File Info

Rev. 0dca00f5eb4bb8f501a1a13373355a2a4139f2e3
Size 1,232 bytes
Time 2020-07-04 19:10:29
Author simphone
Log Message

crypto++ 5.6.5


#ifndef CRYPTOPP_MD5_H
#define CRYPTOPP_MD5_H

#include "iterhash.h"


namespace Weak1 {

//! <a href="">MD5</a>
class MD5 : public IteratedHashWithStaticTransform<word32, LittleEndian, 64, 16, MD5>
	static void InitState(HashWordType *state);
	static void Transform(word32 *digest, const word32 *data);
	CRYPTOPP_CONSTEXPR static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return "MD5";}

namespace Weak {using namespace Weak1;}		// import Weak1 into CryptoPP::Weak
using namespace Weak1;	// import Weak1 into CryptoPP with warning
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning "You may be using a weak algorithm that has been retained for backwards compatibility. Please '#define CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK 1' before including this .h file and prepend the class name with 'Weak::' to remove this warning."
#pragma message("You may be using a weak algorithm that has been retained for backwards compatibility. Please '#define CRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK 1' before including this .h file and prepend the class name with 'Weak::' to remove this warning.")


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