packages section of website: category filter
The most difficult thing to implement would be an advanced search function with a special syntax, i.e., search term: "memory category:drivers", as apposed to "memory category:games".
Look at for what I mean.
website features a category filter now. pkgnet can also emit category-filtered queries using this syntax:
list all packages that match "logic" in category "games":
pkgnet search logic::games
list all packages of the "games" category:
pkgnet search ::games
list all packages, all categories:
pkgnet search ::
proper documentation will follow... one day.
Would be nice to have a combo selector in the "packages" section of the website, that would allow to filter the list by category:
The above categories would need to be discovered by buildidx based on the directory layout of each package, and then written into the index file so the website can use it.
In a later future pkgnet might also query this information, but that would probably be subject to a different ticket request.