Ticket #38260

Commit Monitor: problem using external Diff Viewer

Open Date: 2018-05-11 21:33 Last Update: 2018-05-15 16:09



Hi, I changed laptop with a consequent change of OS from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (ver. 1709, build SO 16299.371) and installed the new Commit Monitor release I found a difference of behavior of Commit Monitor respect to what happens with version on the Windows 7 old laptop: - I unchecked "Use TortoiseSVN for showing diffs" option - I set WinMerge as externel Diff Viewer (path: C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe) - if, by Commit monitor main window, I double-click on a commit raw it doesn't open the "Changed files" pop-up window with the list of changed files but it directly opens WinMerge and the relative "Open" pop-up with "Left file" path set to the "Diff" file (e.g. C:\Users\maurizio.delmaestro\AppData\Roaming\CommitMonitor\4FU_6542.diff ). Instead in the windows 7 scenario with version, it opens "Changed files" pop-up and then, if I double click on a file, it opens WinMerge showing both the committed file and the previous and highlighting their differences.

It seems that with win10 the usage of external Diff Viewer has some problems.

Thanks in advance Maurizio

Ticket History (3/12 Histories)

2018-05-11 21:33 Updated by: mdelmaestro
  • New Ticket "Commit Monitor: problem using external Diff Viewer" created
2018-05-12 16:29 Updated by: stefankueng
  • Status Update from Open to Closed

The behavior hasn't changed. It has always worked that way: if a commit has changes to multiple files, then the "Changed files" dialog comes up first. But if a commit has only changes to one single file, then the diff viewer is opened directly.

2018-05-14 16:30 Updated by: mdelmaestro

Hi, thanks for Your prompt answer. I know the behaviour regarding the specific case of single changed files vs direct opening of the external diff viewer. Probably I didn't clearly explain: the issue is not the direct opening of Diff Viewer itself but the fact that it doesn't direclty show the two vertical-tiled comparison sub-windows with the old revision as Left file (commit id 'M') and the new (commit id 'N', with N<M). What happens is that WinMerge is, correctly, directly opened but it shows the "File\Open" pop-up with the "Left" file box filled with path and name of the "Diff" file (e.g. C:\Users\maurizio.delmaestro\AppData\Roaming\CommitMonitor\4FU_6542.diff ) and the "Right" file box empty instead of showing directly the Left and Right files and highlighting the differences as happened with the previous version I used (see above). Hoping that this is a more description of the issue, I thank You in advance.

Best regards

2018-05-14 16:31 Updated by: mdelmaestro

errata corrige: ....(commit id 'N', with 'N'>'M')....

2018-05-14 17:34 Updated by: None

Reply To stefankueng

The behavior hasn't changed. It has always worked that way: if a commit has changes to multiple files, then the "Changed files" dialog comes up first. But if a commit has only changes to one single file, then the diff viewer is opened directly.

Please see my following further comment. Thanks

2018-05-14 19:01 Updated by: mdelmaestro

Reply To (Anonymous)

Reply To stefankueng

The behavior hasn't changed. It has always worked that way: if a commit has changes to multiple files, then the "Changed files" dialog comes up first. But if a commit has only changes to one single file, then the diff viewer is opened directly.

Please see my following further comment. Thanks

Please find a more detailed description within attached files. Best regards

2018-05-15 02:36 Updated by: stefankueng

There's a checkbox "Use TortoiseSVN to show diff". If checked, then it doesn't matter what diff viewer you configure in CM: TSVN does the diffing. Which means you have to configure Winmerge in TSVN, not in CM as the diff viwer.

2018-05-15 16:09 Updated by: None

Hi Stefan, many thanks for the explanation. In effect I "differently" interpret the concept of "Diff viewer" in CM, which is actually related to the xxx_diff file generated by it. I thought the Diff viewer setting was for calling a diff viewer TSVN like... but this can only be done by TSVN... Sorry for my fault and thanks for CM itself too. BR

Attachment File List


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