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Nix flake for RPython interpreters

Rev. Time Author
e0d54da main master 2024-06-06 13:57:37 Corbin

regiux: Stub out binary ops.

The provided addition op works fine, first try. But I'm not going to be
worried about that. Why wouldn't it work? The curry is so very natural.
I was expecting an RPython error but the translator is generous today.

72d1f1b 2024-06-06 13:24:06 Corbin

regiux: Add string literals.

There's some future work to be done here with quasiliterals.

741ecbc 2024-06-05 00:06:13 Corbin

Switch over to PyPy bootstrap.

It's faster overall -- 30min for building PyPy vs 15min for building
CPython, and that's paid back after the first two or three builds since
CPython is so slow at specializing blocks.

f528ed9 2024-06-02 13:21:41 Corbin

bf: Correctly compile empty loops.

They are used as comments in some codebases. In particular, this allows
us to run awib, the infamous self-hosting polyglot Brainfuck compiler.

801ef89 2024-06-02 12:19:53 Corbin

bf: Recognize two-destination scale-and-add operations.

This could be generalized, with a bit of compile-time metaprogramming,
to recognize e.g. five-destination loops. I'll do that if I see any
examples of it in the wild. I'm not sure if the metaprogramming is worth
it for only two cases, though.

04f13a7 2024-05-25 11:28:14 Corbin

regiux: Implement Booleans and if-expressions.

00d1378 2024-05-24 17:10:55 Corbin

Add Pixie.

Also do a bunch of required fixups. Pixie doesn't yet build, but we are
starting to get some patterns about broken packages, since they are
broken in similar ways due to bitrot.

Topaz is still broken, and now marked as such. There is now a flag to
allow building with PyPy's full source tree, for Topaz or others which
need it.

7b37723 2024-05-24 16:11:57 Corbin

Uniformly build all three PyPys from a single file.

We no longer pass through any `nixpkgs` derivation directly. Instead,
everything is built via bootstrapped RPython.

1530ce8 2024-05-15 11:09:37 Corbin

reguix: Wire up basic inherits.

784b438 2024-05-15 09:47:55 Corbin

reguix: Implement builtin attrset and application.

I had to figure out a fair amount of structure. We now compile on top of
a live scope, directly embedding our objects into the heap and
incorporating live references.

80d03fd 2024-05-01 14:11:55 Corbin

regiux: Sketch a loop-detecting heap.

The basic idea is borrowed from GHC, which does something similar.

cec3488 2024-05-01 11:35:52 Corbin

regiux: Sketch out the construction of attrsets.

An attrset's names are statically known! So, we should probably compile
it to some sort of key-thunk structure.

4e8c0fe 2024-04-30 16:26:47 Corbin

regiux: Set up a basic division of responsibility.

The idea is that we need two workflows:

* REPL: given a top-level expr, repeatedly stir the heap
* Recursive Nix: From within a heap action, invoke the parser and
possibly the builder

We're punting on building for as long as possible, but even without
builders we may still have a situation where we import code from the Nix
store while mid-evaluation. To handle this, we want to slowly pivot
towards a single unified workflow:

* Given a heap object, reduce it to WHNF or NF (two methods)
* REPL: Compile to a heap object, reduce it to WHNF, print it
* Recursive Nix: While reducing a heap object, invoke the parser

Now, the *real* complexity will be in invoking the *builder* while
reducing the heap; that would require some sort of scheduler and
reactor, possibly using CPS techniques to add continuations as
callbacks. Mother of monads, event loops, etc. This is already
well-known to be a monadic structure, so we'll have to tackle it
eventually, but not today.

7ec0ccb 2024-04-30 15:44:34 Corbin

regiux: Split parser.

3db3015 2024-04-28 14:35:39 Corbin

reguix: More of the parser.

The remaining parts have to do with lexing and parsing of quasiliteral
strings. Parsing these is always...involved. It seems rply doesn't
support the CppNix approach of stateful lexing, so instead we'll have
to carefully lex quasiliterals into pieces and parse the pieces.

76a9968 2024-04-28 08:07:07 Corbin

regiux: Disentangle bad refs.

Now lambdas pretty-print. Let's figure out attrsets next!

4eff9c5 2024-04-27 19:24:04 Corbin

regiux: More parsing.

821f440 2024-04-27 16:58:10 Corbin

regiux: Hack out about half of Nix's grammar.

Okay, maybe more like a third. There's a bunch of gnarly regexes that
probably can be ported directly for the lexer, a bunch of implicit
characters that have to be explicitly catalogued and named, and a lot of
boxes to be written for the parser.

I've used as much metaprogramming as I can here, but historically
RPython doesn't like autogeneration of box classes, so they are
handwritten. Yuck.

971f8f9 2024-04-27 12:08:12 Corbin

Set up scaffolding for a Nix parser.

The name is based on a suggestion from
https://fosstodon.org/@IslandUsurper/112322426945766066 and is a pun on
*Python regius*, or "royal python", the Latin name for ball pythons.

9880bcc 2024-04-27 10:37:34 Corbin

Remove non-reproducible builds from the bootstrap.

This is eventually going to go into a tarball; reproducibility will only
grow in importance and we have already been paying the build cost
without a problem. (PyPy's build is RAM-limited first and CPU-limited
second, and doesn't spend much time in stdlib code compared to RPython
code, so optimizing CPython's stdlib bytecode doesn't help much.)

8c9efdc 2024-04-23 07:46:49 Corbin

Remove Tcl/Tk support from the bootstrap.

This is functionally dead code even at runtime; everything already
builds without it.

80c99cc 2024-04-20 12:01:52 Corbin

bf: Better JIT debugging; one more peephole.

4a430c6 2024-04-20 10:32:57 Corbin

bf: Hash-cons all ops.

This is so many lines of code, but it pays off. In exchange for around
30 lines of code, we get about a 50% improvement on Mandelbrot time
spent in JIT, and maybe a 10-15% speedup.

What's happening here? RPython JIT greens are compared by pointer when
they are structs, not by contents. There's no way to override this,
because the comparison is on the JIT's hot path for interp. Instead, we
have to hash-cons the entire structure of ops so that two ops will
compare equal by pointer when they are equal by contents. This could be
generated, somewhat, but there's no good answer for the linear scan on
loops or other variadic components.

So, the hash-consing means fewer code objects, which improves the JIT's
performance because it doesn't recompile equivalent code multiple times.

942651c 2024-04-20 09:11:15 Corbin

bf: Recognize add-and-scale idiom.

86c5485 2024-04-20 04:17:28 Corbin

bf: Add optimizing ops, peephole, delooper.

Simpler than it sounds! I get to exploit the Abelian group actions on
the two pairs of ops Inc/Dec and Right/Left to track them with integers,
and they are free other than the type tag; this works because integers
are the initial Abelian group.

I've seen a couple folks go further down this particular direction, but
I'm going to say that this is sufficient for now, because we're now 20%
faster on Mandelbrot than Brown's original interpreter. Our main source
of speedups is fundamentally from reducing the tape from a
dynamically-allocated compound structure into a statically-allocated
arena. We also use op fusion to overcome otherwise-difficult sequences
for the JIT, like repeated subtraction and copying/moving memory.

f84502b 2024-04-19 16:56:12 Corbin

bf: Rewrite.

This mostly trades speed for lines, in the sense that it's about twice
as slow to perform an indirect dispatch as to have the direct dispatch
inlined into an opcode loop. However, I have about 40 spare lines...

0af751c 2024-04-19 14:25:13 Corbin

Factor RPython libs, set up bootstrap and checks.

Well, a single check, at least.

9d032db 2024-04-17 15:55:39 Corbin

Use re-bootstrapped PyPy2 to translate DIVSPL.

Surprisingly, I didn't need any of the nixpkgs framing for this.

28dbbef 2024-04-17 15:11:21 Corbin

Yoink CPython 2.7 over from nixpkgs to form a bootstrap.

Demonstrate that we can build PyPy for Python 2.7 as an intermediate
step to building other interpreters.

31ace2b 2024-04-17 01:20:37 Corbin

Don't re-export Typhon.

Instead, let Monte users (all 2 of them!) import it from the downstream
flake. This lets us focus on providing generic RPython builders here.