[Pghintplan-q_and_a] Hi, pg_hint_plan developer?

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전홍찬 hcjeo****@bitni*****
2015年 9月 18日 (金) 15:40:59 JST

hello, I`m PostgreSQL user on Windows.
I want to use pg_hint_plan on windows.
I try to build pg_hint_plan using Cygwin, Visual Studio. I was created
pg_hint_plan.dll file. And I succeed "LOAD 'pg_hint_plan';" OR "CREATE
EXTENSION pg_hint_plan;" on psql command. I was executed SQL adding hint
statement. But SQL was execute CBO query plan of PostgreSQL. Why don`t
working pg_hint_plan????

I want to your advice. Thank you.

Have a nice day.


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