Never keep the cursor:
Statement and ResultSet will be released immediately.
Uses only Core APIs.
No dependency (version 2 and later):
No DBMS specific code.
Supports Windows, MacOSX and Linux (version 3 and later):
Excepts "dock mode" on MacOSX.
System Requirements
Stew3 requires JRE(Java Runtime Environment)1.5 and later.
Stew4 requires JRE(Java Runtime Environment)1.6 and later.
To install this software, all you need to do is extracting the archive file. To uninstall this software, you need to delete installed files and a ".stew" dir.
To see the location of "... Show How to Install
※バージョン4.xには起動スクリプト(,stew.bat)は付属していません。起動スクリプトが必要な場合は、バージョン3.x系のパッケージに含まれていますので、そちらから入手してください。 ひとつ... Show Usage