1. Environment
Turbolinux 10F... on VMWare.
GS: espgs-8.15.3-source.tar.gz
GlueCode: version 1.13 (gdevopvp.c)
NPDL driver: necopvdmw-
2. Data Files
Hanten1.pdf - to reproduce
Fujitsu.pdf - for checking purpose
3. Investigation results
Producing PostScript data from Hanten1.pdf using Xpdf
and check color space setting, it is confirmed "indexed
cmyk" is used. In opvp_begin_image() in Glue Code,
palette[] is defined as a condition that RGB is stored
in it. The bitmap data in Hanten1.pdf, which has 12
colors of palette in CMYK and size of the palette is 48
bytes, which is determined as RGB, then causes problem.
Turbolinux 10F... on VMWare.
GS: espgs-8.15.3-source.tar.gz
GlueCode: version 1.13 (gdevopvp.c)
NPDL driver: necopvdmw-
2. Data Files
Hanten1.pdf - to reproduce
Fujitsu.pdf - for checking purpose
3. Investigation results
Producing PostScript data from Hanten1.pdf using Xpdf
and check color space setting, it is confirmed "indexed
cmyk" is used. In opvp_begin_image() in Glue Code,
palette[] is defined as a condition that RGB is stored
in it. The bitmap data in Hanten1.pdf, which has 12
colors of palette in CMYK and size of the palette is 48
bytes, which is determined as RGB, then causes problem.
4. Fix proposal
See attached patch file.