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File Info

Rev. 84
Size 56,811 bytes
Time 2010-10-26 20:44:44
Author okamototk
Log Message

merge trac 0.12.1.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christian Boos <cboos@neuf.fr>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.
# Author: Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>

import csv
from itertools import groupby
from math import ceil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
from StringIO import StringIO

from genshi.builder import tag

from trac.config import Option, IntOption 
from trac.core import *
from trac.db import get_column_names
from trac.mimeview.api import Mimeview, IContentConverter, Context
from trac.resource import Resource
from trac.ticket.api import TicketSystem
from trac.util import Ranges, as_bool
from trac.util.datefmt import format_datetime, from_utimestamp, parse_date, \
                              to_timestamp, to_utimestamp, utc
from trac.util.presentation import Paginator
from trac.util.text import empty, shorten_line, unicode_unquote
from trac.util.translation import _, tag_
from trac.web import arg_list_to_args, parse_arg_list, IRequestHandler
from trac.web.href import Href
from trac.web.chrome import add_ctxtnav, add_link, add_script, \
                            add_script_data, add_stylesheet, add_warning, \
                            INavigationContributor, Chrome

from trac.wiki.api import IWikiSyntaxProvider
from trac.wiki.macros import WikiMacroBase # TODO: should be moved in .api

class QuerySyntaxError(TracError):
    """Exception raised when a ticket query cannot be parsed from a string."""

class QueryValueError(TracError):
    """Exception raised when a ticket query has bad constraint values."""
    def __init__(self, errors):
        TracError.__init__(self, _('Invalid query constraint value'))
        self.errors = errors

class Query(object):
    substitutions = ['$USER']
    clause_re = re.compile(r'(?P<clause>\d+)_(?P<field>.+)$')

    def __init__(self, env, report=None, constraints=None, cols=None,
                 order=None, desc=0, group=None, groupdesc=0, verbose=0,
                 rows=None, page=None, max=None, format=None):
        self.env = env
        self.id = report # if not None, it's the corresponding saved query
        constraints = constraints or []
        if isinstance(constraints, dict):
            constraints = [constraints]
        self.constraints = constraints
        synonyms = TicketSystem(self.env).get_field_synonyms()
        self.order = synonyms.get(order, order)     # 0.11 compatibility
        self.desc = desc
        self.group = group
        self.groupdesc = groupdesc
        self.format = format
        self.default_page = 1
        self.items_per_page = QueryModule(self.env).items_per_page

        # getting page number (default_page if unspecified)
        if not page:
            page = self.default_page
            self.page = int(page)
            if self.page < 1:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise TracError(_('Query page %(page)s is invalid.', page=page))

        # max=0 signifies showing all items on one page
        # max=n will show precisely n items on all pages except the last
        # max<0 is invalid
        if max in ('none', ''):
            max = 0

        if max is None: # meaning unspecified
            max = self.items_per_page
            self.max = int(max)
            if self.max < 0:
                raise ValueError()
        except ValueError:
            raise TracError(_('Query max %(max)s is invalid.', max=max))
        if self.max == 0:
            self.has_more_pages = False
            self.offset = 0
            self.has_more_pages = True
            self.offset = self.max * (self.page - 1)

        if rows == None:
            rows = []
        if verbose and 'description' not in rows: # 0.10 compatibility
        self.fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
        self.time_fields = set(f['name'] for f in self.fields
                               if f['type'] == 'time')
        field_names = set(f['name'] for f in self.fields)
        self.cols = [c for c in cols or [] if c in field_names or 
                     c == 'id']
        self.rows = [c for c in rows if c in field_names]
        if self.order != 'id' and self.order not in field_names:
            self.order = 'priority'

        if self.group not in field_names:
            self.group = None

        constraint_cols = {}
        for clause in self.constraints:
            for k, v in clause.iteritems():
                constraint_cols.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
        self.constraint_cols = constraint_cols

    _clause_splitter = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)&')
    _item_splitter = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\|')
    def from_string(cls, env, string, **kw):
        kw_strs = ['order', 'group', 'page', 'max', 'format']
        kw_arys = ['rows']
        kw_bools = ['desc', 'groupdesc', 'verbose']
        kw_synonyms = {'row': 'rows'}
        # i18n TODO - keys will be unicode
        synonyms = TicketSystem(env).get_field_synonyms()
        constraints = [{}]
        cols = []
        report = None
        def as_str(s):
            if isinstance(s, unicode):
                return s.encode('utf-8')
            return s
        for filter_ in cls._clause_splitter.split(string):
            if filter_ == 'or':
            filter_ = filter_.replace(r'\&', '&').split('=', 1)
            if len(filter_) != 2:
                raise QuerySyntaxError(_('Query filter requires field and ' 
                                         'constraints separated by a "="'))
            field, values = filter_
            # from last chars of `field`, get the mode of comparison
            mode = ''
            if field and field[-1] in ('~', '^', '$') \
                                and not field in cls.substitutions:
                mode = field[-1]
                field = field[:-1]
            if field and field[-1] == '!':
                mode = '!' + mode
                field = field[:-1]
            if not field:
                raise QuerySyntaxError(_('Query filter requires field name'))
            field = kw_synonyms.get(field, field)
            # add mode of comparison and remove escapes
            processed_values = [mode + val.replace(r'\|', '|')
                                for val in cls._item_splitter.split(values)]
            if field in kw_strs:
                kw[as_str(field)] = processed_values[0]
            elif field in kw_arys:
                kw.setdefault(as_str(field), []).extend(processed_values)
            elif field in kw_bools:
                kw[as_str(field)] = as_bool(processed_values[0])
            elif field == 'col':
                cols.extend(synonyms.get(value, value)
                            for value in processed_values)
            elif field == 'report':
                report = processed_values[0]
                constraints[-1].setdefault(synonyms.get(field, field), 
        constraints = filter(None, constraints)
        report = kw.pop('report', report)
        return cls(env, report, constraints=constraints, cols=cols, **kw)

    def get_columns(self):
        if not self.cols:
            self.cols = self.get_default_columns()
        if not 'id' in self.cols:
            # make sure 'id' is always present (needed for permission checks)
            self.cols.insert(0, 'id')        
        return self.cols

    def get_all_textareas(self):
        return [f['name'] for f in self.fields if f['type'] == 'textarea']

    def get_all_columns(self):
        # Prepare the default list of columns
        cols = ['id']
        cols += [f['name'] for f in self.fields if f['type'] != 'textarea']
        for col in ('reporter', 'keywords', 'cc'):
            if col in cols:

        def sort_columns(col1, col2):
            constrained_fields = self.constraint_cols.keys()
            if 'id' in (col1, col2):
                # Ticket ID is always the first column
                return col1 == 'id' and -1 or 1
            elif 'summary' in (col1, col2):
                # Ticket summary is always the second column
                return col1 == 'summary' and -1 or 1
            elif col1 in constrained_fields or col2 in constrained_fields:
                # Constrained columns appear before other columns
                return col1 in constrained_fields and -1 or 1
            return 0
        return cols

    def get_default_columns(self):
        cols = self.get_all_columns()
        # Semi-intelligently remove columns that are restricted to a single
        # value by a query constraint.
        for col in [k for k in self.constraint_cols.keys()
                    if k != 'id' and k in cols]:
            constraints = self.constraint_cols[col]
            for constraint in constraints:
                if not (len(constraint) == 1 and constraint[0]
                        and not constraint[0][0] in '!~^$' and col in cols
                        and col not in self.time_fields):
            if col == 'status' and 'resolution' in cols:
                for constraint in constraints:
                    if 'closed' in constraint:
        if self.group in cols:

        # Only display the first seven columns by default
        cols = cols[:7]
        # Make sure the column we order by is visible, if it isn't also
        # the column we group by
        if not self.order in cols and not self.order == self.group:
            cols[-1] = self.order
        return cols

    def count(self, req, db=None, cached_ids=None):
        sql, args = self.get_sql(req, cached_ids)
        return self._count(sql, args)

    def _count(self, sql, args, db=None):
        if not db:
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        count_sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' + sql + ') AS foo'
        # self.env.log.debug("Count results in Query SQL: " + count_sql % 
        #                    tuple([repr(a) for a in args]))

        cnt = 0
            cursor.execute(count_sql, args)
        for cnt, in cursor:
        self.env.log.debug("Count results in Query: %d" % cnt)
        return cnt

    def execute(self, req, db=None, cached_ids=None):
        if not db:
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = db.cursor()

        self.num_items = 0
        sql, args = self.get_sql(req, cached_ids)
        self.num_items = self._count(sql, args, db)

        if self.num_items <= self.max:
            self.has_more_pages = False

        if self.has_more_pages:
            max = self.max
            if self.group:
                max += 1
            sql = sql + " LIMIT %d OFFSET %d" % (max, self.offset)
            if (self.page > int(ceil(float(self.num_items) / self.max)) and
                self.num_items != 0):
                raise TracError(_('Page %(page)s is beyond the number of '
                                  'pages in the query', page=self.page))

        self.env.log.debug("Query SQL: " + sql % tuple([repr(a) for a in args]))     
            cursor.execute(sql, args)
        columns = get_column_names(cursor)
        fields = []
        for column in columns:
            fields += [f for f in self.fields if f['name'] == column] or [None]
        results = []

        column_indices = range(len(columns))
        for row in cursor:
            result = {}
            for i in column_indices:
                name, field, val = columns[i], fields[i], row[i]
                if name == 'reporter':
                    val = val or 'anonymous'
                elif name == 'id':
                    val = int(val)
                    result['href'] = req.href.ticket(val)
                elif name in self.time_fields:
                    val = from_utimestamp(val)
                elif field and field['type'] == 'checkbox':
                        val = bool(int(val))
                    except (TypeError, ValueError):
                        val = False
                elif val is None:
                    val = ''
                result[name] = val
        return results

    def get_href(self, href, id=None, order=None, desc=None, format=None,
                 max=None, page=None):
        """Create a link corresponding to this query.

        :param href: the `Href` object used to build the URL
        :param id: optionally set or override the report `id`
        :param order: optionally override the order parameter of the query
        :param desc: optionally override the desc parameter
        :param format: optionally override the format of the query
        :param max: optionally override the max items per page
        :param page: optionally specify which page of results (defaults to
                     the first)

        Note: `get_resource_url` of a 'query' resource?
        if not isinstance(href, Href):
            href = href.href # compatibility with the `req` of the 0.10 API

        if format is None:
            format = self.format
        if format == 'rss':
            max = self.items_per_page
            page = self.default_page

        if id is None:
            id = self.id
        if desc is None:
            desc = self.desc
        if order is None:
            order = self.order
        if max is None:
            max = self.max
        if page is None:
            page = self.page

        cols = self.get_columns()
        # don't specify the columns in the href if they correspond to
        # the default columns, page and max in the same order. That keeps the
        # query url shorter in the common case where we just want the default
        # columns.
        if cols == self.get_default_columns():
            cols = None
        if page == self.default_page:
            page = None
        if max == self.items_per_page:
            max = None

        constraints = []
        for clause in self.constraints:
            constraints.append(("or", empty))
        del constraints[-1:]
        return href.query(constraints,
                          order=order, desc=desc and 1 or None,
                          group=self.group or None,
                          groupdesc=self.groupdesc and 1 or None,

    def to_string(self):
        """Return a user readable and editable representation of the query.

        Note: for now, this is an "exploded" query href, but ideally should be
        expressed in TracQuery language.
        query_string = unicode_unquote(self.get_href(Href('')))
        if query_string and '?' in query_string:
            query_string = query_string.split('?', 1)[1]
        return 'query:?' + query_string.replace('&', '\n&\n')

    def get_sql(self, req=None, cached_ids=None):
        """Return a (sql, params) tuple for the query."""
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()

        enum_columns = ('resolution', 'priority', 'severity')
        # Build the list of actual columns to query
        cols = self.cols[:]
        def add_cols(*args):
            for col in args:
                if not col in cols:
        if self.group and not self.group in cols:
        if self.rows:
            add_cols('reporter', *self.rows)
        add_cols('status', 'priority', 'time', 'changetime', self.order)
        cols.extend([c for c in self.constraint_cols if not c in cols])

        custom_fields = [f['name'] for f in self.fields if 'custom' in f]

        sql = []
        sql.append("SELECT " + ",".join(['t.%s AS %s' % (c, c) for c in cols
                                         if c not in custom_fields]))
        sql.append(",priority.value AS priority_value")
        for k in [db.quote(k) for k in cols if k in custom_fields]:
            sql.append(",%s.value AS %s" % (k, k))
        sql.append("\nFROM ticket AS t")

        # Join with ticket_custom table as necessary
        for k in [k for k in cols if k in custom_fields]:
            qk = db.quote(k)
            sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN ticket_custom AS %s ON " \
                       "(id=%s.ticket AND %s.name='%s')" % (qk, qk, qk, k))

        # Join with the enum table for proper sorting
        for col in [c for c in enum_columns
                    if c == self.order or c == self.group or c == 'priority']:
            sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN enum AS %s ON "
                       "(%s.type='%s' AND %s.name=%s)"
                       % (col, col, col, col, col))

        # Join with the version/milestone tables for proper sorting
        for col in [c for c in ['milestone', 'version']
                    if c == self.order or c == self.group]:
            sql.append("\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN %s ON (%s.name=%s)"
                       % (col, col, col))

        def get_timestamp(date):
            if date:
                    return to_utimestamp(parse_date(date, req.tz))
                except TracError, e:
            return None

        def get_constraint_sql(name, value, mode, neg):
            if name not in custom_fields:
                col = 't.' + name
                col = '%s.value' % db.quote(name)
            value = value[len(mode) + neg:]

            if name in self.time_fields:
                if '..' in value:
                    (start, end) = [each.strip() for each in 
                                    value.split('..', 1)]
                    (start, end) = (value.strip(), '')
                col_cast = db.cast(col, 'int64')
                start = get_timestamp(start)
                end = get_timestamp(end)
                if start is not None and end is not None:
                    return ("%s(%s>=%%s AND %s<%%s)" % (neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                                                        col_cast, col_cast),
                            (start, end))
                elif start is not None:
                    return ("%s%s>=%%s" % (neg and 'NOT ' or '', col_cast),
                            (start, ))
                elif end is not None:
                    return ("%s%s<%%s" % (neg and 'NOT ' or '', col_cast),
                            (end, ))
                    return None
            if mode == '~' and name == 'keywords':
                words = value.split()
                clauses, args = [], []
                for word in words:
                    cneg = ''
                    if word.startswith('-'):
                        cneg = 'NOT '
                        word = word[1:]
                        if not word:
                    clauses.append("COALESCE(%s,'') %s%s" % (col, cneg,
                    args.append('%' + db.like_escape(word) + '%')
                if not clauses:
                    return None
                return ((neg and 'NOT ' or '')
                        + '(' + ' AND '.join(clauses) + ')', args)

            if mode == '':
                return ("COALESCE(%s,'')%s=%%s" % (col, neg and '!' or ''),
                        (value, ))

            if not value:
                return None
            value = db.like_escape(value)
            if mode == '~':
                value = '%' + value + '%'
            elif mode == '^':
                value = value + '%'
            elif mode == '$':
                value = '%' + value
            return ("COALESCE(%s,'') %s%s" % (col, neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                    (value, ))

        def get_clause_sql(constraints):
            db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
            clauses = []
            for k, v in constraints.iteritems():
                if req:
                    v = [val.replace('$USER', req.authname) for val in v]
                # Determine the match mode of the constraint (contains,
                # starts-with, negation, etc.)
                neg = v[0].startswith('!')
                mode = ''
                if len(v[0]) > neg and v[0][neg] in ('~', '^', '$'):
                    mode = v[0][neg]

                # Special case id ranges
                if k == 'id':
                    ranges = Ranges()
                    for r in v:
                        r = r.replace('!', '')
                        except Exception:
                            errors.append(_('Invalid ticket id list: '
                                            '%(value)s', value=r))
                    ids = []
                    id_clauses = []
                    for a, b in ranges.pairs:
                        if a == b:
                            id_clauses.append('id BETWEEN %s AND %s')
                    if ids:
                        id_clauses.append('id IN (%s)' % (','.join(ids)))
                    if id_clauses:
                        clauses.append('%s(%s)' % (neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                                                   ' OR '.join(id_clauses)))
                # Special case for exact matches on multiple values
                elif not mode and len(v) > 1 and k not in self.time_fields:
                    if k not in custom_fields:
                        col = 't.' + k
                        col = '%s.value' % db.quote(k)
                    clauses.append("COALESCE(%s,'') %sIN (%s)"
                                   % (col, neg and 'NOT ' or '',
                                      ','.join(['%s' for val in v])))
                    args.extend([val[neg:] for val in v])
                elif v:
                    constraint_sql = [get_constraint_sql(k, val, mode, neg)
                                      for val in v]
                    constraint_sql = filter(None, constraint_sql)
                    if not constraint_sql:
                    if neg:
                        clauses.append("(" + " AND ".join(
                            [item[0] for item in constraint_sql]) + ")")
                        clauses.append("(" + " OR ".join(
                            [item[0] for item in constraint_sql]) + ")")
                    for item in constraint_sql:
            return " AND ".join(clauses)

        args = []
        errors = []
        clauses = filter(None, (get_clause_sql(c) for c in self.constraints))
        if clauses:
            sql.append("\nWHERE ")
            sql.append(" OR ".join('(%s)' % c for c in clauses))
            if cached_ids:
                sql.append(" OR ")
                sql.append("id in (%s)" %
                           (','.join([str(id) for id in cached_ids])))
        sql.append("\nORDER BY ")
        order_cols = [(self.order, self.desc)]
        if self.group and self.group != self.order:
            order_cols.insert(0, (self.group, self.groupdesc))

        for name, desc in order_cols:
            if name in enum_columns:
                col = name + '.value'
            elif name in custom_fields:
                col = '%s.value' % db.quote(name)
                col = 't.' + name
            desc = desc and ' DESC' or ''
            # FIXME: This is a somewhat ugly hack.  Can we also have the
            #        column type for this?  If it's an integer, we do first
            #        one, if text, we do 'else'
            if name == 'id' or name in self.time_fields:
                sql.append("COALESCE(%s,0)=0%s," % (col, desc))
                sql.append("COALESCE(%s,'')=''%s," % (col, desc))
            if name in enum_columns:
                # These values must be compared as ints, not as strings
                db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
                sql.append(db.cast(col, 'int') + desc)
            elif name == 'milestone':
                           "%s%s" % (desc, desc, desc, desc, col, desc))
            elif name == 'version':
                           % (desc, desc, col, desc))
                sql.append("%s%s" % (col, desc))
            if name == self.group and not name == self.order:
        if self.order != 'id':

        if errors:
            raise QueryValueError(errors)
        return "".join(sql), args

    def get_modes():
        modes = {}
        modes['text'] = [
            {'name': _("contains"), 'value': "~"},
            {'name': _("doesn't contain"), 'value': "!~"},
            {'name': _("begins with"), 'value': "^"},
            {'name': _("ends with"), 'value': "$"},
            {'name': _("is"), 'value': ""},
            {'name': _("is not"), 'value': "!"},
        modes['textarea'] = [
            {'name': _("contains"), 'value': "~"},
            {'name': _("doesn't contain"), 'value': "!~"},
        modes['select'] = [
            {'name': _("is"), 'value': ""},
            {'name': _("is not"), 'value': "!"},
        modes['id'] = [
            {'name': _("is"), 'value': ""},
            {'name': _("is not"), 'value': "!"},
        return modes

    def template_data(self, context, tickets, orig_list=None, orig_time=None,
        clauses = []
        for clause in self.constraints:
            constraints = {}
            for k, v in clause.items():
                constraint = {'values': [], 'mode': ''}
                for val in v:
                    neg = val.startswith('!')
                    if neg:
                        val = val[1:]
                    mode = ''
                    if val[:1] in ('~', '^', '$') \
                                        and not val in self.substitutions:
                        mode, val = val[:1], val[1:]
                    constraint['mode'] = (neg and '!' or '') + mode
                constraints[k] = constraint

        cols = self.get_columns()
        labels = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_field_labels()
        wikify = set(f['name'] for f in self.fields 
                     if f['type'] == 'text' and f.get('format') == 'wiki')

        headers = [{
            'name': col, 'label': labels.get(col, _('Ticket')),
            'wikify': col in wikify,
            'href': self.get_href(context.href, order=col,
                                  desc=(col == self.order and not self.desc))
        } for col in cols]

        fields = {'id': {'type': 'id', 'label': _("Ticket")}}
        for field in self.fields:
            name = field['name']
            if name == 'owner' and field['type'] == 'select':
                # Make $USER work when restrict_owner = true
                field = field.copy()
                field['options'].insert(0, '$USER')
            fields[name] = field

        groups = {}
        groupsequence = []
        for ticket in tickets:
            if orig_list:
                # Mark tickets added or changed since the query was first
                # executed
                if ticket['time'] > orig_time:
                    ticket['added'] = True
                elif ticket['changetime'] > orig_time:
                    ticket['changed'] = True
            if self.group:
                group_key = ticket[self.group]
                groups.setdefault(group_key, []).append(ticket)
                if not groupsequence or group_key not in groupsequence:
        groupsequence = [(value, groups[value]) for value in groupsequence]

        # detect whether the last group continues on the next page,
        # by checking if the extra (max+1)th ticket is in the last group
        last_group_is_partial = False
        if groupsequence and self.max and len(tickets) == self.max + 1:
            del tickets[-1]
            if len(groupsequence[-1][1]) == 1: 
                # additional ticket started a new group
                del groupsequence[-1] # remove that additional group
                # additional ticket stayed in the group 
                last_group_is_partial = True
                del groupsequence[-1][1][-1] # remove the additional ticket

        results = Paginator(tickets,
                            self.page - 1,
        if req:
            if results.has_next_page:
                next_href = self.get_href(req.href, max=self.max, 
                                          page=self.page + 1)
                add_link(req, 'next', next_href, _('Next Page'))

            if results.has_previous_page:
                prev_href = self.get_href(req.href, max=self.max, 
                                          page=self.page - 1)
                add_link(req, 'prev', prev_href, _('Previous Page'))
            results.show_index = False

        pagedata = []
        shown_pages = results.get_shown_pages(21)
        for page in shown_pages:
            pagedata.append([self.get_href(context.href, page=page), None,
                             str(page), _('Page %(num)d', num=page)])

        results.shown_pages = [dict(zip(['href', 'class', 'string', 'title'],
                                        p)) for p in pagedata]
        results.current_page = {'href': None, 'class': 'current',
                                'string': str(results.page + 1),

        return {'query': self,
                'context': context,
                'col': cols,
                'row': self.rows,
                'clauses': clauses,
                'headers': headers,
                'fields': fields,
                'modes': self.get_modes(),
                'tickets': tickets,
                'groups': groupsequence or [(None, tickets)],
                'last_group_is_partial': last_group_is_partial,
                'paginator': results}
class QueryModule(Component):

    implements(IRequestHandler, INavigationContributor, IWikiSyntaxProvider,
    default_query = Option('query', 'default_query',
            [TracQuery#QueryLanguage クエリ言語] のシンタックスか、 `query:`
            の [TracQuery#UsingTracLinks Trac リンク] でも使われる `?` で始まる
            URL クエリ文字列で記述します
            (''0.11.2 以降'')。""")
    default_anonymous_query = Option('query', 'default_anonymous_query',
            [TracQuery#QueryLanguage クエリ言語] のシンタックスか、 `query:`
            の [TracQuery#UsingTracLinks Trac リンク] でも使われる `?` で始まる
            URL クエリ文字列で記述します
            (''0.11.2 以降'')。""")

    items_per_page = IntOption('query', 'items_per_page', 100,
        """カスタムクエリの検索結果で 1 ページあたり表示するチケット数の
        デフォルト値 (''0.11 以降'')""")

    # IContentConverter methods

    def get_supported_conversions(self):
        yield ('rss', _('RSS Feed'), 'xml',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'application/rss+xml', 8)
        yield ('csv', _('Comma-delimited Text'), 'csv',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'text/csv', 8)
        yield ('tab', _('Tab-delimited Text'), 'tsv',
               'trac.ticket.Query', 'text/tab-separated-values', 8)

    def convert_content(self, req, mimetype, query, key):
        if key == 'rss':
            return self.export_rss(req, query)
        elif key == 'csv':
            return self.export_csv(req, query, mimetype='text/csv')
        elif key == 'tab':
            return self.export_csv(req, query, '\t',

    # INavigationContributor methods

    def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
        return 'tickets'

    def get_navigation_items(self, req):
        from trac.ticket.report import ReportModule
        if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm and \
                not self.env.is_component_enabled(ReportModule):
            yield ('mainnav', 'tickets',
                   tag.a(_('View Tickets'), href=req.href.query()))

    # IRequestHandler methods

    def match_request(self, req):
        return req.path_info == '/query'

    def process_request(self, req):

        constraints = self._get_constraints(req)
        args = req.args
        if not constraints and not 'order' in req.args:
            # If no constraints are given in the URL, use the default ones.
            if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous':
                qstring = self.default_query
                user = req.authname
                email = req.session.get('email')
                name = req.session.get('name')
                qstring = self.default_anonymous_query
                user = email or name or None
            self.log.debug('QueryModule: Using default query: %s', str(qstring))
            if qstring.startswith('?'):
                arg_list = parse_arg_list(qstring[1:])
                args = arg_list_to_args(arg_list)
                constraints = self._get_constraints(arg_list=arg_list)
                constraints = Query.from_string(self.env, qstring).constraints
                # Substitute $USER, or ensure no field constraints that depend
                # on $USER are used if we have no username.
                for clause in constraints:
                    for field, vals in clause.items():
                        for (i, val) in enumerate(vals):
                            if user:
                                vals[i] = val.replace('$USER', user)
                            elif val.endswith('$USER'):
                                del clause[field]

        cols = args.get('col')
        if isinstance(cols, basestring):
            cols = [cols]
        # Since we don't show 'id' as an option to the user,
        # we need to re-insert it here.            
        if cols and 'id' not in cols: 
            cols.insert(0, 'id')
        rows = args.get('row', [])
        if isinstance(rows, basestring):
            rows = [rows]
        format = req.args.get('format')
        max = args.get('max')
        if max is None and format in ('csv', 'tab'):
            max = 0 # unlimited unless specified explicitly
        query = Query(self.env, req.args.get('report'),
                      constraints, cols, args.get('order'),
                      'desc' in args, args.get('group'),
                      'groupdesc' in args, 'verbose' in args,

        if 'update' in req.args:
            # Reset session vars
            for var in ('query_constraints', 'query_time', 'query_tickets'):
                if var in req.session:
                    del req.session[var]

        # Add registered converters
        for conversion in Mimeview(self.env).get_supported_conversions(
            add_link(req, 'alternate',
                     query.get_href(req.href, format=conversion[0]),
                     conversion[1], conversion[4], conversion[0])

        if format:
            filename = ('query', None)[format == 'rss']
            Mimeview(self.env).send_converted(req, 'trac.ticket.Query', query,
                                              format, filename=filename)

        return self.display_html(req, query)

    # Internal methods

    remove_re = re.compile(r'rm_filter_\d+_(.+)_(\d+)$')
    add_re = re.compile(r'add_(\d+)$')

    def _get_constraints(self, req=None, arg_list=[]):
        fields = TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()
        synonyms = TicketSystem(self.env).get_field_synonyms()
        fields = dict((f['name'], f) for f in fields)
        fields['id'] = {'type': 'id'}
        fields.update((k, fields[v]) for k, v in synonyms.iteritems())
        clauses = []
        if req is not None:
            # For clients without JavaScript, we remove constraints here if
            # requested
            remove_constraints = {}
            for k in req.args:
                match = self.remove_re.match(k)
                if match:
                    field = match.group(1)
                    if fields[field]['type'] == 'radio':
                        index = -1
                        index = int(match.group(2))
                    remove_constraints[k[10:match.end(1)]] = index
            # Get constraints from form fields, and add a constraint if
            # requested for clients without JavaScript
            add_num = None
            constraints = {}
            for k, vals in req.args.iteritems():
                match = self.add_re.match(k)
                if match:
                    add_num = match.group(1)
                match = Query.clause_re.match(k)
                if not match:
                field = match.group('field')
                clause_num = int(match.group('clause'))
                if field not in fields:
                if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                    vals = [vals]
                if vals:
                    mode = req.args.get(k + '_mode')
                    if mode:
                        vals = [mode + x for x in vals]
                    if fields[field]['type'] == 'time':
                        ends = req.args.getlist(k + '_end')
                        if ends:
                            vals = [start + '..' + end 
                                    for (start, end) in zip(vals, ends)]
                    if k in remove_constraints:
                        idx = remove_constraints[k]
                        if idx >= 0:
                            del vals[idx]
                            if not vals:
                    field = synonyms.get(field, field)
                    clause = constraints.setdefault(clause_num, {})
                    clause.setdefault(field, []).extend(vals)
            if add_num is not None:
                field = req.args.get('add_filter_' + add_num,
                                     req.args.get('add_clause_' + add_num))
                if field:
                    clause = constraints.setdefault(int(add_num), {})
                    modes = Query.get_modes().get(fields[field]['type'])
                    mode = modes and modes[0]['value'] or ''
                    clause.setdefault(field, []).append(mode)
            clauses.extend(each[1] for each in sorted(constraints.iteritems()))
        # Get constraints from query string
        for field, val in arg_list or req.arg_list:
            if field == "or":
            elif field in fields:
                clauses[-1].setdefault(field, []).append(val)
        clauses = filter(None, clauses)
        return clauses

    def display_html(self, req, query):
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()

        # The most recent query is stored in the user session;
        orig_list = None
        orig_time = datetime.now(utc)
        query_time = int(req.session.get('query_time', 0))
        query_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(query_time, utc)
        query_constraints = unicode(query.constraints)
            if query_constraints != req.session.get('query_constraints') \
                    or query_time < orig_time - timedelta(hours=1):
                tickets = query.execute(req, db)
                # New or outdated query, (re-)initialize session vars
                req.session['query_constraints'] = query_constraints
                req.session['query_tickets'] = ' '.join([str(t['id'])
                                                         for t in tickets])
                orig_list = [int(id) for id
                             in req.session.get('query_tickets', '').split()]
                tickets = query.execute(req, db, orig_list)
                orig_time = query_time
        except QueryValueError, e:
            tickets = []
            for error in e.errors:
                add_warning(req, error)

        context = Context.from_request(req, 'query')
        owner_field = [f for f in query.fields if f['name'] == 'owner']
        if owner_field:
        data = query.template_data(context, tickets, orig_list, orig_time, req)

        req.session['query_href'] = query.get_href(context.href)
        req.session['query_time'] = to_timestamp(orig_time)
        req.session['query_tickets'] = ' '.join([str(t['id'])
                                                 for t in tickets])
        title = _('Custom Query')

        # Only interact with the report module if it is actually enabled.
        # Note that with saved custom queries, there will be some convergence
        # between the report module and the query module.
        from trac.ticket.report import ReportModule
        if 'REPORT_VIEW' in req.perm and \
            data['report_href'] = req.href.report()
            add_ctxtnav(req, _('Available Reports'), req.href.report())
            add_ctxtnav(req, _('Custom Query'))
            if query.id:
                cursor = db.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SELECT title,description FROM report "
                               "WHERE id=%s", (query.id,))
                for title, description in cursor:
                    data['report_resource'] = Resource('report', query.id)
                    data['description'] = description
            data['report_href'] = None
        data.setdefault('report', None)
        data.setdefault('description', None)
        data['title'] = title

        data['all_columns'] = query.get_all_columns()
        # Don't allow the user to remove the id column        
        data['all_textareas'] = query.get_all_textareas()

        properties = dict((name, dict((key, field[key])
                                      for key in ('type', 'label', 'options')
                                      if key in field))
                          for name, field in data['fields'].iteritems())
        add_script_data(req, {'properties': properties,
                              'modes': data['modes']})

        add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/report.css')
        add_script(req, 'common/js/query.js')

        return 'query.html', data, None

    def export_csv(self, req, query, sep=',', mimetype='text/plain'):
        content = StringIO()
        cols = query.get_columns()
        writer = csv.writer(content, delimiter=sep, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
        writer.writerow([unicode(c).encode('utf-8') for c in cols])

        context = Context.from_request(req)
        results = query.execute(req, self.env.get_db_cnx())
        for result in results:
            ticket = Resource('ticket', result['id'])
            if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm(ticket):
                values = []
                for col in cols:
                    value = result[col]
                    if col in ('cc', 'reporter'):
                        value = Chrome(self.env).format_emails(context(ticket),
                    elif col in query.time_fields:
                        value = format_datetime(value, tzinfo=req.tz)
        return (content.getvalue(), '%s;charset=utf-8' % mimetype)

    def export_rss(self, req, query):
        context = Context.from_request(req, 'query', absurls=True)
        query_href = query.get_href(context.href)
        if 'description' not in query.rows:
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        results = query.execute(req, db)
        data = {
            'context': context,
            'results': results,
            'query_href': query_href
        output = Chrome(self.env).render_template(req, 'query.rss', data,
        return output, 'application/rss+xml'

    # IWikiSyntaxProvider methods
    def get_wiki_syntax(self):
        return []
    def get_link_resolvers(self):
        yield ('query', self._format_link)

    def _format_link(self, formatter, ns, query, label):
        if query.startswith('?'):
            return tag.a(label, class_='query',
                         href=formatter.href.query() + query.replace(' ', '+'))
                query = Query.from_string(self.env, query)
                return tag.a(label,
            except QuerySyntaxError, e:
                return tag.em(_('[Error: %(error)s]', error=unicode(e)), 

class TicketQueryMacro(WikiMacroBase):
    このマクロの引数はカンマ区切りのリストにした、 "key=value" 形式の

    key がフィールド名であった場合、 value は TracQuery#QueryLanguage で
    `?` の文字で始まる `query:` リンク向けの簡素化した URL シンタックス
    とは ''異なります'' 。フィールドの値としてカンマ (`,`) そのものを含む場合は
    バックスラッシュ (`,`) でエスケープする必要があります。

    引数 `or` で区切られたフィルタのグループは、 OR 条件で結合されます。

    `format` はチケットのリストがどのように表示されるかを決定します:
     - '''list''' -- デフォルトの表示形式です。チケット ID と概要 (Summary) を
       一覧表示します。 1 行ごとに 1 つのチケットを表示します。
     - '''compact''' -- チケット ID の一覧をカンマ区切りで
     - '''count''' -- 条件に当てはまるチケットの件数のみが表示されます。
     - '''table'''  -- カスタムクエリービューと似た形式で表示されます (ただし

    `max` は表示されるチケット数の上限値を指定します
    (デフォルトは '''0''' です。これは無制限を意味します)。

    `order` はチケットを整列する列を指定します
    (デフォルトは '''id''' となっています)。

    `desc` はチケットの整列を逆順に行うか指定します。
    (デフォルトは '''false''' です)。

    `group` はチケットをグループ化を指定します

    `groupdesc` はグループの表示を逆順とするかを指定します
    (デフォルトは '''false''' となっています)。

    `verbose` を true に設定すると、リストされたチケットの
    各行にチケットの説明を表示します。これは '''table''' format 専用です。
    ''このパラメータは廃止予定です。代わりに `rows` を使用してください。''
    `rows` パラメータは1行使って表示するフィールドを指定します。
    `rows=description|summary` のように使用します。

    Trac 0.10 との互換性のため、マクロは最終引数にキーなし引数が与えられた場合
    `format` として解釈します。
    また、フィールドセパレータに使用する "&" は (`order` を除いて)

    _comma_splitter = re.compile(r'(?<!\\),')
    def parse_args(content):
        """Parse macro arguments and translate them to a query string."""
        clauses = [{}]
        argv = []
        kwargs = {}
        for arg in TicketQueryMacro._comma_splitter.split(content):
            arg = arg.replace(r'\,', ',')
            m = re.match(r'\s*[^=]+=', arg)
            if m:
                kw = arg[:m.end() - 1].strip()
                value = arg[m.end():]
                if kw in ('order', 'max', 'format', 'col'):
                    kwargs[kw] = value
                    clauses[-1][kw] = value
            elif arg.strip() == 'or':
        clauses = filter(None, clauses)

        if len(argv) > 0 and not 'format' in kwargs: # 0.10 compatibility hack
            kwargs['format'] = argv[0]
        if 'order' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['order'] = 'id'
        if 'max' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['max'] = '0' # unlimited by default

        format = kwargs.pop('format', 'list').strip().lower()
        if format in ('list', 'compact'): # we need 'status' and 'summary'
            if 'col' in kwargs:
                kwargs['col'] = 'status|summary|' + kwargs['col']
                kwargs['col'] = 'status|summary'

        query_string = '&or&'.join('&'.join('%s=%s' % item
                                            for item in clause.iteritems())
                                   for clause in clauses)
        return query_string, kwargs, format
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        req = formatter.req
        query_string, kwargs, format = self.parse_args(content)
        if query_string:
            query_string += '&'
        query_string += '&'.join('%s=%s' % item
                                 for item in kwargs.iteritems())
        query = Query.from_string(self.env, query_string)

        if format == 'count':
            cnt = query.count(req)
            return tag.span(cnt, title='%d tickets for which %s' %
                            (cnt, query_string), class_='query_count')
        tickets = query.execute(req)

        if format == 'table':
            data = query.template_data(formatter.context, tickets)

            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/report.css')
            return Chrome(self.env).render_template(
                req, 'query_results.html', data, None, fragment=True)

        # 'table' format had its own permission checks, here we need to
        # do it explicitly:

        tickets = [t for t in tickets 
                   if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm('ticket', t['id'])]

        if not tickets:
            return tag.span(_("No results"), class_='query_no_results')

        def ticket_anchor(ticket):
            return tag.a('#%s' % ticket['id'],

        def ticket_groups():
            groups = []
            for v, g in groupby(tickets, lambda t: t[query.group]):
                q = Query.from_string(self.env, query_string)
                # produce the hint for the group
                q.group = q.groupdesc = None
                order = q.order
                q.order = None
                title = _("%(groupvalue)s %(groupname)s tickets matching "
                          "%(query)s", groupvalue=v, groupname=query.group,
                # produce the href for the query corresponding to the group
                for constraint in q.constraints:
                    constraint[str(query.group)] = v
                q.order = order
                href = q.get_href(formatter.context)
                groups.append((v, [t for t in g], href, title))
            return groups

        if format == 'compact':
            if query.group:
                groups = [(v, ' ', 
                           tag.a('#%s' % ','.join([str(t['id']) for t in g]),
                                 href=href, class_='query', title=title))
                          for v, g, href, title in ticket_groups()]
                return tag(groups[0], [(', ', g) for g in groups[1:]])
                alist = [ticket_anchor(ticket) for ticket in tickets]
                return tag.span(alist[0], *[(', ', a) for a in alist[1:]])
            if query.group:
                return tag.div(
                    [(tag.p(tag_('%(groupvalue)s %(groupname)s tickets:',
                                 groupvalue=tag.a(v, href=href, class_='query',
                               tag.dd(t['summary'])) for t in g],
                             class_='wiki compact'))
                     for v, g, href, title in ticket_groups()])
                return tag.div(tag.dl([(tag.dt(ticket_anchor(ticket)),
                                       for ticket in tickets],
                                      class_='wiki compact'))
Show on old repository browser