Forums: Open Discussion (Thread #13039)

SmartSection 2.12 RC1 Additional Japanese (2006-12-05 17:54 by myura #26377)

SmartSection Japanese Language Pack
SmartSection 2.12 RC1 (2006-10-19) 追記分の対訳です。ご参考まで

The SmartFactory Change Logs 抜粋 :
- Added : New block to list the latest uploaded files
- Added : more inmprovment to the SmartMetaGen thanks to PsyLove

//# language/japanese/common.php

define("_AM_SSECTION_PARTIAL_VIEW", "一部のみ閲覧を許可します"); // Give partial view access to these groups
define("_AM_SSECTION_PARTIAL_VIEWDSC", "記事の閲覧権限の無いグループでも限定的なメッセージのみ閲覧することができます。但しモジュールへのアクセスと、親カテゴリの閲覧を許可する事が前提です。");
/* If a group does not have read permission for this article, you can still give to that group partial view access by checking its checkbox here. Please note that these groups also needs to have module access permission as well as parent category read permission.*/

//# language/japanese/modinfo.php

define("_MI_SSECTION_PV_TEXT", "限定的閲覧用メッセージ"); // Partial view message
define("_MI_SSECTION_PV_TEXTDSC", "限定的閲覧用のメッセージをここに書いて下さい。"); //Message for articles that allows only partial view.
define("_MI_SSECTION_PV_TEXT_DEF", "記事を全て読むにはログインして下さい。"); // To view the complete article, you must register.

define("_MI_SSECTION_SEOMODNAME", "URL Rewriting module name"); //URL Rewriting module name
define("_MI_SSECTION_SEOMODNAMEDSC", "If URL Rewriting is enabled for the module, this is the name of the module that will be used. For example :");

define("_MI_SSECTION_ARTCOUNT", "記事のヒット数を表示します"); // Display articles count
define("_MI_SSECTION_ARTCOUNTDSC", "「はい」の場合、カテゴリ一覧で各記事のヒット数を表示します。但しカウント対象はメインカテゴリ内の記事のみに限られ、サブカテゴリ内の記事はカウントされません。");
/*Select 'Yes' to display the article count within each category in the Category summary table. Please note that the module currently only count articles within each category and does not count within subcategoies.*/
define("_MI_SSECTION_LATESTFILES", "最新の添付ファイル"); // Latest uploaded files