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View XOOPSCube_2_1_RC - Change Log

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2007-01-21 19:45
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XOOPSCube_2_1_RC - Change Log
- #2593 XCube_Delegate needs the isEmpty method()
- #2544 Remove 'package.ini.php' loader.

- Add Block Template installation success message output.
- Change TextFiter method name according to keep method naming rule(lowerCamelCase).
- Added new method so that module can get the unregistered render system. (& fix typo)
- Adjusted the member property about render systems.
- Adjusting to keep more compatibility to X2 modules.
- Change XOOPS Cube Core won't use XOOPS_SALT directly.
- Change XOOPS Cube Core won't use XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.
- notify_method, notify_mode change DTYPE_BOOL -> DTYPE_INT .
- Upgrade Smarty to Version 2.6.16.
- Add common comment header text for XOOPS Cube Core package files.
- Change Lincense Information document.


- Fix Bug#9780 Cannot redirect with user.php login.
- Fix Bug#9817. Blocks problem without edit_func.
- Fix Bug #9744.
- Fix bug#7892.
- Fix Bug#9813.
- Fix bug#9504. Legacy_Conctoller makes unsafe db instance for GET request when AllowDBProxy is false.
- Fix [ #9785 ] Notice in SearchAction
- Fix [ #9791 ] Junk code in Legacy_Controller
- Fix [ #9792 ] Does XoopsModule class need clean up?
- marged code.  Bugs[9514] CSS to make preformatted text wrap
- Fix Bug: [ #9781 ] Empty contents cached block displays
- Fix [ #9759 ] Notice kernel/module.php (if expr was invalid)
- Fix [ #9743 ] Junk code - ModuleInstallUtils
- Fix [ #9746 ] Blocks aren't updated for update-time
- Fix [ #9747 ] Notice blockctype
- bug fix. > bug[#9745] HTML syntax problem in tplfile_list.html
- Fix [ #9690] problems in legacy/language/english/*

Other Bug Fix
- There was the code path which returns nothing.
- New user commited by admin could not receive notification mail.
- New user activation by admin mail also sent to a new user.
- Could not activate a new user.
- Should not update unchanged module record when updating module list.
- Could not set block_type and c_type when module blocks are added afer once installed.
- Should not show admin side menu when $modversion['hasAdmin'] =  0
- Fix for 4.4.x variable reference notice.
- Could not handle Japanese multibyte space character in search string as a delimiter correctly
- Could not search more by specified user.