] [0]] ]\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"J,S,E,W Input assumption is JIS 7 bit , Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"J,S,E,W Input assumption is JIS 7 bit , Shift JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8\n");
< fprintf(stderr," After 'W' you can add more options. -W[ 8, 16 [BL] ] \n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," After 'W' you can add more options. -W[ 8, 16 [BL] ] \n");
< fprintf(stderr,"t no conversion\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"i[@B] Specify the Esc Seq for JIS X 0208-1978/83 (DEFAULT B)\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"o[BJH] Specify the Esc Seq for ASCII/Roman (DEFAULT B)\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"r {de/en}crypt ROT13/47\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"h 1 katakana->hiragana, 2 hiragana->katakana, 3 both\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"m[BQN0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,N:non-strict,0:no decode]\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"M[BQ] MIME encode [B:base64 Q:quoted]\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"l ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) support\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"f/F Folding: -f60 or -f or -f60-10 (fold margin 10) F preserve nl\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"Z[0-4] Default/0: Convert JISX0208 Alphabet to ASCII\n");
< fprintf(stderr," 1: Kankaku to one space 2: to two spaces 3: HTML Entity\n");
< fprintf(stderr," 4: JISX0208 Katakana to JISX0201 Katakana\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"X,x Assume X0201 kana in MS-Kanji, -x preserves X0201\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"B[0-2] Broken input 0: missing ESC,1: any X on ESC-[($]-X,2: ASCII on NL\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"t no conversion\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"i[@B] Specify the Esc Seq for JIS X 0208-1978/83 (DEFAULT B)\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"o[BJH] Specify the Esc Seq for ASCII/Roman (DEFAULT B)\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"r {de/en}crypt ROT13/47\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"h 1 katakana->hiragana, 2 hiragana->katakana, 3 both\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"m[BQN0] MIME decode [B:base64,Q:quoted,N:non-strict,0:no decode]\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"M[BQ] MIME encode [B:base64 Q:quoted]\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"l ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) support\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"f/F Folding: -f60 or -f or -f60-10 (fold margin 10) F preserve nl\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"Z[0-4] Default/0: Convert JISX0208 Alphabet to ASCII\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," 1: Kankaku to one space 2: to two spaces 3: HTML Entity\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," 4: JISX0208 Katakana to JISX0201 Katakana\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"X,x Assume X0201 kana in MS-Kanji, -x preserves X0201\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"B[0-2] Broken input 0: missing ESC,1: any X on ESC-[($]-X,2: ASCII on NL\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"T Text mode output\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"T Text mode output\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"O Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"I Convert non ISO-2022-JP charactor to GETA\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"d,c Convert line breaks -d: LF -c: CRLF\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"-L[uwm] line mode u:LF w:CRLF m:CR (DEFAULT noconversion)\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"v, V Show this usage. V: show configuration\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"Long name options\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --ic=<input codeset> --oc=<output codeset>\n");
< fprintf(stderr," Specify the input or output codeset\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --fj --unix --mac --windows\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --jis --euc --sjis --utf8 --utf16 --mime --base64\n");
< fprintf(stderr," Convert for the system or code\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --hiragana --katakana --katakana-hiragana\n");
< fprintf(stderr," To Hiragana/Katakana Conversion\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --prefix= Insert escape before troublesome characters of Shift_JIS\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"O Output to File (DEFAULT 'nkf.out')\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"I Convert non ISO-2022-JP charactor to GETA\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"d,c Convert line breaks -d: LF -c: CRLF\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"-L[uwm] line mode u:LF w:CRLF m:CR (DEFAULT noconversion)\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"v, V Show this usage. V: show configuration\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"Long name options\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --ic=<input codeset> --oc=<output codeset>\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," Specify the input or output codeset\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --fj --unix --mac --windows\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --jis --euc --sjis --utf8 --utf16 --mime --base64\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," Convert for the system or code\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --hiragana --katakana --katakana-hiragana\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," To Hiragana/Katakana Conversion\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --prefix= Insert escape before troublesome characters of Shift_JIS\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --cap-input, --url-input Convert hex after ':' or '%%'\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --cap-input, --url-input Convert hex after ':' or '%%'\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --numchar-input Convert Unicode Character Reference\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --numchar-input Convert Unicode Character Reference\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --fb-{skip, html, xml, perl, java, subchar}\n");
< fprintf(stderr," Specify how nkf handles unassigned characters\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --fb-{skip, html, xml, perl, java, subchar}\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," Specify how nkf handles unassigned characters\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --in-place[=SUFFIX] --overwrite[=SUFFIX]\n");
< fprintf(stderr," Overwrite original listed files by filtered result\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --overwrite preserves timestamp of original files\n");
< #endif
< fprintf(stderr," -g --guess Guess the input code\n");
< fprintf(stderr," --help --version Show this help/the version\n");
< fprintf(stderr," For more information, see also man nkf\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --in-place[=SUFFIX] --overwrite[=SUFFIX]\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," Overwrite original listed files by filtered result\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --overwrite preserves timestamp of original files\n");
> #endif
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," -g --guess Guess the input code\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," --help --version Show this help/the version\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT," For more information, see also man nkf\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"\n");
< fprintf(stderr, "Summary of my nkf " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") configuration:\n");
< fprintf(stderr, " Compile-time options:\n");
< fprintf(stderr, " Default output encoding: "
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, "Summary of my nkf " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") configuration:\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Compile-time options:\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Default output encoding: "
< fprintf(stderr, " Default output newline: "
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Default output newline: "
< fprintf(stderr, " Decode MIME encoded string: "
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Decode MIME encoded string: "
< fprintf(stderr, " Convert JIS X 0201 Katakana: "
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " Convert JIS X 0201 Katakana: "
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT, " --help, --version output: "
> #else
> #endif
> "\n");
< fprintf(stderr,"Network Kanji Filter Version " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") \n" COPY_RIGHT "\n");
> fprintf(HELP_OUTPUT,"Network Kanji Filter Version " NKF_VERSION " (" NKF_RELEASE_DATE ") \n" COPY_RIGHT "\n");

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RE: --help, --version の出力先を切り替えるパッチ (2007-12-23 16:28 by naruse #34158)


Reply to #34150

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