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Project Description

Pixel3ROM is an after-market open source firmware for selected list of QCOM smartphones. It is based on Android Open Source Project and brings features and UI changes from Google Pixel stock firmware.

System Requirements

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Released at 2019-09-30 00:48
Pixel3ROM - dipper September 3rd Update (1 files Hide)

Release Notes


- Updated to Android 10.0.0 (Release 3) - QP1A.190711.020.C3

- Updated Google Wallpapers app:

* Added system styling:

** 3 Icon packs: Rounded, Circular, Filled

** 5 Fonts styles

** Accent colors

** Icon shapes

* Added Pixel 4 prebuilt styles

- Added Pixel 4 Live wallpapers

- Added three new types of clock:

* Bubble

* Analog

* Type clock

- Updated notch configs again


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