Ticket #44106

Update mode

Open Date: 2022-03-14 21:17 Last Update: 2023-08-04 00:00

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


Updating packages over the net is nice, but does SvarDOS offer an update mode for the installer? Or is there any interest?

I mean something like:

  1. Detect current SvarDOS installation. (Allow override by the user, if he/she moved SvarDOS to another directory.)
  2. SET DOSDIR=C:\SVARDOS or to whatever is correct for this specific machine.
  3. Say some blah about creating a backup first. (Or offer to create a backup in a C:\SVARDOS.OLD folder.)
  4. Run 'pkg update package.svp' for all packages found on install media.
  5. Update kernel and command.com packages.
  6. Reboot and pray. *g*

Ticket History (3/4 Histories)

2022-03-14 21:17 Updated by: bttr
  • New Ticket "Update mode" created
2022-03-14 21:31 Updated by: mateuszviste

this is basically about downloading an archive with all latest packages from the repo, and "pkg update"-ing those that are outdated on the target system. FDNPKG allowed for such operations, pkg doesn't. The difference is that pkg (nor pkgnet) do not have any logic for packages comparision, etc. because it's all implemented on server side to make it easy for low-end systems.

a realistic approach could be to publish a tar or zip that contains the latest ver of each repo package, along with a simple listing file, like a text file "pknam = version" that lists all versions. Then, pkg would need to read this file and compare "version" with locally installed packages. If different -> propose to update the package.

Alternatively: run pkg update on all packages (if package not installed, update will abort on its own). Perhaps some some switch could be used to tell pkg not to update a package if the version is exactly the same already (or make it the default behavior, with some --force option to make it update even same-version packages).

2022-03-15 03:45 Updated by: bttr

Reply To mateuszviste

this is basically about downloading an archive with all latest packages from the repo, and "pkg update"-ing those that are outdated on the target system. FDNPKG allowed for such operations, pkg doesn't. The difference is that pkg (nor pkgnet) do not have any logic for packages comparision, etc. because it's all implemented on server side to make it easy for low-end systems.

Not sure, we are talking about the same. I mean:

  1. Given is you have a computer (physical or virtual) with an older release of SvarDOS installed.
  2. You download the latest (stable) ISO or floppy images from http://www.svardos.org/?p=files
  3. You insert that medium into your virtual and physical CD-ROM or floppy disk drive.
  4. You boot from that medium like you would for fresh SvarDOS install.
  5. Install.com detects SvarDOS on C: and offers to update the existing installation.

I only talk about core packages. I don't care about additional packages installed by the user. That would be another feature request, I already have in mind. ;-)

a realistic approach could be to publish a tar or zip that contains the latest ver of each repo package, along with a simple listing file, like a text file "pknam = version" that lists all versions. Then, pkg would need to read this file and compare "version" with locally installed packages. If different -> propose to update the package.


Alternatively: run pkg update on all packages (if package not installed, update will abort on its own).

Yes, something like that. For each package in install.lst, e.g., amb, attrib, chkdsk, run 'pkg update'.

Perhaps some some switch could be used to tell pkg not to update a package if the version is exactly the same already (or make it the default behavior, with some --force option to make it update even same-version packages).

Yes, make it the default behavior to not update a same-version package, but introduce a new option --force or --repair to pkg. We already talked about a 'check package health' action some weeks ago. Maybe you remember.

2023-08-04 00:00 Updated by: mateuszviste
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Resolution Update from None to Postponed

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