[Rubycocoa-devel 1402] memory leak in OverrideMixin.m

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Nava Carmon ncarm****@mac*****
Wed Jul 1 04:08:20 JST 2009


I'm very new to ruby. I have a task to eliminate memory leaks in  
rubycocoa application. I downloaded the latest version of RubyCocoa  
framework 0.13.2 and found out, that it has code that leaks.

For example: OverrideMixin.m class

function ovmix_imp_for_type the following code

   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
     if (i >= 2)
       octypes[i - 1] = arg_types[i];
   octypes[0] = retval_type;

produces leaks, since when we have only 2 arguments, the octypes is  
never being filled with arg_types values, since the iteration stops at  
this way st_lookup never returns ok and the memory never get freed.

I fixed it to the following (not committed though):

for (i = 1; i <= args; i++) {
    octypes[i] = arg_types[i - 1];
octypes[0] = retval_type;

Further more, the pointer to array arg_types should be freed in any  
case, because arg_type members are being assigned to other variables  
and this pointer is lost and not freed.

There is a place where strdup is being passed as a parameter to a  
function, that gets const char *! strdup calls for a malloc! See in  
the same file imp_c_addRubyMethod_withType function.

Now the most frustrating thing is that each call of rbobj_call_ruby  
function calls for kind of ruby malloc which is another leak.

Please see if these leaks can be fixed. My application is a process,  
that is supposed to run for a long time.


Nava Carmon

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