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File Info

Rev. 1
Size 5,205 bytes
Time 2010-09-04 22:42:09
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初期バージョン(Trac Lightning 2.5.2)


	Created by Noah Kantrowitz on 2009-03-29.
	Copyright (c) 2009 Noah Kantrowitz. All rights reserved.
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
      <xi:include href="admin.html" />
    <title>Custom theme</title>
    <style type="text/css" media="screen"></style>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(function() {
        var theme_colors = {};
        <py:for each="color in current_theme.get('colors',())">
        theme_colors['${color[0]}'] = {
          name: '${color[0]}',
          prop: '${color[1]}',
          selector: '${color[2]}',
          color: '${colors.get(color[0], '')}'
        var theme_schemes = {};
        <py:for each="name, scheme in current_theme.get('schemes',())">
        theme_schemes['$name'] = {};
        <py:for each="colorname, color in scheme.iteritems()">
        theme_schemes['$name']['$colorname'] = '$color';
        // <![CDATA[
        var colors = $('#colors');
        var farb = null;
        if(colors.length == 0)
          colors = null;
        else {
          colors.addClass('js').after('<div id="farb"></div>');
          farb = jQuery.farbtastic('#farb');
        var set_color = function(name, color) {
          var elm = $('#color_'+name).val(color).css('background-color', color);
          var v = Math.max.apply(null, farb.unpack(color));
          if(v < 0.5)
            elm.css('color', '#FFF');
            elm.css('color', '#000');
          var theme = theme_colors[name];
          theme.color = color;
          if (!document.styleSheets) {
            if(theme.selector.search(/:/) == -1) {
              $(theme.selector).css(theme.prop, color);
          } else {
            $.rule(theme.selector, 'style').remove();
            var newcss = theme.selector + '{';
            for(t in theme_colors) {
              t = theme_colors[t];
              if(t.selector == theme.selector)
                newcss += t.prop + ':' + t.color + ';';
            newcss += '}';
        $('#schemes').find('select').change(function() {
          if($(this).val() == '__none__')
          var scheme = theme_schemes[$(this).val()];
          for(colorname in scheme) {
            set_color(colorname, scheme[colorname]);
        $('#colors input').focus(function() {
          var elm = $(this);
          farb.linkTo(function(color) {
              set_color(elm.attr('name').substring(6), color);
        }).keyup(function() {
          var val = $(this).val();
          if(val.length == 7 && val[0] == '#')
        }).each(function() {
          set_color($(this).attr('name').substring(6), $(this).val());
          //$(this).css('background-color', $(this).val());
        if(colors != null) {
          var off = colors.position();
          off.left += colors.outerWidth() + 4;
          off.top += (colors.outerHeight(true) - colors.outerHeight(false));
          $('#farb').css('position', 'absolute').css('top', off.top+'px').css('left', off.left+'px');
      // ]]>
    <h2>Custom theme</h2>
    <form method="post" id="simple">
          <label for="enable_css">Enable:</label>
          <input type="checkbox" id="enable_css" name="enable_css" value="1" checked="${enable or None}" />
      <fieldset id="schemes" py:if="current_theme and current_theme.get('schemes') and len(current_theme['schemes']) > 1">
          <label for="scheme">Scheme:</label>
          <select id="scheme" name="scheme" value="__none__">
            <option name="__none__">&nbsp;</option>
            <option py:for="name, scheme in current_theme['schemes']" value="$name">${name.title()}</option>
      <fieldset id="colors" py:if="current_theme and current_theme.get('colors')">
        <div py:for="name, color in sorted(colors.iteritems())">
          <label for="color_$name">${name.replace('_', ' ').title()}:</label>
          <input type="text" id="color_$name" name="color_$name" value="${color.upper()}" size="8" />
      <div class="buttons">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
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