Ticket #36736

What's new in POSIX.1-2016

Open Date: 2016-10-22 23:08 Last Update: 2016-10-24 00:06

5 - Medium
5 - Medium
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Make a diff between POSIX.1-2013 and -2016 and list what to do.

Ticket History (3/4 Histories)

2016-10-22 23:08 Updated by: magicant
  • New Ticket "What's new in POSIX.1-2016" created
2016-10-23 19:00 Updated by: magicant
  • Owner Update from (None) to magicant

Below are changes between POSIX.1-2013 and -2016 that have to be reviewed:

  • Expansion of $@ and $* has been redefined.
  • When the shell is invoked, $IFS now must be reset to the default.
  • "Consequences of Shell Errors" has been redefined.
  • Word expansion error and redirection error now must return an exit status between 1 and 125.
  • In execution of simple commands, effect of assignments has been redefined.
  • Some command names such as "bindkey" are now reserved for special use.
  • "hash", "type" and "ulimit" are now semi-special builtin.
  • The behavior of the reserved word "!" immediately followed by the "(" operator is now unspecified.
  • Condition for automatic stdin redirection to /dev/null has been changed.
  • Token categorization rules have been revised.
  • In a "for" loop that has no "in" clause, the variable name and the "do" keyword can now be separated by a semicolon.
  • Job-controlled asynchronous jobs no longer have SIGINT and SIGQUIT ignored.
  • A shell execution environment now includes a file size limit (ulimit).
  • In pattern matching, treatment of an unescaped backslash at the end of a pattern has been clarified.
  • Ordering of pathnames that compare equal is now suggested to fall back on byte-to-byte comparison.
  • The behavior of the "break" and "continue" builtins has been clarified as to which loop the builtin should break or continue.
  • The behavior of the "exit" builtin when invoked in a subshell has been clarified.
  • The "export", "readonly", "set", and "times" builtins now can return a non-zero exit status.

Changes in non-special builtins are not included in this list. Minor changes that do not affect shell implementations are not listed here. Some changes do not affect the behavior of yash, but tests for yash might need to be fixed.

2016-10-23 21:28 Updated by: magicant

Seems there are no behavioral changes in non-special builtins.

2016-10-24 00:06 Updated by: magicant
  • Status Update from Open to Closed
  • Ticket Close date is changed to 2016-10-24 00:06

I think there's nothing to do for

  • Word expansion error and redirection error now must return an exit status between 1 and 125.
  • A shell execution environment now includes a file size limit (ulimit).
  • In pattern matching, treatment of an unescaped backslash at the end of a pattern has been clarified.
  • The behavior of the "exit" builtin when invoked in a subshell has been clarified.
  • The "export", "readonly", "set", and "times" builtins now can return a non-zero exit status.

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