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Kato Atsushi ktats****@users*****
2007年 6月 26日 (火) 09:50:42 JST

Index: docs/modules/DBIx-Class-0.07006/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod
diff -u docs/modules/DBIx-Class-0.07006/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod:1.4 docs/modules/DBIx-Class-0.07006/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod:1.5
--- docs/modules/DBIx-Class-0.07006/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod:1.4	Tue Jun 26 09:36:26 2007
+++ docs/modules/DBIx-Class-0.07006/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod	Tue Jun 26 09:50:42 2007
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-=head1 名前
+=head1 名前
-DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook - レシピいろいろ
+DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook - レシピいろいろ
-=head1 レシピ
+=head1 レシピ
-=head2 検索
+=head2 検索
-=head3 ページ処理された結果セット
+=head3 ページ処理された結果セット
 When you expect a large number of results, you can ask L<DBIx::Class> for a
 paged resultset, which will fetch only a small number of records at a time:
-  my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
+   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
       page => 1,  # page to return (defaults to 1)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 The C<page> attribute does not have to be specified in your search:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@
 In either of the above cases, you can return a L<Data::Page> object for the
 resultset (suitable for use in e.g. a template) using the C<pager> method:
   return $rs->pager();
-=head3 複雑な WHERE節
+=head3 複雑な WHERE節
 Sometimes you need to formulate a query using specific operators:
   my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({
     artist => { 'like', '%Lamb%' },
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
 This results in something like the following C<WHERE> clause:
   WHERE artist LIKE '%Lamb%' AND title LIKE '%Fear of Fours%'
 Other queries might require slightly more complex logic:
   my @albums = $schema->resultset('Album')->search({
     -or => [
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 This results in the following C<WHERE> clause:
   WHERE ( artist LIKE '%Smashing Pumpkins%' AND title = 'Siamese Dream' )
     OR artist = 'Starchildren'
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@
 For more information on generating complex queries, see
-複雑なクエリをつくるためのより詳しい説明は、L<SQL::Abstract/WHERE CLAUSES>を見てください。
+複雑なクエリをつくるためのより詳しい説明は、L<SQL::Abstract/WHERE CLAUSES>を見てください。
-=head3 特定のカラムを使う
+=head3 特定のカラムを使う
 When you only want specific columns from a table, you can use
 C<columns> to specify which ones you need. This is useful to avoid
 loading columns with large amounts of data that you aren't about to
 use anyway:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
 This is a shortcut for C<select> and C<as>, see below. C<columns>
 cannot be used together with C<select> and C<as>.
-=head3 データベースの関数やストアドプロシージャを使う
+=head3 データベースの関数やストアドプロシージャを使う
 The combination of C<select> and C<as> can be used to return the result of a
 database function or stored procedure as a column value. You use C<select> to
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
 stored procedure name). You then use C<as> to set the column name you will use
 to access the returned value:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@
 just access it as normal. Our C<Artist> class has a C<name> column, so
 we just use the C<name> accessor:
-C< as >属性は、SQLのシンタックスC< SELECT foo AS bar>とまったく関係ないことに
+C< as >属性は、SQLのシンタックスC< SELECT foo AS bar>とまったく関係ないことに
   my $artist = $rs->first();
   my $name = $artist->name();
@@ -160,16 +160,16 @@
 If on the other hand the alias does not correspond to an existing column, you
 have to fetch the value using the C<get_column> accessor:
   my $name_length = $artist->get_column('name_length');
 If you don't like using C<get_column>, you can always create an accessor for
 any of your aliases using either of these:
   # Define accessor manually:
   sub name_length { shift->get_column('name_length'); }
@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@
-=head3 結果のグルーピング
+=head3 結果のグルーピング
 L<DBIx::Class> supports C<GROUP BY> as follows:
-L<DBIx::Class>はC<GROUP BY>をサポートします:
+L<DBIx::Class>はC<GROUP BY>をサポートします:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
@@ -228,16 +228,16 @@
 are in any way unsure about the use of the attributes above (C< join
 >, C< select >, C< as > and C< group_by >).
-上記の(C< join >、 C< select >、 C< as >、 C< group_by>)属性の使い方がわからなければ、
+上記の(C< join >、 C< select >、 C< as >、 C< group_by>)属性の使い方がわからなければ、
-=head3 先に定義された検索
+=head3 先に定義された検索
 You can write your own L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> class by inheriting from it
 and define often used searches as methods:
   package My::DBIC::ResultSet::CD;
   use strict;
@@ -258,26 +258,26 @@
 To use your resultset, first tell DBIx::Class to create an instance of it
 for you, in your My::DBIC::Schema::CD class:
 Then call your new method in your code:
    my $ordered_cds = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_cds_ordered();
-=head3 ResultSetクラスを書かかない、先に定義された検索
+=head3 ResultSetクラスを書かかない、先に定義された検索
 Alternatively you can automatically generate a DBIx::Class::ResultSet
 class by using the ResultSetManager component and tagging your method
 as ResultSet:
   __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ ResultSetManager Core /);
@@ -291,19 +291,19 @@
 Then call your method in the same way from your code:
    my $ordered_cds = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_cds_ordered();
-=head2 joins と prefetch を使う
+=head2 joins と prefetch を使う
 You can use the C<join> attribute to allow searching on, or sorting your
 results by, one or more columns in a related table. To return all CDs matching
 a particular artist name:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@
 If required, you can now sort on any column in the related tables by including
 it in your C<order_by> attribute:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
@@ -345,16 +345,16 @@
 sort using columns in a related table. Joining related tables when you only
 need columns from the main table will make performance worse!
 Now let's say you want to display a list of CDs, each with the name of the
 artist. The following will work fine:
   while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
     print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name;
@@ -365,9 +365,9 @@
 the artist name for any of the CD objects returned, L<DBIx::Class> will go back
 to the database:
   SELECT artist.* FROM artist WHERE artist.id = ?
@@ -375,15 +375,15 @@
 main query. Five CDs, five extra queries. A hundred CDs, one hundred extra
 Thankfully, L<DBIx::Class> has a C<prefetch> attribute to solve this problem.
 This allows you to fetch results from related tables in advance:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
 The code to print the CD list remains the same:
   while (my $cd = $rs->next) {
     print "CD: " . $cd->title . ", Artist: " . $cd->artist->name;
@@ -415,33 +415,33 @@
 so no additional SQL statements are executed. You now have a much more
 efficient query.
 Note that as of L<DBIx::Class> 0.05999_01, C<prefetch> I<can> be used with
 C<has_many> relationships.
-L<DBIx::Class> 0.05999_01の辞典で、 C<has_many>のリレーションシップで、
+L<DBIx::Class> 0.05999_01の辞典で、 C<has_many>のリレーションシップで、
 Also note that C<prefetch> should only be used when you know you will
 definitely use data from a related table. Pre-fetching related tables when you
 only need columns from the main table will make performance worse!
-=head3 マルチステップの結合(join)
+=head3 マルチステップの結合(join)
 Sometimes you want to join more than one relationship deep. In this example,
 we want to find all C<Artist> objects who have C<CD>s whose C<LinerNotes>
 contain a specific string:
   # Relationships defined elsewhere:
   # Artist->has_many('cds' => 'CD', 'artist');
@@ -468,8 +468,8 @@
 want to reduce the number of Artists returned based on who wrote the liner
   # Relationship defined elsewhere:
   # LinerNotes->belongs_to('author' => 'Person');
@@ -496,13 +496,13 @@
   # WHERE liner_notes.notes LIKE '%some text%'
   # AND author.name = 'A. Writer'
-=head2 マルチステップのprefetch
+=head2 マルチステップのprefetch
 From 0.04999_05 onwards, C<prefetch> can be nested more than one relationship
 deep using the same syntax as a multi-step join:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@
 SQL statements:
   my $tag = $rs->first;
   print $tag->cd->artist->name;
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@
 If you want to find the sum of a particular column there are several
 ways, the obvious one is to use search:
   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Items')->search(
@@ -549,23 +549,23 @@
 returned when you ask the C<ResultSet> for a column using
   my $cost = $schema->resultset('Items')->get_column('Cost');
   my $tc = $cost->sum;
 With this you can also do:
   my $minvalue = $cost->min;
   my $maxvalue = $cost->max;
 Or just iterate through the values of this column only:
   while ( my $c = $cost->next ) {
     print $c;
@@ -579,66 +579,66 @@
 you need one that it doesn't have, then you can use the C<func> method
   my $avg = $cost->func('AVERAGE');
 This will cause the following SQL statement to be run:
 Which will of course only work if your database supports this function.
 See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn> for more documentation.
-=head2 リレーションシップを使う
+=head2 リレーションシップを使う
-=head3 関連するテーブルに新しい列を作る
+=head3 関連するテーブルに新しい列を作る
   my $book->create_related('author', { name => 'Fred'});
-=head3 関連するテーブルを検索する
+=head3 関連するテーブルを検索する
 Only searches for books named 'Titanic' by the author in $author.
   my $author->search_related('books', { name => 'Titanic' });
-=head3 関連するテーブルのデータを削除する
+=head3 関連するテーブルのデータを削除する
 Deletes only the book named Titanic by the author in $author.
   my $author->delete_related('books', { name => 'Titanic' });
-=head3 関係する結果セットの順序付け
+=head3 関係する結果セットの順序付け
 If you always want a relation to be ordered, you can specify this when you 
 create the relationship.
 To order C<< $book->pages >> by descending page_number.
-page_numberを降順で、C<< $book->pages >>を並び変えたいなら。
+page_numberを降順で、C<< $book->pages >>を並び変えたいなら。
   Book->has_many('pages' => 'Page', 'book', { order_by => \'page_number DESC'} );
-=head2 トランザクション
+=head2 トランザクション
 As of version 0.04001, there is improved transaction support in
 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI> and L<DBIx::Class::Schema>.  Here is an
 example of the recommended way to use it:
-0.04001以前に、 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI>とL<DBIx::Class::Schema>に、改良された
+0.04001以前に、 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI>とL<DBIx::Class::Schema>に、改良された
   my $genus = $schema->resultset('Genus')->find(12);
@@ -674,17 +674,17 @@
 transactions (for databases that support them) will hopefully be added
 in the future.
-=head2 Many-to-many のリレーションシップ
+=head2 Many-to-many のリレーションシップ
 This is straightforward using L<ManyToMany|DBIx::Class::Relationship/many_to_many>:
   package My::DB;
   # ... set up connection ...
@@ -716,13 +716,13 @@
   $rs = $user->addresses(); # get all addresses for a user
   $rs = $address->users(); # get all users for an address
-=head2 列のデフォルトの値を用意する
+=head2 列のデフォルトの値を用意する
 It's as simple as overriding the C<new> method.  Note the use of
   sub new {
     my ( $self, $attrs ) = @_;
@@ -738,67 +738,67 @@
 documentation. See also L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Component> for more
 ways to write your own base classes to do this.
 People looking for ways to do "triggers" with DBIx::Class are probably
 just looking for this.
 =head2 Stringification
 Employ the standard stringification technique by using the C<overload>
-C<overload> モジュールで標準的な文字列化のテクニックを使えます。
+C<overload> モジュールで標準的な文字列化のテクニックを使えます。
 To make an object stringify itself as a single column, use something
 like this (replace C<foo> with the column/method of your choice):
   use overload '""' => sub { shift->name}, fallback => 1;
 For more complex stringification, you can use an anonymous subroutine:
   use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->name . ", " .
                              $_[0]->address }, fallback => 1;
-=head3 文字列化の例
+=head3 文字列化の例
 Suppose we have two tables: C<Product> and C<Category>. The table
 specifications are:
   Product(id, Description, category)
   Category(id, Description)
 C<category> is a foreign key into the Category table.
 If you have a Product object C<$obj> and write something like
   print $obj->category
 things will not work as expected.
 To obtain, for example, the category description, you should add this
 method to the class defining the Category table:
   use overload "" => sub {
       my $self = shift;
@@ -806,31 +806,31 @@
       return $self->Description;
   }, fallback => 1;
-=head2 きれいに切断
+=head2 きれいに切断
 If you find yourself quitting an app with Control-C a lot during
 development, you might like to put the following signal handler in
 your main database class to make sure it disconnects cleanly:
   $SIG{INT} = sub {
-=head2 スキーマのインポート/エクスポート
+=head2 スキーマのインポート/エクスポート
 This functionality requires you to have L<SQL::Translator> (also known as
 "SQL Fairy") installed.
-この機能を使うには、L<SQL::Translator>("SQL Fairy"とも知られる)を
+この機能を使うには、L<SQL::Translator>("SQL Fairy"とも知られる)を
 To create a DBIx::Class schema from an existing database:
  sqlt --from DBI
       --to DBIx::Class::File
@@ -839,8 +839,8 @@
 To create a MySQL database from an existing L<DBIx::Class> schema, convert the
 schema to MySQL's dialect of SQL:
   sqlt --from SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class 
        --to MySQL 
@@ -848,22 +848,21 @@
 And import using the mysql client:
   mysql -h "host" -D "database" -u "user" -p < Schema1.sql
-=head2 クラスベースからスキーマペースのセットアップへの簡単な移行
+=head2 クラスベースからスキーマペースのセットアップへの簡単な移行
 You want to start using the schema-based approach to L<DBIx::Class>
 (see L<SchemaIntro.pod>), but have an established class-based setup with lots
 of existing classes that you don't want to move by hand. Try this nifty script
   use MyDB;
@@ -897,17 +896,17 @@
 You could use L<Module::Find> to search for all subclasses in the MyDB::*
 namespace, which is currently left as an exercise for the reader.
-=head2 スキーマのバージョニング
+=head2 スキーマのバージョニング
 The following example shows simplistically how you might use DBIx::Class to
 deploy versioned schemas to your customers. The basic process is as follows:
 =over 4
@@ -915,44 +914,50 @@
 Create a DBIx::Class schema
 =item 2.
 Save the schema
 =item 3.
 Deploy to customers
 =item 4.
 Modify schema to change functionality
-スキーマを変更して、 functionality を変更します
+スキーマを変更して、 functionality を変更します
 =item 5.
 Deploy update to customers
-=head3 DBIx::Calssスキーマを作る
+=head3 DBIx::Calssスキーマを作る
 This can either be done manually, or generated from an existing database as
 described under C<Schema import/export>.
-=head3 Save the schema
+これは、手で行うことも、C<Schema import/export>で説明しますが、
+=head3 スキーマを保存する
 Use C<sqlt> to transform your schema into an SQL script suitable for your
 customer's database. E.g. for MySQL:
   sqlt --from SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class
        --to MySQL
        --DBIx::Class "MySchema.pm" > Schema1.mysql.sql
@@ -960,34 +965,48 @@
 If you need to target databases from multiple vendors, just generate an SQL
 script suitable for each. To support PostgreSQL too:
   sqlt --from SQL::Translator::DBIx::Class
        --to PostgreSQL
        --DBIx::Class "MySchema.pm" > Schema1.pgsql.sql
-=head3 Deploy to customers
+=head3 顧客にデプロイする
 There are several ways you could deploy your schema. These are probably
 beyond the scope of this recipe, but might include:
 =over 4
 =item 1.
 Require customer to apply manually using their RDBMS.
 =item 2.
 Package along with your app, making database dump/schema update/tests
 all part of your install.
-=head3 Modify the schema to change functionality
+=head3 機能性を変更するために、スキーマを変更する
 As your application evolves, it may be necessary to modify your schema to
 change functionality. Once the changes are made to your schema in DBIx::Class,
 export the modified schema as before, taking care not to overwrite the original:
   sqlt --from SQL::Translator::DBIx::Class
        --to MySQL
        --DBIx::Class "Anything.pm" > Schema2.mysql.sql
@@ -995,13 +1014,17 @@
 Next, use sqlt-diff to create an SQL script that will update the customer's
 database schema:
   sqlt-diff --to MySQL Schema1=MySQL Schema2=MySQL > SchemaUpdate.mysql.sql
-=head3 Deploy update to customers
+=head3 顧客に更新をデプロイします
 The schema update can be deployed to customers using the same method as before.
-=head2 Setting limit dialect for SQL::Abstract::Limit
+=head2 SQL::Abstract::Limit のために、リミットの方言を設定する
 In some cases, SQL::Abstract::Limit cannot determine the dialect of
 the remote SQL server by looking at the database handle. This is a
@@ -1011,42 +1034,73 @@
 to Microsoft SQL-server (See more names in SQL::Abstract::Limit
+時には、SQL::Abstract::Limit はデータベースハンドルで見ていることで、
+DBD-driver は Java-driver が利用できることを知っているだけで、
+具体的に、Microsoft SQL-server のlimitの方言をセットします
 The JDBC bridge is one way of getting access to a MSSQL server from a platform
 that Microsoft doesn't deliver native client libraries for. (e.g. Linux)
-=head2 Setting quoting for the generated SQL. 
+=head2 生成されたSQLをクォートする
 If the database contains column names with spaces and/or reserved words, they
 need to be quoted in the SQL queries. This is done using:
   __PACKAGE__->storage->sql_maker->quote_char([ qw/[ ]/] );
 The first sets the quote characters. Either a pair of matching
 brackets, or a C<"> or C<'>:
+1行目は、クォート文字をセットしています。ブラケットのペアか、C<">, C<'>です。
 Check the documentation of your database for the correct quote
 characters to use. C<name_sep> needs to be set to allow the SQL
 generator to put the quotes the correct place.
-=head2 Overloading methods
+=head2 メソッドのオーバーロード
 L<DBIx::Class> uses the L<Class::C3> package, which provides for redispatch of 
 method calls.  You have to use calls to C<next::method> to overload methods.  
 More information on using L<Class::C3> with L<DBIx::Class> can be found in 
-=head3 Changing one field whenever another changes
+=head3 他が変更されたらいつでもあるフィールドを変更する
 For example, say that you have three columns, C<id>, C<number>, and 
 C<squared>.  You would like to make changes to C<number> and have
 C<squared> be automagically set to the value of C<number> squared.
 You can accomplish this by overriding C<store_column>:
   sub store_column {
     my ( $self, $name, $value ) = @_;
     if ($name eq 'number') {
@@ -1058,12 +1112,20 @@
 Note that the hard work is done by the call to C<next::method>, which
 redispatches your call to store_column in the superclass(es).
-=head3 Automatically creating related objects
+=head3 関連するオブジェクトを自動的に作る
 You might have a class C<Artist> which has many C<CD>s.  Further, if you
 want to create a C<CD> object every time you insert an C<Artist> object.
 You can accomplish this by overriding C<insert> on your objects:
   sub insert {
     my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
@@ -1074,12 +1136,19 @@
 where C<fill_from_artist> is a method you specify in C<CD> which sets
 values in C<CD> based on the data in the C<Artist> object you pass in.
-=head2 Debugging DBIx::Class objects with Data::Dumper
+=head2 Data::Dumperを使って、DBIx::Classをデバッグする
 L<Data::Dumper> can be a very useful tool for debugging, but sometimes it can
 be hard to find the pertinent data in all the data it can generate.
 Specifically, if one naively tries to use it like so,
+L<Data::Dumper> はデバッグにとても便利なツールです。ですが、
   use Data::Dumper;
   my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1);
@@ -1089,10 +1158,18 @@
 be dumped to the screen. Since usually one is only interested in a few column
 values of the object, this is not very helpful.
 Luckily, it is possible to modify the data before L<Data::Dumper> outputs
 it. Simply define a hook that L<Data::Dumper> will call on the object before
 dumping it. For example,
   package My::DB::CD;
   sub _dumper_hook {
@@ -1118,10 +1195,18 @@
 will automagically clean up your data before printing it. See
 L<Data::Dumper/EXAMPLES> for more information.
-=head2 Retrieving a row object's Schema
+=head2 列オブジェクトのスキーマを得る
 It is possible to get a Schema object from a row object like so:
   my $schema = $cd->result_source->schema;
   # use the schema as normal:
   my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist'); 
@@ -1129,7 +1214,9 @@
 This can be useful when you don't want to pass around a Schema object to every
-=head2 Profiling
+=head2 プロファイリング
 When you enable L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI>'s debugging it prints the SQL
 executed as well as notifications of query completion and transaction
@@ -1137,6 +1224,11 @@
 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics> class and write your own profiling
+も、出力します。SQLを分析したければ、 L<DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics>
   package My::Profiler;
   use strict;
@@ -1168,12 +1260,16 @@
 You can then install that class as the debugging object:
   __PACKAGE__->storage()->debugobj(new My::Profiler());
 A more complicated example might involve storing each execution of SQL in an
   sub query_end {
     my $self = shift();
     my $sql = shift();
@@ -1189,12 +1285,17 @@
 You could then create average, high and low execution times for an SQL
 statement and dig down to see if certain parameters cause aberrant behavior.
-=head2 Getting the value of the primary key for the last database insert
-AKA getting last_insert_id
+=head2 最後にデータベースにインサートしたプライマリキーの値を取りたい
+last_insert_id を取るともいいます。
 If you are using PK::Auto, this is straightforward:
   my $foo = $rs->create(\%blah);
   # do more stuff
   my $id = $foo->id; # foo->my_primary_key_field will also work.
@@ -1202,8 +1303,13 @@
 If you are not using autoincrementing primary keys, this will probably
 not work, but then you already know the value of the last primary key anyway.
-=head2 Dynamic Sub-classing DBIx::Class proxy classes 
+=head2 DBIx::Classのプロキシクラスを動的にサブクラス化する
 (AKA multi-class object inflation from one table) 
+(AKA 1つのテーブルからマルチクラスのオブジェクトに膨らませる) 
 L<DBIx::Class> classes are proxy classes, therefore some different
 techniques need to be employed for more than basic subclassing.  In
@@ -1215,15 +1321,30 @@
 methods into the Admin class.  There is a cleaner way to accomplish
 Overriding the C<inflate_result> method within the User proxy-class
 gives us the effect we want.  This method is called by
 L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> when inflating a result from storage.  So we
 grab the object being returned, inspect the values we are looking for,
 bless it if it's an admin object, and then return it.  See the example
 B<Schema Definition> 
     package DB::Schema; 
     use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/; 
@@ -1232,7 +1353,7 @@
 B<Proxy-Class definitions> 
     package DB::Schema::User; 
     use strict; 
@@ -1287,7 +1408,7 @@
 B<Test File> test.pl 
     use warnings; 
     use strict; 
     use DB::Schema; 
@@ -1322,13 +1443,19 @@
     ### The statement below will print 
     print "I can do admin stuff\n" if $admin->can('do_admin_stuff'); 
-=head2 Skip object creation for faster results
+=head2 高速に結果を得るために、オブジェクトの作成をスキップしたい
 DBIx::Class is not built for speed, it's built for convenience and
 ease of use, but sometimes you just need to get the data, and skip the
 fancy objects. Luckily this is also fairly easy using
+DBIx::Class はスピードのためには作られておらず、DBIx::Classは、
   # Define a class which just returns the results as a hashref:
   package My::HashRefInflator;
@@ -1362,38 +1489,57 @@
-=head2 Want to know if find_or_create found or created a row?
+=head2 find_or_create が見付けたのか、列を作ったのかわかりますか?
 Just use C<find_or_new> instead, then check C<in_storage>:
   my $obj = $rs->find_or_new({ blah => 'blarg' });
   unless ($obj->in_storage) {
     # do whatever else you wanted if it was a new row
-=head3 Wrapping/overloading a column accessor
+=head3 カラムのアクセサをラッピング/オーバーロードする
 Problem: Say you have a table "Camera" and want to associate a description
 with each camera. For most cameras, you'll be able to generate the description from
 the other columns. However, in a few special cases you may want to associate a
 custom description with a camera.
+問題: "Camera"テーブルがあったとして、それぞれのカメラについて、
 In your database schema, define a description field in the "Camera" table that
 can contain text and null values.
 In DBIC, we'll overload the column accessor to provide a sane default if no
 custom description is defined. The accessor will either return or generate the
 description, depending on whether the field is null or not.
+DBICは、カスタムの description が定義されていなければ、
 First, in your "Camera" schema class, define the description field as follows:
   __PACKAGE__->add_columns(description => { accessor => '_description' });
 Next, we'll define the accessor-wrapper subroutine:
   sub description {
       my $self = shift;
@@ -1411,6 +1557,16 @@
       return $self->generate_description;
+=head1 翻訳について
+翻訳者:加藤敦 (ktat.****@gmail*****)
+Perlドキュメント日本語訳 Project にて、
+ http://perldocjp.sourceforge.jp/
+ http://sourceforge.jp/projects/perldocjp/
+ http://www.freeml.com/ctrl/html/MLInfoForm/perld****@freem*****
+ http://www.perldoc.jp

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