This is an example of the command I use to launch teraterm. I want to be able to run the macro_outside_directory without having to copy
and paste the ttl file into the program directory. So that's why I was wondering if there was a way I could call setdir concurrently with
the launching of teraterm via command line.
I am having an issue trying to send custom macros outside of the ttermpro.exe directory
Is there any way to set the macro directory prior to a command line launch?
For example:['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\teraterm\\ttermpro.exe','/C=COM1','/BAUD=115200', '/M=macro_outside_directory.ttl'])
This is an example of the command I use to launch teraterm. I want to be able to run the macro_outside_directory without having to copy and paste the ttl file into the program directory. So that's why I was wondering if there was a way I could call setdir concurrently with the launching of teraterm via command line.
Thank you for the help!