Project Description

PostgreSQL executes queries using cost-based optimizer, and sometimes fails to choose most optimized execution plan or some types of queries. In such cases, pg_hint_plan helps users to guide the planner to choose the plans they want by putting some nstructions - call them hints - in the comments prefixed to the SQL statement body. No need to rewrite statement tself nor change some GUC parameters elsewhere.


pg_hint_planをソースコードからビルドする場合、pg_hint_planのソースを展開したディレクトリで make → make installの順に実行してください。 make installはPostgreSQLをインストールしたOSユーザで実行してく... Show How to Install


pg_hint_planの機能について説明します。 ヒントの記述方法 ヒントはクエリ文字列の先頭のブロックコメント内に記述してください。ブロックコメントをヒントとして認識させるには、ブロックコメントの開始直後に... Show Usage


win32 Windows pg_hint_plan12-1.3.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (Date: 2020-02-21, Size: 32.65 KB)
macosx Mac pg_hint_plan12-1.3.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (Date: 2020-02-21, Size: 32.65 KB)
linux Linux pg_hint_plan12-1.3.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (Date: 2020-02-21, Size: 32.65 KB)

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2017-05-24 19:49
Review by SEAN.KIM

(9 of 15 people found this review helpful)
It's amazing. We use it to do very effective SQL tuning.

2015-02-09 14:14
Review by Mladen Gogala

(16 of 22 people found this review helpful)
I tested this on a Postgres database and hints work beautifully. This is a long awaited extension for PgSQL which makes it much more usable.
When time is of the essence, hints are often the only solution. The normal session level commands supported by Postgres are frequently inadequate because all that is needed is to fix a single SQL. Praises and kudos to the authors of this long awaited extension.
No cons. If the hints are not needed, don't use them.
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Use planner hints on PostgreSQL
[Ticket] Add Comment on ticket #46665
Sorry, this is not a bug but a new feature request.
Use planner hints on PostgreSQL
[Ticket] Add Comment on ticket #45644
I had managed to built from source. Please ignore and close this ticket. thanks
Use planner hints on PostgreSQL
[Ticket] Add Comment on ticket #45644
I had managed to built from source. Please ignore and close this ticket. thanks
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