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This is a fork of Zandronum used on servers hosted by The Sentinels Playground (TSPG), Euroboros (EB), and Down Under Doomers (DUD).

Commit MetaInfo

Revision82c883d82cce28d53d53fb333058eadeb6327a0a (tree)
Time2022-09-07 21:56:59
AuthorAdam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmai...>
CommiterAdam Kaminski

Log Message

Updated the version history.

Change Summary

Incremental Difference

diff -r a079616e5796 -r 82c883d82cce docs/zandronum-history.txt
--- a/docs/zandronum-history.txt Sun Sep 04 22:11:19 2022 +0200
+++ b/docs/zandronum-history.txt Wed Sep 07 08:56:59 2022 -0400
@@ -12,6 +12,84 @@
1212 ===============================================================================================================
18+*+ - Added the new AUTHINFO lump, allowing modders to define their own list of lumps to be authenticated. [Kaminsky]
19++ - Added CVars: "con_interpolate" and "con_speed" which interpolates and controls how fast the console moves. Based on featues from ZCC. [Kaminsky]
20++ - Added ACS functions: "GetCurrentMapPosition", "GetEventResult", "GetActorSectorLocation", and "ChangeTeamScore". [Kaminsky]
21++ - Added an optional parameter to the ACS function GetChatMessage to let color codes to stay in chat messages. [Kaminsky]
22++ - Add the resetmap command and associated vote type. [DrinkyBird]
23++ - Added new BotScript commands that allow controlling more inputs (e.g. altfire, crouch, and use), and also to execute ACS_ExecuteWithResult. [TDRR]
24++ - Added the CVar "snd_lockmusic" which prevents any music changes as if a playlist was playing, based on a feature from ZCC. [Kaminsky]
25++ - Added the CVar "blood_fade_usemaxhealth", which scales the intensity of the blood based on the player's max health instead of a hardcoded health of 100, unless the server wants to force max blood on the screen. [Kaminsky]
26++ - Added the AAPTR_PLAYER_GETCAMERA constant that returns the actor a player is looking from. [Kaminsky]
27++ - Added an argument to GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED that indicates if the actor was spawned by the level or not. [Kaminsky]
28++ - Added the dmflag "sv_donthidestats" to show an enemy player's stats. [DoomJoshuaBoy]
29++ - Added a new SelfObituary actor property for when a player kills themselves with an actor. This replaces Skulltag's hardcoded self obituaries for the BFG10K and Grenades. [DrinkyBird]
30++ - Added the DECORATE flags GIVEFISTINGMEDAL and GIVESPAMMEDAL. Projectiles or puffs with these flags will award the player with the "fisting" and "spam" medals respectively upon killing an enemy player. [Kaminsky]
31++ - Added an option to filter the server list by name within the built-in server browser menu. [Kaminsky]
32++ - Added the dmflag "sv_dontoverrideplayercolors", which prevents player colors from being overriden. [Kaminsky]
33++ - Added the EVENT script types for domination: GAMEEVENT_DOMINATION_CONTROL for when a team takes control of a point sector, and GAMEEVENT_DOMINATION_POINT for when a team gets a point for owning a sector. [Kaminsky]
34+- - Fixed: clients didn't initialize a sector's friction properly in some cases due to a superfluous check that wasn't removed earlier. [Kaminsky]
35+- - Fixed: the server wouldn't initialize compatflags and compatflags2 properly if entered as command line parameters. [Kaminsky]
36+- - Fixed: serverinfo CVars entered on the command line were restored in reverse order. [Kaminsky]
37+- - Fixed: PickActor wouldn't pick actors that were the same species if called by the server. [Kaminsky]
38+- - Fixed: chat messages sent by the server weren't colorized properly. [Kaminsky]
39+- - Fixed: restarting the map didn't unfreeze the game properly in online games. [Kaminsky]
40+- - Fixed: Changing the COUNTKILL flag via A_ChangeFlag didn't update the invasion monster count. [Kaminsky]
41+- - Fixed: projectiles and bulletpuffs didn't trigger GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_SPAWNED if "ForceSpawnEventScripts" was enabled. [Kaminsky]
42+- - Fixed: RCON clients still printed two copies of the chat message that they sent. [Kaminsky]
43+- - Fixed: spectating a morphed player could potentially crash the game. [Kaminsky]
44+- - Fixed: a player could get stuck in the chasecam in co-op game modes if they respawn when it's disallowed. [Kaminsky]
45+- - Fixed: PlayerSpeedTrail powerups always used a player's chosen skin even if their current weapon had its own preferred skin. [Kaminsky]
46+- - Fixed: a player's old body didn't show a weapon's preferred skin when they respawned. [Kaminsky]
47+- - Fixed: changing cl_skin also changed a player's scale even though P_CheckPlayerSprite already handled the skin's scaling automatically every tick. [Kaminsky]
48+- - Fixed: clients didn't clear their maplist first when reconnecting to the server via the "map" CCMD. [Kaminsky]
49+- - Fixed: the server rejected backup weapon select commands that used different weapon network indices but had the same client gametic. [Kaminsky]
50+- - Fixed: GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_DAMAGED didn't trigger when the player took poison damage. [Kaminsky]
51+- - Fixed: GetMapRotationInfo now always returns zero (or an empty string) if the maplist is empty, the map position's level info is invalid, or if the current map position isn't the current level. [Kaminsky]
52+- - Fix a crash with the Hexen Firestorm weapon projectiles caused by a compiler misoptimization on Linux architecture. [Edward-san]
53+- - Fixed: players appeared jittery when standing on lifts moving downward in online games. [Kaminsky]
54+- - Fixed: players couldn't spy on enemy bots in offline deathmatch games like they could in 3.0 anymore. [Kaminsky]
55+- - Fixed: the player's view didn't revert back to itself if they were spying on an enemy player when lms_spectatorview was disabled. [Kaminsky]
56+- - Fixed: clients could give players more health when they weren't allowed to know their actual health. [Kaminsky]
57+- - Fixed: Player.DamageScreenColor didn't work properly in online games if it used a specific damage type. [Kaminsky]
58+- - Fixed: CCMDs that came after a "wait" CCMD were always flagged as unsafe and couldn't be executed.
59+- - Fixed: events triggered in the middle of another event could override the result value of the latter. [Kaminsky]
60+- - Fixed: fast projectiles didn't reward players with an accuracy or precision medal. [Kaminsky]
61+- - Fixed: medal icons drawn on the screen didn't fade out properly. [Kaminsky]
62+- - Fixed: PLAYERINFO_TEAM didn't return 255 if the player wasn't on team like it does in GZDoom. [Kaminsky]
63+- - Fixed: unlagged would also reconcile for bots, causing them to miss shots in online games. [Kaminsky]
64+- - Fixed: the 64-bit Windows build would never produce a crash report.
65+- - Fixed: The random class was still selectable in the join menu when NoRandomPlayerClass was enabled in MAPINFO. [DrinkyBird]
66+- - Fixed: when a player joined a new team in online games, the health and armor of their new teammates weren't updated. [Kaminsky]
67+- - Fixed: clients sometimes invalidated "nextmap" or "nextsecret" vote types despite the vote successfully being called on the server's end. [Kaminsky]
68+- - Fixed: A_Saw did not consume ammo properly online. [Kaminsky]
69+- - Fixed: the built-in server browser was broken since 3.1 due to the "unsafe command restart" error. This adds an extra prompt message before the user can join a server. [Kaminsky]
70+- - Fixed: dead players and spectators in the join queue did not respawn at the start of a new wave in survival invasion. [Kaminsky]
71+- - Fixed: The countdown screen in invasion did not show the correct wave after the level changed. [Kaminsky]
72+- - Fixed: trailing color codes weren't being removed properly from chat strings. [Kaminsky]
73+- - Fixed: a player's class could still change if they were still alive when travelling from one map to the next in cooperative. [Kaminsky]
74+- - Fixed: players could still respawn (albeit frozen) during the result sequence if sv_forcerespawn was on. [Kaminsky]
75+- - Fixed: puffs didn't enter their XDeath states in online games. [Kaminsky]
76+- - Fixed: spawning game mode artifacts like the possession stone and terminator ball didn't correctly account for useplayerstartz. [Kaminsky]
77+! - The result value of GAMEEVENT_MEDALS event scripts can now be used to determine whether or not the player receives the medal. [Kaminsky]
78+! - GAMEMODE flags are now validated after all GAMEMODE lumps have been parsed instead of after each one. The internal game mode name (e.g. "TeamLMS") is now printed with the error message instead of the actual name. [Kaminsky]
79+! - Added an extra check to ensure that game modes have a (short) name. [Kaminsky]
80+! - Restrict broadcasted net commands to clients who already have the full update. [Torr Samaho]
81+! - "wait 0" is now acceptable and will properly wait one tic. This is because the wait CCMD was always off by one tic, meaning that "wait" or "wait 1" actually delayed a command by 2 tics. [Kaminsky]
82+! - Changed "sv_respawndelaytime" into a float. It's now possible to set respawn times that are below one second. [Kaminsky]
83+! - The "ready to respawn in..." message now always appears if a player can respawn, which can be disabled with the CVar "r_drawrespawnstring". [Kaminsky]
84+! - The server now updates a spectator's lagging status to all clients and the mini lag icon on the scoreboard now shows for spectators. [Kaminsky]
85+! - By default, the join queue is no longer cleared between levels for all game modes like in duel. The old behaviour can be restored by enabling the new dmflag "sv_dontkeepjoinqueue" which also works in duel. [Kaminsky]
86+! - Unlagged now restores a player's old height when reconciling them. [Kaminsky]
87+! - sv_hostname is now cleaned up so that any unacceptable characters and trailing crap are removed. [Kaminsky]
88+! - The "fisting" medal is now only awarded if the player frags another player with a melee hitscan attack, or with a projectile or puff that awards the medal, as it should be. [Kaminsky]
89+! - The "spam" medal is now only awarded if the player frags another player with a projectile or puff that awards the medal, as it should be. [Kaminsky]
90+! - Blacklisted the connect, disconnect, reconnect, and restart CCMDs from ConsoleCommand. [Kaminsky]
1593 3.1
1694 ---