[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gst::Caps

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2004年 8月 6日 (金) 03:48:02 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gst%3A%3ACaps
  = class Gst::Caps
  Capabilities of pads.
  == Object Hierarchy
  * Object
    * GLib::Boxed
      * Gst::Caps
+ == Class Methods
+ --- Gst::Caps.from_string(string)
+     Converts a caps from a string representation.
+     * string: a string to convert to a Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: a newly allocated Gst::Caps.
  == Instance Methods
- --- ==(caps)
-     Checks if two Gst::Caps objects are refering the same caps.
-     * caps: a Gst::Caps.  
-     * Returns: true if equals, false otherwise.
+ --- ==?(caps)
+     Synonym for Gst::Caps#equal?.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: whether the given caps represent the same set of caps than  self.
- --- each_property { |name, value, is_fixed| ... }
-     Calls the block for each property of the Gst::Caps, passing references
-     of name (a String), value (an Object), and fixed state (a Boolean)
-     as parameters.
-     * Returns: always nil.
+ --- always_compatible?(caps)
+     A given caps structure is always compatible with another if every 
+     media format that is
+     in the first is also contained in the second.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: whether self is compatible with the given caps.
+ --- any?
+     This method returns whether the caps represents any media format.
+     * Returns: whether the caps represents any media format.
+ --- append(caps)
+     Appends the structures contained in caps to self.
+     * caps: a Gst::Caps to append.  
+     * Returns: self.
+ --- append_structure(structure)
+     Append the given structure to self.
+     * structure: the Gst::Structure to append.  
+     * Returns: self.
+ --- chained??
+     Synonym for Gst::Caps#simple?.
+     * Returns: whether the caps contains multiple Gst::Structure objects.
+ --- empty?
+     This method returns whether the caps represents no media formats.
+     * Returns: whether the caps represents no media formats.
+ --- equal?(caps)
+     This method returns whether the given caps represent the same set of caps than  self.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: whether the given caps represent the same set of caps than  self.
+ --- equal_fixed?(caps)
+     This method returns whether the given fixed caps represent the same set of caps  than self (self must be fixed as well).
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: whether the given fixed caps represent the same set of caps  than self (self must be fixed as well).
  --- fixed?
-     it has no ranges or lists), false otherwise.
-     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps has fixed properties (ie.  
+     Fixed caps describes exactly one format, that is, they have exactly one
+     structure, and each field in the structure describes a fixed type.
+     Examples of non-fixed types are ranges and lists.
+     * Returns: whether the caps is fixed.
- --- has_fixed_property?(name)
-     This method returns true if the Gst::Caps object has a fixed property  with the given name, false otherwise.
-     * name: a property name  Checks if a caps has a named fixed property.  
-     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps object has a fixed property  with the given name, false otherwise.
+ --- get_structure(index)
+     Finds the structure in the caps that has the given index, and 
+     returns it.
+     * index: the index of a structure.  
+     * Returns: a Gst::Structure corresponding to index, or nil if not found.
- --- has_property?(name)
-     This method returns true if the Gst::Caps object has a property  with the given name, false otherwise.
-     * name: a property name  Checks if a caps has a named property.  
-     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps object has a property  with the given name, false otherwise.
+ --- intersect(caps)
+     Creates a new Gst::Caps that contains all the formats that are 
+     common to both
+     self and the given caps.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: a new Gst::Caps object.
- --- mime
-     This method returns the mime type of the caps.
-     * Returns: the mime type of the caps.
+ --- length
+     Synonym for Gst::Caps#size.
+     * Returns: the number of structures contained in the caps.
- --- mime=(name)
-     Sets the mime type of the caps.
-     * name: a mime type.  
-     * Returns: the given parameter 'name'.
+ --- new(*structures)
+     Creates a new Gst::Caps object and adds all given structures to it.  If no
+     structures are given, the caps will be empty.  If you want a caps that is 
+     compatible with any media format, just create an empty caps, then call
+     Gst::Caps#set_any.
+     * structures: a list of Gst::Structure objects.  
+     * Returns: a newly allocated Gst::Caps object.
- --- name
-     This method returns he name of the caps.
-     * Returns: he name of the caps.
+ --- normalize
+     Creates a new Gst::Caps that represents the same set of formats as self,
+     but contains no lists.  Each list is expanded into separate 
+     Gst::Structure
+     objects.
+     * Returns: a new Gst::Caps object.
- --- set_mime(name)
-     Sets the mime type of the caps.
-     * name: a mime type.  
+ --- replace(caps)
+     Replaces the current caps inplace with the given caps.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
      * Returns: self.
- --- type_id
-     This method returns the type ID of the caps.
-     * Returns: the type ID of the caps.
+ --- set_any(state)
+     Sets whether the caps should be compatible with any media format.
+     * state: true or false.  
+     * Returns: self.
- == Constants
- === GstCapsFlags
- --- FIXED
+ --- simple?
+     This method returns whether the caps contains multiple Gst::Structure objects.
+     * Returns: whether the caps contains multiple Gst::Structure objects.
+ --- simplify
+     Creates a new Gst::Caps that represents the same set of formats as 
+     self, but
+     simpler.  Component structures that are indentical are merged. 
+     Component
+     structures that have ranges or lists that can be merged are also merged.
+     * Returns: a new Gst::Caps object.
+ --- simplify!
+     Modifies the current caps inplace into a representation that represents
+     the same set of formats as self, but in a simpler form.
+     Component structures that are indentical are merged.  Component 
+     structures
+     that have ranges or lists that can be merged are also merged.
+     * Returns: whether the caps could be simplified.
+ --- size
+     This method returns the number of structures contained in the caps.
+     * Returns: the number of structures contained in the caps.
+ --- subset?(caps)
+     Checks if all caps represented by self are also represented by the 
+     given caps.
+     This method does not work reliably if optional properties for caps 
+     are included
+     on one caps and omitted on the other.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: whether self is a subset of the given caps.
+ --- subtract(caps)
+     Subtracts the given subtrahend caps from the minuend (self).
+     This method does not work reliably if optional properties for caps 
+     are included
+     on one caps and omitted on the other.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: the resulting caps, as a new Gst::Caps object.
+ --- to_s
+     Synonym for Gst::Caps#to_string.
+     * Returns: a string representation of the current caps.
+ --- to_string
+     This method returns a string representation of the current caps.
+     * Returns: a string representation of the current caps.
+ --- union(caps)
+     Creates a new Gst::Caps that contains all the formats that are in 
+     either
+     self and the given caps.
+     * caps: another Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: a new Gst::Caps object.
  == See Also
  - ((<lrz>))

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