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Rev. 1
Size 3,251 bytes
Time 2010-09-04 22:42:09
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初期バージョン(Trac Lightning 2.5.2)


 * jqGrid extension for manipulating columns properties
 * Piotr Roznicki roznicki@o2.pl
 * http://www.roznicki.prv.pl
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
	setColumns : function(p) {
		p = $.extend({
			top : 0,
			left: 0,
			width: 200,
			height: 195,
			modal: false,
			drag: true,
			closeicon: 'ico-close.gif',
			beforeShowForm: null,
			afterShowForm: null,
			afterSubmitForm: null
		}, $.jgrid.col, p ||{});
		return this.each(function(){
			var $t = this;
			if (!$t.grid ) { return; }
			var onBeforeShow = typeof p.beforeShowForm === 'function' ? true: false;
			var onAfterShow = typeof p.afterShowForm === 'function' ? true: false;
			var onAfterSubmit = typeof p.afterSubmitForm === 'function' ? true: false;			
			if(!p.imgpath) { p.imgpath= $t.p.imgpath; } // Added From Tony Tomov
			var gID = $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).attr("id");
			var IDs = {themodal:'colmod'+gID,modalhead:'colhd'+gID,modalcontent:'colcnt'+gID};
			var dtbl = "ColTbl_"+gID;
			if ( $("#"+IDs.themodal).html() != null ) {
				if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
				if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
			} else {
				var tbl =$("<table id='"+dtbl+"' class='ColTable'><tbody></tbody></table>");
					if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
						$(tbl).append("<tr><td ><input type='checkbox' id='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "' class='cbox' value='T' " + 
						((this.p.colModel[i].hidden==undefined)?"checked":"") + "/>" +  "<label for='col_" + this.p.colModel[i].name + "'>" + this.p.colNames[i] + "(" + this.p.colModel[i].name + ")</label></td></tr>");
				var bS  ="<input id='dData' type='button' value='"+p.bSubmit+"'/>";
				var bC  ="<input id='eData' type='button' value='"+p.bCancel+"'/>";
				$(tbl).append("<tr><td class='ColButton'>"+bS+"&nbsp;"+bC+"</td></tr>");
				if( p.drag) { DnRModal("#"+IDs.themodal,"#"+IDs.modalhead+" td.modaltext"); }
						if(!$t.p.colModel[i].hidedlg) { // added from T. Tomov
							if($("#col_" + $t.p.colModel[i].name).attr("checked")) {
								$("#col_" + $t.p.colModel[i].name).attr("defaultChecked",true); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
							} else {
								$("#col_" + $t.p.colModel[i].name).attr("defaultChecked",""); // Added from T. Tomov IE BUG
					if (onAfterSubmit) { p.afterSubmitForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
					return false;
				$("#eData", "#"+dtbl).click(function(e){
					return false;
				if(onBeforeShow) { p.beforeShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
				if(onAfterShow) { p.afterShowForm($("#"+dtbl)); }
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