[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] create - GtkSource::View

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2014年 8月 4日 (月) 17:20:26 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?GtkSource%3A%3AView
TITLE       = GtkSource::View
KEYWORD     = 
= GtkSource::View クラス

== オブジェクト階層

* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * GLib::InitiallyUnowned
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::TextView
              * GtkSource::View

== インクルードされているモジュール

* GLib::Interface
* Atk::Implementor
* Gtk::Buildable
* Gtk::Scrollable

== クラスメソッド

--- GtkSource::View.new()


    * 戻り値: ?

== インスタンスメソッド

--- undo()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- redo()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_completion()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- move_lines()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- move_words()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- completion()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_line_numbers?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_show_line_numbers()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_line_numbers=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_line_marks?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_show_line_marks()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_line_marks=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- tab_width()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_tab_width()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- tab_width=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- indent_width()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_indent_width()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- indent_width=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- auto_indent?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_auto_indent()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- auto_indent=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_right_margin?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_show_right_margin()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- show_right_margin=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- right_margin_position()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_right_margin_position()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- right_margin_position=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- smart_home_end()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_smart_home_end()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- smart_home_end=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- highlight_current_line?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_highlight_current_line()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- highlight_current_line=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- indent_on_tab?()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_indent_on_tab()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- indent_on_tab=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- draw_spaces()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_draw_spaces()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- draw_spaces=()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- get_gutter()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_mark_attributes()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_mark_category_background()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- get_mark_category_background()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_mark_category_pixbuf()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- get_mark_category_pixbuf()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- set_mark_category_priority()


    * 戻り値: ?

--- get_mark_category_priority()


    * 戻り値: ?

== 定数

--- GutterPosition


--- SmartHomeEndType


--- DrawSpacesFlags


== プロパティ

--- completion: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- show-line-numbers: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- show-line-marks: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- tab-width: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- indent-width: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- auto-indent: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- insert-spaces-instead-of-tabs: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- show-right-margin: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- right-margin-position: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- smart-home-end: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- highlight-current-line: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- indent-on-tab: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

--- draw-spaces: ? (read?/write?)
    * デフォルト値: ?

== シグナル

--- smart-home-end: ?



--- undo: ?



--- redo: ?



--- show-completion: ?



--- line-mark-activated: ?



--- move-lines: ?



--- move-words: ?



== 参考リンク

== 更新履歴

* 2014-08-04 新規作成 - ((<きたがわ>))

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