2003年 6月 4日 (水) 11:39:10 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog The Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog provides a standard dialog which allows the user to select a color much like the Gtk::FileSelection provides a standard dialog for file selection. == super class * ((<Gtk::Dialog>)) == class methods --- = nil) Creates a new Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog. * title: a string containing the title text for the dialog. * Returns: a Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog. == public instance methods --- colorsel Gets the Gtk::ColorSelection widget contained within the dialog. Use this widget and its Gtk::ColorSelection#current_color method to gain access to the selected color. Connect a handler for this widget's color_changed signal to be notified when the color changes. * Returns: color selection widget(Gtk::ColorSelection) --- ok_button Gets the OK button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: ok_button(Gtk::Button) --- cancel_button Gets the cancel button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: cancel_button(Gtk::Button) --- help_button Gets the help button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: help_button(Gtk::Button) - ((<Masao>)) ------------------------- = class Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog The Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog provides a standard dialog which allows the user to select a color much like the Gtk::FileSelection provides a standard dialog for file selection. == super class * ((<Gtk::Dialog>)) == class methods --- = nil) Creates a new Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog. * title: a string containing the title text for the dialog. * Returns: a Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog. == public instance methods --- colorsel Gets the Gtk::ColorSelection widget contained within the dialog. Use this widget and its Gtk::ColorSelection#current_color method to gain access to the selected color. Connect a handler for this widget's color_changed signal to be notified when the color changes. * Returns: the color selection widget(Gtk::ColorSelection) --- ok_button Gets the OK button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: the ok_button(Gtk::Button) --- cancel_button Gets the cancel button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: the cancel_button(Gtk::Button) --- help_button Gets the help button widget contained within the dialog. Connect a handler for the clicked event. * Returns: the help_button(Gtk::Button) - ((<Masao>))